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Lauren is waiting for me as soon as I get to our en-suite. She grabs my bare hips and pushes me against the wall as her lips meet mine in a hungry kiss. Her nails dig into my hips causing me to gasp and she uses the opportunity to sweep her tongue inside my mouth as her perky nipples brush against mine, turning me on even more. I moan into her mouth as she hungrily kisses me and she backs up towards the shower door, pulling me with her.

We break the kiss and walk into the shower and I notice Lauren already has both shower heads going. I wrap my arms around her as I place gentle kisses to her bare shoulders. I'm caught off guard when she suddenly grabs my hips, spins me around and pushes my chest against the cold shower tile wall. She presses her front against my back and rolls her hips against my ass. I exhale a ragged breath as the throbbing between my legs increases for her.

Lauren uses her knee and wedges my legs apart. She slides one hand from my hip down the outside of my thigh and skims her nails over my skin as she moves her hand to my inner thigh and drags her nails across my skin. Her mouth finds my ear and she kisses it then whispers "I can't wait to feel you." A rush of chills run down my spine and I exhale heavily as my mind clouds with the need only for my wife.

"Yes, please..." tumbles from my lips because I am desperate for my wife to have her way with me. It's so hot when she takes control during sex.

Lauren kisses below my ear and works her way down my neck as her fingers skim across my clit causing my body to twitch. She licks, sucks and kisses on my neck and I moan as she rubs my clit with her fingers. My head falls back against Lauren's shoulder as she presses against my clit and it gives her better access to my neck which she takes advantage of. She releases the sensitive skin on my neck and hoarsely says "no matter how many times I've had you, I just can't get enough of feeling you on my fingers. The way it feels when your walls tighten and you cum on my fingers just makes me so wet."

"B-baby... if you keep talking like that I will cum right now." I manage to say. Lauren smiles against my neck as she grinds her hips harder against my ass. She bites down on my neck as she pushes one finger into my wet pussy. "Oh fuckkk," I moan right before Lauren slips a second finger into my pussy and slowly thrust in and out. "Yes... yes baby..." She continues kissing and sucking on my neck as she thrusts her fingers inside me while the palm of her hand presses against my clit.

"L-Lauren, yes baby... don't stop..." I moan as I feel my walls start to tighten around her fingers as she finger fucks me.

Lauren slows her fingers as she kisses up my neck to my ear. "Fuck my hand...," she says as she nibbles on my ear lobe. "Fuck my hand baby. Fuck it until you cum all over my fingers. I want to feel you tighten around my fingers." My face feels like it's on fire and my mind is in a fog hearing Lauren talk to me like that. I turn my head to the side as far as I can to look at her. She leans forward and captures my lips as she thrust her fingers inside me. "Fuck... my... hand." She says again in a stern voice between kisses.

I rest the palms of my hands on the shower wall to steady myself on my already weak legs and begin grinding against Lauren's hand and fingers. I grind my hips ruthlessly as she curls her fingers inside me, hitting my g-spot as her palm presses against my clit. She moves her other hand from my hip to my breasts. She switches between the two as she kneads and pinches my nipples. "Yes... baby!"

"Oh... oh fuck, Lauren..." I moan as I lean my head back against Lauren's shoulder and turn my head enough so she can kiss me again and she kisses me with hunger as she grinds harder against my ass. "Lau-ren...," I pant as my walls clench around her fingers, my body trembles and my legs become weaker.

I coat Lauren's fingers with warm cum as my orgasm hits and she suddenly removes her hand from my breasts and grabs my hip. "Oh fuckkk... fuck baby...," she moans in pure ecstasy as her own orgasm hits from her grinding against my ass. Both of our bodies tremble from pleasure and Lauren gently pulls her fingers out of my drench pussy. She rests her forehead against the back of my neck as she is breathing heavily.

I finally turn around, drape my arms over Lauren's shoulders and step us under the hot water of the shower and tenderly kiss her lips. My heart is still pounding and I know it's partially from the intense orgasm I just had and the love I have for my wife.

"I-I'm sorry Kyler. I don't... I don't know what came over me." Lauren says as she wraps her arms around me and lays her head against my shoulder.

I pull back enough to look at Lauren and turn her face to me. "Baby, it's sexy as hell when you take control. It turns me on so much and the way you were talking to me nearly made me cum without you doing anything else. Don't even get me started on the fact that you orgasmed just from grinding against my ass like that. So fucking sexy."

I kiss Lauren's lips and she blushes then smiles at me as she pulls away so we can actually shower. She has a grin plastered on her beautiful face as we both get under a shower head and begin showering. We constantly steal glances at each other and I shamelessly stare at my wife. Lauren glances at me and laughs because of me staring at her and just hearing the sound of her laugh makes my heart soar.

Suddenly, Lauren encloses the space between us and passionately kisses me. "I love you," she whispers against my lips.

"I love you more." I whisper back as I cup Lauren's face in my hands.

Lauren smiles, "I love you the most" and seals her declaration with a loving kiss.

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