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I wrap a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom after a nice hot shower. I actually got off work early today since that project was finally finished. As soon as I turn the corner there is a very naked Ms. Kelly Parker, my boss, laying on my hotel bed. I quickly turn around while covering my eyes. "What the fuck are you doing in my hotel room Ms. Parker and why the hell are you naked? Get the fuck out of my room!" I yell at my boss.

"Oh come on Kyler, I've already told you multiple times that you can call me Kelly and I just want to show you a good time baby." Ms. Parker says with her annoying voice.

"Don't ever call me that! When I get back out of the bathroom, you had better be gone!" I yell at Ms. Parker. This bitch is crazy. With my back facing her, I quickly grab some clothes from the dresser and rush to the bathroom to get dressed. She had better be gone when I get out. How the hell she got in my hotel room is beyond me because I know the door was locked.

I walk back out of the bathroom dressed to find Ms. Parker is still in my room and still on the bed. At least she is not completely naked now, she put on the robe that was in the closet but I still want her out of here. She tilts her head to the side and smirks as she looks me up and down as she crosses her legs. "I always get what I want Kyler, I thought I made that clear when you first came here." She says as she uncrosses her legs and stands up.

I glance around looking for my phone and notice Ms. Parker pulling a phone from the pocket of the robe. "Is that my phone?" I ask as I glare at her.

Ms. Parker chuckles "oh, yeah some woman was calling while you were in the shower so I answered it." She shrugs as she tosses my phone onto the bed. She gets off the bed and takes a step towards me and I step to the side so I can dodge her and get to my phone. I grab my phone and look through my recent calls. I see Lauren was the last call and that it was in fact answered.

I grit my teeth and look at Ms. Parker. I'm ready to punch her in the throat right now. "You answered my phone? Why would you do that and what the fuck did you say to my wife!" She just laughs as I dial Lauren's number and it just rings until her voicemail picks up. I end the call and try again and again and again but it's the same thing. I put my phone in my pocket, turn around, grab my suitcase and put it on the bed. I start throwing all of my stuff in the suitcase. I'm so over this shit and people trying to mess with mine and Lauren's relationship but more importantly our marriage. I am also tired of this internship.

"Oh come on Kyler. What do you think you're doing?" Ms. Parker asks. "I figured we could go out for drinks and dinner. Maybe come back here and relax. It's not like I'm proposing to you. Originally I was trying to help my step-sister out but I actually want to get to know you better and have some fun, I really like you. I love a woman with tattoos and would love to see what others you may have hidden. Can't we just have fun, it's not like your so-called wife has to know just like you don't have to know what her and my step-sister are hopefully doing."

I shake my head trying to ignore Ms.Parker as I grab my suitcase after zipping it and walk past her towards the door. I'm not stupid enough to believe her lies about Lauren. I know my wife and I know she wouldn't do that to me. "I'm done. You can take the internship and shove it up your ass. And you... you can go to hell!"

As soon as I reach for the doorknob, Ms. Parker says "if you walk out that door, you're done in the advertising business and I will make sure of that. You know, for someone so young you're such a stick in the mud. Go ahead though, run back to your little whore of a...."

I ball my right hand into a fist and see nothing but red as I rush back to Ms. Parker and punch her right in the mouth. She falls to the floor holding her mouth and trying to yell in between crying hysterically. "Don't you say another damn thing about my wife." I grit through my teeth as I walk back to the door opening it. I grab my suitcase with the hand I just hit her with and winch in pain because my hand hurts like crazy. I didn't realize I hit her that hard.

As I start to walk out of the hotel room I completely stop when Ms. Parker finally says "my step-sister Stephanie is right about Lauren and you're no different. It's ridiculous how you two are so hung up on each other when someone better is right in front of both of you. Why go for an older pregnant woman? She can't do anything for you like I can."

I don't have time for this bitch or the shit she's saying so I continue through the open hotel room door. Before letting go of the door, I glance back one more time at Ms. Parker who is still sitting on the floor and say "fuck you!"

I get downstairs to the parking garage and rush to my car. After putting my suitcase in the trunk, I jump in my car and try calling Lauren again. This time it goes straight to her voicemail so I know she has turned her phone off. I hit the road on my way back to San Antonio and to my wife. My hand is hurting like hell but that's the least of my worries right now. Punching that bitch was so worth it especially after her remarks about Lauren. It was bad enough her not letting me have the weekends off I was supposed to have and her constant flirting that I had shut down numerous times. What I will not tolerate though is her talking about my wife like that.

It's normally a 2 hour and 55 minute drive from Houston to our house in San Antonio but I made it in 2 hours and 20 minutes. I know I was speeding to get home but I needed to get home to my wife. I might have made it sooner if it wasn't for traffic. I pull into the garage and park beside Lauren's Ford Edge which I am relieved to see. I have no idea what that bitch said to Lauren and I know my wife is probably thinking the worst since that bitch had the nerve to answer my phone. Lauren should know I would never do anything like that to her but I know it's hard for her considering what she went through with Mike.

I quickly get out of my car, leaving my suitcase behind and hurry to unlock the door. As I step inside our house, I am met with darkness and silence. "Lauren?" I say as I turn the kitchen light on. I get no answer so I walk to the living room "baby?" I call out but still get no answer so I head towards our bedroom. I open our bedroom door and once again I'm met with darkness but I can make out my wifes figure laying in our bed on her side with her back facing me. I ditch my shoes and the bed dips as I lay down behind Lauren. "Baby, are you awake?" I whisper and the silence is broken as I hear a sob escape her.

I quickly wrap my right arm around Lauren, careful not to bump my hurting hand and I bury my face in the crevice of her neck and breathe in her calming scent. "Baby?" I whisper again.

I hear another sob as Lauren mumbles "I am so stupid..."

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