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Lauren's voice itself can be a turn on but hearing her sex laced voice when she talks dirty just makes me so fucking wet. She grinds her sexy body against mine as she is holding my arms above my head. She bucks her hips against me again and closes the small space between our faces.

Lauren kisses me with an urgency that I eagerly reciprocate. When she pulls away from our heated kiss she smirks at me as she finally lets go of my hands then quickly latches onto my right nipple causing me to gasp. She sucks and nips on my hardened nipple then aggressively swirls her tongue around and around making me wish her tongue was on my pussy doing the same.

Lauren switches to my left nipple doing the same thing and my hands grip the sheets as I try to stay quiet. She finally moves down, stops at my pelvis and sucks on my mound right above my clit until she leaves a deep purple mark. Lauren locks eyes with me as she places a kiss on her love mark but what cause my body to shiver is when she licks the mark too. Lauren shifts down completely between my legs. She skims her fingertips across every inch on my skin that she can reach as she caresses and teases my body until I am trembling beneath her.

I move my hands to Lauren's shoulders and gently push to try and get her closer to my drenched pussy quicker. She giggles in response to my neediness but slowly lifts my legs and drapes them over her shoulders. "Please" I desperately moan because the anticipation of feeling her mouth on me is killing me. She holds my hips and lightly licks against my wet folds in a slow motion. She places a kiss on my clit then blows against it, making a chill run all over me.

"Laur...." I start to say but my words stop as Lauren presses her tongue against my clit and starts licking forcefully. I close my eyes as she brushes a finger through my folds and spreads my arousal around then slowly pushes two fingers inside my wet, tight pussy. "Ohh yesss," I moaned louder than I intended. The intense pleasure washing over me causes me to arch off of the bed and I know I will not last long.

"Damn your a little tight," Lauren says as she pulls her wonderful mouth away from my clit causing my opens to suddenly open. She moves her fingers around, stretching me enough for her fingers then pumps her fingers faster.

"Yes, baby... yes... so good." I moan as I look down at my wife and she is already looking at me. She watches me as she leans back in and wraps her lips around my clit. She starts sucking with determination as she pumps her fingers in and out of me and I can't help but to thrust my hips and grind against her face desperate for my orgasm.

Lauren uses her teeth and nips at my clit which causes me to jolt forward, gripping a handful of her hair as I moan in pleasure. "Fuck... you feel so good Lauren," I breathe as I feel the pit of my stomach tightening. "Yesss baby," I moan as Lauren continues to pump her fingers. She wraps her lips back around my clit and sucks as she flicks against it with her tongue.

Lauren stops moving her fingers and pulls her mouth away and huskily says "spread your legs wider." I instantly spread my legs wider and she thrusts her fingers harder in and out of my drenched pussy as the sounds of wetness fill our bedroom. She leans back in and flicks her tongue against my clit as she continues finger fucking me. After a few more thrust, she curls her fingers inside me, hitting my g-spot.

Instead of Lauren thrusting against my g-spot she holds her fingers against it. I start to groan in frustration because I knew I was getting close to my orgasm but instead moan extremely loud as she sucks really hard on my clit while pressing against my g-spot.

My body stiffens as my orgasm rips through me causing me to grab the pillow and cover my mouth to quieten my moans. My hips nearly flew off the bed as I thrust into her face and hand from the overwhelming sensation spreading through my body. My body trembles as I cum all over Lauren's fingers and my toes curl as wave after wave of pleasure crashes through me.

As my body stops trembling, Lauren slowly pulls her fingers out of my pussy causing my body to jerk again. She kisses back up my body until she reaches my face then she just hovers over me. "You are always beautiful but you are even more beautiful when in pleasure," Lauren says as she brushes her nose against mine.

"I love you," I say as I pull her beautiful face to mine and hungrily kiss her.
Lauren settles beside me on our bed, "I love you too, baby." She says as she squirms around a little like she can't get comfortable.

"You okay?" I ask Lauren as I turn onto my side facing her.

A light tint of pink covers her cheeks and she mumbles "I'm... umm, seeing you orgasm just really turned me on again." I can't help the laugh that escapes me because it's always so cute how Lauren can be so dominant during sex then turn so shy after. I nearly choke on air though when she says "Kyler... get the strap."

I do exactly as I'm told and hurriedly move to the nightstand on my side of the bed. I grab the strapless strap on and move back over to Lauren where she has now sat up waiting on me. I straddle her with the toy in my hand and she eagerly slips two fingers between my legs, grazing my entrance and spreading my arousal around. She grabs the toy from me and rubs it against my entrance to properly lube it too then pushes it inside my pussy.

"Fuck," I gasp from the intrusion but also from the pleasure as the toy easily slides in. I steady myself to keep from falling onto Lauren and she quickly moves up onto the bed and opens her legs for me. I hover over her and lean down to capture Lauren's lips as I slowly graze the toy between her folds. I rub the toy at her entrance and spread her arousal all around her pussy.

"Fuck me, baby," Lauren breaths as she spreads her legs wider. Just her words and the sight of her before me causes butterflies to erupt in the pit of my stomach and my clit to throb.

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