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"What?" Kyler and I both ask as we look at Dr. Davis. She smiles at us and nods her head. "Oh my god!" Kyler exclaims as her eyes light up and she kisses me. She pulls away from the kiss and turns her attention to the doctor. "Are you sure Lauren is pregnant? Because she took two at home tests and they were both negative."

Dr. Davis laughs at the seriousness of my wife and says, "yes I'm sure. I did explain during the procedure that it's best to wait a little longer than two weeks before testing. Sometimes you will get a false negative and that's also why we do blood tests to confirm."

"Oh my god! I can't believe this." Kyler exclaims as she sits down in a chair and runs a hand through her hair. I can't stop the tears as they flow but it's tears of joy. "Are you happy?" I ask as I watch my wife.

Kyler quickly stands back up and says "you have no idea." She steps to the exam table, wraps her arms around me and lifts me off the exam table unexpectedly and spins me around. "I love you." Kyler whispers in my ear as she sets me back down on the exam table then wipes my tears.

"I love you too baby." I whisper back and I swear my heart melts at Kylers reaction and I feel myself getting even more emotional. More tears escape my eyes as I look at my wife and she quickly kisses me. She pulls away and rests her forehead against mine. "We're going to have a baby." Kyler whispers as a stay tear runs down her cheek. "Wow..." she exhales loudly as she places a hand on my abdomen.

Dr. Davis interrupts us "okay ladies, I'm glad y'all are so excited and I hate to ruin this happy moment up but I would like to go over the next steps." Kyler and I both nod in understanding so the doctor continues. "Okay, Lauren, you need to come back in two days to have another blood test done so we can check and make sure the levels are increasing as they should be. If they are, then I will schedule an intervaginal ultrasound two weeks later. If everything is good on the ultrasound then we will go over everything else and your pregnancy will be moving along smoothly. Just stop by the front on your way out for your appointment time on the 22nd. Once again, congratulations to you two and I will see y'all in two days."

Dr. Davis leaves the room and I feel all giddy inside. One from knowing that I'm pregnant and two from seeing how excited Kyler is. As I'm getting off the exam table, my wife is standing there just staring at me. Well, let me rephrase that, she is staring at my stomach. "Are you okay?" I ask as I grab her hand.

Kyler's eyes meet mine "I'm more than okay. I'm so happy and...." She says but stops and releases my hand. Before I can ask what's wrong, my wife bends down so she is level with my stomach. She lifts my shirt and a very giddy sounding "our baby" escapes her mouth then she places a soft kiss on my stomach. "I love you already" she says to my stomach and I giggle at her actions as I run my fingers through her black hair. Kyler places another kiss on my stomach then stands back up. She takes my hand as we walk out of the exam room to the front desk for my next appointment. Once we get outside, she excitedly says "I can't wait until your stomach is way out there."

I shake my head and laugh as Kyler opens my car door for me. Once we are both in the car and buckled in, we head home. I look over at my wife as she is driving, "is that all you want Kyler?" I ask with an amused grin. "You want to see me look like the Goodyear blimp? God, I'm going to be huge and end up with stretch marks." Once that thought crosses my mind, I instantly think about how Kyler will react to my changing body during pregnancy and especially afterwards. What if she doesn't find me attractive anymore? What if she doesn't want me anymore?

I'm pulled from my thoughts as I feel Kyler grab my hand. She brings it up to her lips and kisses my knuckles. She glances at me and says "do not get in your head about what you just said. Baby, I'm not with you just for your body. I mean yes, you are sexy and beautiful as hell but not just on the outside. I love your inner beauty just as much if not more." She kisses my knuckles again then lowers our hands down onto the center console.

I turn my head and look at my wife and smile. God, I am so lucky to have her. Kyler glances at me and smiles too. "Just so you know Lauren, you will look so adorable with a big belly and I guarantee you will be glowing. As for stretch marks, who cares. All that will do is add to your beauty. Plus if you end up with stretch marks, they will be a wonderful part of our story because they would be from you having our little bean."

I laugh at Kyler, "really, our little bean?" She nods her head yes and I can't help but laugh again. I lean my head against the head rest of my Ford Edge as I watch her drive us home. I'm so damn lucky that she is mine. "How are you so perfect?" I ask as I squeeze her hand.

Kyler shakes her head "I'm not perfect baby, just perfect for you, but you, you are the definition of perfection. Anyone would be honored to have you as their wife and trust me when I tell you that I am so very honored that you love me and married me. I am the luckiest woman alive. You should know by now that I will always love you, no matter what. You and our little bean are everything I need."

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