Epilogue Part 1

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I'm sitting at the kitchen island in my silk robe, drinking my morning coffee and texting our family to make sure everyone is set for dinner tonight. After sending the last text, I set my phone down and let out a big sigh. I knew this day would eventually happen but that doesn't mean I'm ready for it. Time seems to have flown by and it seems so unfair.

I close my eyes, letting out another sigh and I suddenly feel two hands massaging my shoulders through my silk robe. I smile as I lean my head back against Kyler's chest as her hands slide from my shoulders down my arms. "Hey baby. I missed you in bed when I woke up. Are you ready for today?" She whispers in my ear then places a kiss to my neck that makes me shiver.

I smile as I turn the stool to face my wife and kiss her lips. "Hey to you too and I'm actually kind of nervous." I admit out loud.

Kyler laughs as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me against her. "My love, you have nothing to be nervous about." She laughs again then adds, "You're not the one graduating today, Taytum is."

I groan as I bury my face in Kyler's neck. "I know" I mumble. "I just... I can't believe our little baby girl, our first born, is graduating high school today. How did we get here?" I feel Kyler chuckle and before she can say anything I move back so I can look at her then add "and I don't need your sarcastic remark. I know how we got here smart ass, it just doesn't seem real. Time went by too fast. It doesn't seem like we should have an 18 year old and a 15 year old already. It just seems like yesterday when Tristan was running around in a diaper chasing Taytum while both of their laughs filled the house."

Kyler rests her forehead against mine and we both sigh heavily. My eyes flutter close as she presses her lips against mine causing my heart to beat faster. I sweep my tongue across her lips and her mouth opens and I taste the lingering mint toothpaste on her tongue. One of Kyler's hands goes to the back of my neck and the other to my lower back as she pulls me closer. Her hand slips to my ass and she squeezes it making me moan into her mouth.

Kyler pulls away from our kiss with a sexy smirk on her lips as she moves her hands to the front of my robe, pushing it apart some. She skims her fingertips across my collarbone then down to the valley of my breast. "So beautiful." She whispers as she leans in and places a kiss to the top of each breast. Kyler's brown eyes are full of lust as she leans in and starts kissing my neck. One hand slides underneath the bottom hem of my robe and she gently caresses my left thigh, gradually moving her hand between my legs. She slips a finger between my folds and brushes against my clit causing me to thrust my hips towards her hand, wanting more.

Our intimate moment is interrupted when we hear Taytum "geez you two, always sucking face. I really should have made a kissing jar when I was little so every time y'all kiss in front of me, you would have to put a dollar in it. I would have a lot of money by now." Kyler and I both laugh as she removes her hand from under my robe and I pull the front of it back together. "I don't even want to know where your hands were. Y'all really have to make out here?" Kyler nods her head and I laugh again as Taytum rolls her eyes.

"We kiss all the time because we love each other and we're in love. Plus I just can't get enough of her lips among other things. You will know what that's like one day when you're not just crushing on the next door neighbor." Kyler says with a smirk and I jerk my head in Taytum's direction.

"You're crushing on our next door neighbor? Which neighbor? Wait, Danielle?" I ask because this is the first I'm hearing of this and Danielle is the only neighbor she could be crushing on. The neighbors on the other side of us are in their 70s.

Taytum cuts her eyes at her mom with a look that screams shut up. "Are you crushing on your boss Taytum?" I ask and I hear Kyler snicker as our daughter is shooting dangers at her mom with her eyes. "You know she is married Taytum." I hear Kyler clear her throat and I glance at my wife "hush" I say because I know she was going to make a remark about how I was also married when we first met. That's not anything I want to discuss with my child this morning, especially on her graduation day.

Taytum huffs as she leans against the countertop and glances between her mom and I. "I never said I was crushing on her or anyone and she's not my boss. That just sounds weird." Our daughter states as she grabs an apple from the fruit basket. Before taking a bite she says, "Momma... why couldn't I refuse being Valedictorian? I don't want to give a speech, I just want to get my graduation over with so I can hang out with my friends before our family dinner tonight."

I turn my attention fully to Taytum. "First of all, don't try to change the subject about Danielle. Second of all, she pays you to babysit her precious little girl so technically she is your boss. Thirdly, you should be proud of your accomplishments. You're the one that worked hard, kept all A's, a 3.9 gpa and scored a 32 on your ACT. We are super proud of you sweetie and you should be proud of yourself too. You know you will do fine with your speech even though you wouldn't let me proofread it."

Taytum swallows her bite of apple and a smile graces her face. "I am proud of my accomplishments and I know I worked hard. I just wish there were no speeches that way graduation could end quicker. Nobody cares anyway. Most everyone will be too interested in something on their phones so speeches are basically a waste."

Kyler and I both laugh at our daughter because she is right. I glance at the time and realize Kyler and I need to get ready. "Alright Taytum, your mom and I need to go get ready so we can head to the school. Plus we need to go make sure Tristan is up, we all know that boy can sleep through his alarm. He is not going to make us late again. You know what time you need to be there and no ripped jeans."

As I head towards the hallway to go to our bedroom, Kyler slaps my ass making Taytum groan in the process. "I will go make sure my brother is up while you two go do... just... go and stop all that in front of me." Taytum says as she hurries out of the kitchen causing Kyler and I to both laugh.

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