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   I search Lauren's eyes for any uncertainty but don't find any. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured to do this." I ask because I don't want her to feel like she has to do this for me. She has been so insecure about her body, I want to make sure she is comfortable.

   Lauren leans back in without hesitation and tenderly kisses me. "I want this... I need this, we need this." She says against my lips. I nod my head okay and turn the water off to the shower. We will just have to take a regular shower later and I'm okay with that so I can take care of my wife. I step out, grab a towel and pass it to Lauren. I grab another towel and we both quickly dry off then I lead her back into our bedroom. I guide Lauren to our bed and gently lay her down.

    I lay down beside Lauren and skim my fingertips from her thigh up to her chest. She sucks in a breath as I lightly skim over her hardened nipples. "Kyler," she whispers while her dilated blue eyes look deeply into my brown ones. "I really need you... now." Her cheeks take on a light red tint at her admission and it's the cutest thing when she blushes.

   I softly kiss her lips before whispering against her lips, "you need to be on top so you can take control." I kiss her lips again, "I don't want to hurt you or do anything you're not comfortable with."

   Lauren catches me off guard when she pulls me on top of her. "Please shut up and just make love to me. I'm where I want to be and I can't take it anymore."

   I do as I'm told, lower my head and gently take one of Lauren's hardened nipples into my mouth. It's music to my ears when I hear her gasp. I switch to her other nipple and get the same reaction which only turns me on even more. I kiss down Lauren's stomach and when I read the top of her c-section scar that starts a little above her belly button, I feel her tense up. I place gentle kisses down the length of her scar and I hear her sigh when I reach the end right above her pubic bone. "So beautiful." I whisper against her skin as I place one more kiss before I move further down.

   "You shaved," I mumble as I place a kiss on her bare pubic area. Lauren just hums her response and my eyes focus on her delicious pussy right in front of me. I place a kiss right above Lauren's clit and she shivers beneath me. Before I move, I slide my hands underneath her and grab two handfuls of her ass which causes a loud moan to escape her and she instantly tries to thrust upwards seeking relief.

   I smirk as I look up at Lauren and see her rising and falling chest. She locks eyes with me "please...."

   I move back up and tenderly connect our lips. "Are you sure?" I question as I caress Lauren's cheek because I want to make sure this is what she wants.

   Lauren smiles lovingly at me and tenderly connects our lips for a simple lingering kiss. "I'm one hundred percent sure." My wife says as she looks at me with lust filled eyes.

   I kiss the tip of Lauren's nose and smirk at her as I slip my right hand between our bodies and skim my middle finger up through her wet, hot silky smooth folds. I watch as Lauren's eyes flutter close. I skim my finger over her clit and feel her shiver below me. I watch in anticipation for the sound I love as I move my finger back down through her folds to her wet pussy.

   Lauren releases a sexy moan as I spread her arousal around and it's music to my ears. Her moans just do something to me. My heart is pounding and tingles course through my body as I gently push my middle finger inside of her which causes a sexy moan to leave her plump lips. I slowly move my finger inside her tight walls, stretching her enough to add another finger.

   "Oh God yes," Lauren moans when I push my ring finger inside her pussy to join my middle finger. She thrusts her hips forward, demanding more from my fingers. I happily oblige and palm her clit as I slowly move my fingers inside her drenched pussy. Another sexy moan escapes Lauren's mouth and it's music to my ears.

   "Yesss, Kyler! Please don't tease me." Lauren says as she thrusts her hips to meet my slow moving fingers. She reaches up, grabbing the back of my neck and roughly pulls my face down to hers for a passionate kiss. She pulls away just enough that her lips are ghosting over mine and whispers, "fuck my pussy baby."

   Hearing those words leave Lauren's mouth literally causing my pussy to throb, my own arousal to seep out of me and chills run down my spine. I stop moving my fingers completely because I was not expecting that. I quickly recover and thrust my middle and ring fingers hard into Lauren's soaked pussy. I'm rewarded by the sexiest sounding "fuckkk" leaving her mouth.

   Lauren grasps my face and huskily says, "you feel so good inside me" then latches onto my lips again. My lips part causing Lauren to follow my lead as I thrust my fingers in and out of her pussy. She thrust her tongue between my lips and devours my mouth as I finger fuck her hard.

   "Yes... Kyler... I... oh God... I...." Lauren moans as her head rests against the pillow and her eyes shut while she grinds her hips into my hand. "Fuck, baby," she moans as I feel her walls tightening around my fingers.

   Lauren grabs the back of my neck, digging her nails into my skin as she frantically grinds against my hand meeting my rhythm as I pump my fingers. I lower my head, nipping and kissing her neck up to her ear. I place a kiss right below her ear then whisper "cum for me baby." I watch as my wife comes undone below me as soon as those words leave my mouth.

   "Oh fuckkk Kylerrr!!" Lauren loudly screams and she cums all over my fingers as her orgasm rips through her. She moves one hand from my neck and suddenly I feel her nails digging into my right forearm as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her body as her walls tighten again.

   "Kiss me," Lauren demands in a hoarse voice when a second orgasm hits as I continue pumping my fingers. I lean my head down claiming her lips and she moans instantly into my mouth as she rides her orgasm out. Suddenly she pulls away from the kiss gasping for air and reaches down, stopping my hand. "I... It's... it's too much." She pants as her body is still trembling and her walls still have a hold on my fingers.

   Lauren opens her hooded eyes and lazily smiles up at me. I smirk down at my wife, "I think you definitely needed that." She laughs and closes her eyes but her eyes quickly fly open as I slowly pull my coated fingers from her drenched pussy. She whimpers and jerks forward slightly once my fingers are out. Lauren sleepily watches me as I moan from the taste of her sweet cum as I lick it off my fingers.

   I really want to move down between Lauren's  glorious thighs and lick her clean just to bring her to another orgasm. Suddenly she mumbles "I love you" as her eyes close and a smile graces her lips.

   I peck Lauren's lips and whisper "I love you more" against them.

   I get off the bed, pull the sheet over her for her to rest and hear her mumble "I love you the most."

   I smile as I head back to our en-suite with the baby monitor in my hand so I can shower.

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