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   I can't believe I have to return to work today. I'm excited to go back to work because I love teaching but I have loved being at home with my daughter so much. It's going to hurt being away from her and not being able to see her or hold her until I get home in the afternoons. At least I'm just setting up my classroom and going over everything else so I will not be there the length of a normal school day. All the teachers are supposed to be there by nine today for our first day back so I know I need to get out of this bed.

   Mom is coming to watch Taytum today while I'm at work and Kyler runs errands. Mom has been doing that since we brought Taytum home and she loves every minute she spends with her granddaughter. She watches our daughter if I have a doctors appointment and Kyler is grocery shopping or taking care of anything else that needs to be done. Mom made it very clear that she wanted to keep Taytum instead of her going to a daycare.

   Kyler woke up early this morning for some reason and was out the door before I actually woke up really good. I remember her waking me up to let me know she was leaving and she kissed me and told me she loved me. I was going to ask her what she was doing today but I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell right back asleep after mumbling that I loved her too. It's safe to say that she wore me out last night but I desperately needed that. I don't even remember what she was wearing this morning to get an idea of what she might be doing today.

   I feel bad because I fell asleep last night and wasn't able to take care of Kyler. I had literally withheld having sex with her in fear of her not liking my body anymore which was stupid on my part. I know she loves me and I knew it wouldn't matter to her about a scar or stretch marks but I got into my own head and automatically thought the worst.

   Not once since the doctor cleared me, has Kyler complained about us not having sex. She has been so patient, understanding and so loving. Once she knew what was going on in my head concerning my body and she helped ease my mind, I knew I couldn't keep holding out. I wanted her so badly and wanted her to just devour me. I wanted to do the same for her then I ended up falling asleep after two orgasms. I will definitely make it up to her tonight and honestly if she was still home right now, I would be late for work because neither of us would be going anywhere until I had her screaming my name.

   As soon as mom rings the doorbell and I let her inside, she is already trying to push me out the door for work. "Mom, you're here a little early and I don't have to be to the school until nine this morning. What's the rush?"

   Mom smiles at me as she heads to the nursery where Taytum is still asleep. She walks back down the hall and takes a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. "I want to spend some one on one time with my granddaughter. Is that a crime? Anyway Lauren, I think you might want to head on in to work. You never know how bad traffic might be and it is your first day back. Better to be early than late."

   I shake my head and laugh at mom. "What are you up to mom?" I question with a raised brow but she just laughs.

   "I told you, I just want to spend time with my granddaughter. Now go and I will see you when you get back from work."

   I groan because I know mom has to be up to something because normally she would leave after Kyler gets back home. I know there's no use in asking her again so I decide to go ahead and leave so I can stop by Starbucks first before heading to the school. I've really got the taste for the Pistachio Frappe with a shot of espresso.

   While waiting at Starbucks for my drink I text Kyler. "I was still half asleep this morning, I forgot to ask you what you had to do today. I love you and miss you and Taytum so much. I did not want to go back to work today :(."

   Kyler quickly replies back, "I love and miss you and Taytum too baby. Hope you have a very, very good first day back at work." I smile as I read her text but realize that she didn't say what she had to do today which is odd. God, what is up with her and my mom today?

   As soon as I make it to work, I head straight to my classroom and close my door so hopefully I will be left alone. I put my purse and laptop bag down and send Kyler another text. "Sorry I fell asleep last night baby. I think you literally knocked me out. Mom said she would see me when I got off work, which I thought was odd because I figured you would be back home before I got off."

   I had just sat down at my desk to go through emails when there's a knock on my door. Ughh, I closed my door hoping nobody would bother me but I guess that's not the case. "Come in," I say kind of annoyed because I haven't even had time to really get started on anything and I'm already being bothered.

   I take a sip of my frappe just as principal opens my classroom door. My phone vibrates against my desk and I glance down to see Kyler had text me back. "It's okay baby. It was all about you last night. Love you beautiful." I can't help but smile as I read her text.

   The principal stops just inside my doorway and says, "Good morning Lauren. It's good to have you back and congratulations on the beautiful little girl and sorry for your loss also." I furrow my eyebrows because I know for a fact he hasn't seen Taytum and shouldn't know anything about what happened. Tylisha is the only one at the school that knows and if she told him, then I will be really pissed with her. It's not her place to tell my business.

   Before I have a chance to ask how he knows about my daughter and the loss of my son he continues to talk. "I know you're trying to settle in and everything but I want to introduce you to our newest teacher and have you show her around." I run a hand through my hair because I really don't want to do this. My first day back and I'm stuck with showing a new teacher around, again. We all know how that turned out last time we had a new teacher.

   "I didn't realize the English department was short a teacher?" I question because this is news to me. The English department is full unless someone left and I just don't know it.

   The principal laughs, "oh, the English department isn't short but I figured you were the best one for the job of showing the new teacher around. Her room is actually at the end of the hall and to the left. She's waiting in the hallway so I could speak with you first." He opens the door "you can come in."

   I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath because I really feel like I'm about to lose my shit. Why the hell am I stuck showing a teacher around that's not even in the English department. The classrooms at the end of the hall and to the left is the art classes hallway. Why the hell am I showing around an art teacher. All my thoughts and actions freeze when I hear "I look forward to working with you Mrs. James."

   My head shoots up and standing there with a smirk on her face is my wife. "Kyler?"

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