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3 Years Later

   "Good afternoon class and welcome to Graphic Design. I'm your teacher Mrs. James. I hope everyone had a good break and your all ready to learn. I will pass out my class syllabus but first, does anyone have any questions?" As soon as I ask that, quite a few hands shoot straight up so I call on the first girl that raised her hand.

   "Aren't you married to the other Mrs. James?" The student asks which grabs everyone's attention as the seem to eagerly await my answer.

   I laugh at her question because that's one question I have gotten every semester since I started teaching here nearly three years ago. "Yes, I am. Does anyone else have any other questions?"

   I call on another student and wait for her question. "Don't you and Mrs. James have a child together?"

   I nod my head as I say "yes we do and she is three years old. Now let me pass the syllabus out so y'all can see what we will be doing and what is expected in my class since apparently there's no questions concerning this class." Before I even make it to the first row, there's a knock on my door so I say, "come in."

   As soon as my classroom door opens, my wife walks into the room carrying a smoothie. God she is so beautiful and so perfect. We smile widely at each other as I walk towards her, meeting her halfway. Lauren automatically rests one hand on my stomach and kisses my lips softly. We both laugh as we hear all the oohing and aahing coming from the students.

   "Y'all did not see anything." Lauren warns as she looks at my class with a stern look. They all nod their heads in agreement, not wanting to get on my wife's bad side.

   "We didn't see anything Mrs. James," nearly all the students say. Then we hear one of the boys "we won't see anything if you want to do it again too." Some of the girls yell "you perv" which causes nearly all of the students to laugh. We aren't supposed to kiss in front of the students but it's so hard not to. Usually we do a good job restraining ourselves around them but occasionally we do have a slip up. It's so hard not to always want to kiss her, among other things. She is still just so addicting.

   Lauren hands me the smoothie packed full of healthy nutrients I need. Everyday at the same time she brings me the pregnancy smoothie just like I had fixed for her when she was pregnant with Taytum. We both say "I love you" and squeeze each other's hand. I shake my head as I hear a faint whisper of "they're so hot together," as Lauren leaves to head back to her class.

   We are both leaving after this class because we have my five month doctor's appointment this afternoon at 2 p.m. for an ultrasound and to hopefully find out what we are having. So far my pregnancy has gone smoothly besides terrible morning sickness at first but I feel like a beached whale with the way my stomach is growing.

   We decided after Taytum turned two that we were ready to try for another baby. We took time and searched and searched for a donor that very closely resembled Lauren and we finally found the perfect match. It took two tries for the IUI procedure to work which worried us after the first failed attempt. We were scared that it might not even work at all but it did the second time and we couldn't be happier.

   "Kyler James," I say to the front desk receptionist after Lauren and I enter the obgyn clinic hand in hand. After I finish signing in we settle into two of the waiting room chairs and wait to be called back.

   "Are you excited or nervous baby?" Lauren questions as she places her hand on my bouncing leg. She looks down at my hand that's resting on my growing stomach and a big smile graces her beautiful face.

   I look at Lauren with a teary smile and place my hand over hers that's on my leg and give it a squeeze.. "I'm excited and nervous. I honestly feel like an emotional mess and don't see how you always made pregnancy look so beautiful and effortless. I am excited to find out what we're having though."

   Lauren laughs and squeezes my hand but before she can say anything my name is called. We both stand, walk to the door and follow the waiting nurse. After the nurse weighs me, checks my blood pressure and the rest of my vitals, we are placed in an exam room with an ultrasound machine to wait on Dr. Walsh. Lauren helps me onto the exam table then takes a seat in the chair beside me.

   Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Dr. Walsh enters the room. "Good afternoon ladies, good to see both of you. Kyler, all of your vitals look good and you're definitely showing more since your last visit. Let's take a look at the little one so I can get measurements and possibly see what you're having if y'all want to know." We both excitedly nod our heads which causes the doctor to laugh.

   Dr. Walsh turns on the ultrasound machine and has me lay down. She pushes my maternity shirt up, spreads the cold gel on my stomach which causes me to jump from the coldness. I hear Lauren giggle beside me as the doctor says "sorry," as she grabs the probe to get started.

   Lauren grabs my hand, squeezing it as she scoots to the edge of her chair and we both look at the blank screen ready to see our baby. The doctor moves the probe around my stomach and suddenly our little baby's image is on the screen and the sound of a really strong heartbeat fills the room.

   "There's your little one," Dr. Walsh says. "There's the head," she states as she continues moving the probe around pointing out each visible body part as she clicks on the keyboard with her other hand to get the measurements.

   I look over at Lauren with tears in my eyes and she already has tears in hers. She smiles at me and whispers "that's our baby."

   "It is," I whisper in response, "and so tiny." Lauren and Dr. Walsh both laugh at the last part but both agree with me.

   "Everything looks good, you're progressing great and still seem to be on track for a delivery date around May 22. Do y'all still want to find out what you're having?" Dr. Walsh asks with a smile. We both quickly answer "yes" at the same time. Lauren stands up from the chair and keeps a hold of my hand. She leans down and places a kiss on my temple. I smile up at my wife then we both turn our attention back to the monitor.

   "Alright ladies," Dr. Walsh says with a big smile as she moves the probe a little. "Congratulations, you two are having a... boy."

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