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My face heats up in embarrassment because this is the second time this has happened to me. "Damn that's always so hot." Kyler whispers as she kisses back up my chest to my parted lips. She parts my legs with one knee as she straddles my thigh and hovers over me with a smirk on her face. She looks into my eyes as she skims her right hand up my inner thigh getting close to my pussy. My back arches as I moan because my body is so sensitive to her touch right now. I arch my back again as she uses her left hand this time to skim my inner thigh and grazes my entrance.

Kyler leans back and softly rubs her hands down my naked body and stops once she reaches my knees. She looks into my eyes "are you sure?" I nod my head yes as I look into Kyler's eyes and I open my legs more for her. She settles between my legs as she spreads them wider and has a full view of my wet pussy.

Kyler licks her lips as she uses her hands and opens my pussy lips. "So beautiful." She whispers as she wraps her arms around my legs holding them in place and she kisses my inner thighs. She gets close to my pussy but kisses and licks everywhere but where I need her. "Kyler." I whimper because she has me turned on again so quickly and I need her. She kisses right above my clit and hums as she looks up at me. "Please." I whisper as I lock eyes with my wife.

With her eyes locked on mine, Kyler licks up my slit causing me to moan loudly. She licks a few more times then uses her tongue to circle my clit and licks back down to my opening. As soon as her tongue enters me, my eyes close and my back arches. I grip her hair with both hands as she thrust her tongue in and out of my wet pussy. I feel another orgasm already building when she suddenly stops. My eyes fly open but before I can question her she says "I'm going to put a finger in if that's okay?"

I nod my head fast at first but finally manage "y-yes" with a slightly raspy voice. Kyler uses a finger teasing my opening and spreads my wetness. She slowly inserts one finger "fuck..." I moan as she slowly moves her finger in and out at a slow pace. She brings her mouth back to my clit as she pushes a second finger inside me. "Oh Kyler!"

Kyler slowly thrusts her fingers in and out of my wet pussy and I feel my walls start to tighten. She sucks hard on my clit as she increases the thrust of her fingers. My walls clench her fingers more and I know I am really close. She replaces her fingers with her tongue and as she thrust her tongue inside I scream her name and cum in her mouth. She helps me ride my orgasm out as she continues to slowly lick me.

Kyler finally kisses back up my body to my mouth and kisses me passionately. "You taste so fucking good." She basically growls into my mouth. "Spread your legs baby." She says as she kisses down to my neck and starts kissing and sucking on my sweet spot below my ear. I gladly open my legs for her as she quickly adjusts herself and brings her pussy to mine. The contact sends chills all over my body. She is already wet and it turns me on even more knowing I caused that without even pleasuring her.

Kyler moves her hips slowly as she grinds our pussies together. She settles into a rhythm as she grinds against me and she closes her eyes but for the life of me, I can't take my eyes off of her. I watch the way her body moves so surely and so smoothly as her arms flex, her abs tighten and sweat beads upon her tan skin. She opens her eyes and looks at me as she grinds her hips faster. Her breathing has picked up and she bites her lip as she holds onto my body and our eyes stay locked. I moan as I feel my body tremble and I move my hips meeting her thrusts as I'm desperate for another release.

Kyler leans down and captures one of my nipples and sucks on it. "I... ohh fuckkk..." I moan as my jerks and body trembles as my orgasm rips through me for the third time. This one is even more intense than the last two. My back arches off the bed as I feel the added wetness from my orgasm as Kyler continues grinding our pussies as her body starts to tremble.

"Me too, baby..." Kyler moans in a raspy voice as her orgasm hits and I feel a rush of liquid against my pussy from hers. She rests her head on my shoulder as she rides her high out, still slowly moving her hips. She lays against me as she is breathing heavily. I feel her racing heart and her body still trembling. We just lay here for a moment both trying to catch our breath. Her lips brush against my neck as she places soft kisses to my sweaty skin. "I love you,'' she whispers as she kisses up to my ear.

I pull Kyler's face to mine and kiss her passionately. I cup her face as I break the kiss, "I love you more!"

Kyler rolls off of me and pulls me into her so she can hold me. I lay my head on her chest and listen to her still racing heartbeat. Her arms wrap securely around me like she is still scared I will disappear. She kisses my head and whispers "I love you the most."

I smile as I place a kiss on Kyler's chest and feel goosebumps cover her skin while she runs her fingers through my hair. I move just a little and skim my fingers down the edge of her breast, across her toned stomach and down to her hip. I nip at her neck, working my way to her ear and a low moan escapes her mouth as I suck below her ear.

Kyler turns onto her side so she is facing me and moves a hand to my face, using her index finger to trace the outline of my jaw. She leans close and presses her lips softly to mine. She pulls back with a smile on her face as she looks at me. I stare lovingly at Kyler then lean in capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. I take her by surprise when I push her onto her back and straddle her waist. As I'm hovering over her, my dirty blonde hair falls down and the ends brush against her skin causing more goosebumps. She smiles as her hands rest on my thighs.

"I think..." I start, smiling at my wife and she props herself up on her elbows. "We should continue this..." Kyler looks at me with a questioning look as I get off of her and off of the bed. I walk towards our en-suite, swaying my hips as I go and I feel her eyes on me the entire time. I disappear into the bathroom and turn the water on in the shower. I poke my head out of the bathroom doorway and see Kyler already looking at me. "Are you coming?" I ask with a smirk and bite my lip.

She quickly says "not yet but one of us will be" as she rushes to the bathroom and her lips are on mine as I pull her to me and into the shower.

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