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Today is January 5th and the day of my first ultrasound. The nine days after Christmas were spent with us enjoying time with our families since they all decided to stay a little longer but I was kind of glad when they all left our house on January 3rd so it could get back to normal.

I was shocked by my parents because the day they were leaving, they informed us that they were going to move here to San Antonio. They want to be closer for their grandbaby which I definitely understand but I just wasn't expecting that, especially since they have always lived in Austin and claimed they would never move.

I know this is an early ultrasound and we will not see much but I'm kind of scared they might find something wrong. I guess this all seems too good to be true so I'm expecting something bad to happen. Hopefully it's just my hormones getting the better of me. I'm glad Kyler is going with me, which she had already told me she was going to every appointment no matter what. I know we had the two blood tests but at least we will have a valid confirmation on my pregnancy and see how far along I am.

We are currently sitting in the waiting room at the fertility clinic waiting to be called back. Luckily the same receptionist isn't here today so hopefully we will not have any issues of jealousy. Kyler is in the chair beside me holding my hand as we wait. I feel movement and glance at my wife and her knee is bouncing nonstop and it's driving me crazy. I let go of her hand and swat her knee. "Stop that!" I sternly say to my wife and she looks at me with a questioning look so I continue. "Please stop bouncing your knee."

Kyler glances around then turns her attention back to me. "Sorry, I'm just a little nervous." I can't help but to laugh because you would swear she was the one having the ultrasound done.

"You can be nervous, baby, just don't be annoying." About that time an older nurse called my name. Kyler and I fall silent as we stand and turn our attention to the doorway. She squeezes my hand for reassurance as we follow the nurse through the doorway, down the hall and to an exam room. The exam table is off to the side of the room with a large pull out monitor mounted on the wall by the bed. The ultrasound machine is right next to the bed and my stomach feels like it's doing cartwheels from excitement and nerves.

The nurse hands me a large paper cloth and instructs me to remove my pants and underwear then get on the exam table with the cloth over me and wait on the ultrasound tech. After I'm semi comfortable on the exam table we hear a knock on the door and a young nurse walks in. She glances between Kyler and I and smiles as she greets us. She sits down in the chair in front of the ultrasound machine "ok, we are going to see if we can look in on your baby and check everything out. You will not hear a heartbeat today because it's a little too early for that because we are just looking for the gestational sac."

I glance at Kyler and she smiles at me then asks "so when will we hear the heartbeat?" I chuckle because I can tell she is slightly disappointed in the fact that we will not hear the heartbeat today.

The nurse explains "that will be around eight weeks before the heartbeat can be heard." Kyler nods in understanding and I hear her sigh a little. It's so cute seeing her like this. "Okay Miss James..." Before I can correct her, she is cut off by my wife, "it's Mrs." The nurse apologizes and prepares the ultrasound machine.

"Ok... Mrs. James... This time, the ultrasound will be done vaginlly so if you will, scoot to the end of the table, lay back and place your feet in the stirrups." Once I'm in position, the nurse wraps the wand in a condom and coats it with lube. Based on Kyler's facial expression, she was not expecting that which I honestly wasn't either. "Ok, you might feel some pressure and slight discomfort which is normal. It will feel similar to having a pap smear done so try to relax." The nurse states as she inserts the wand inside my vagina.

I feel slight pressure as she inserts the wand and Kyler wastes no time in holding my hand and whispering words of encouragement. She is so intune with my emotions and expressions that without saying a word, she is there for me offering comfort. The nurse slowly turns the wand to get a clear view of my organs and check for any abnormalities. Kyler and I both watch the monitor intently as the nurse stops on the fluid filled gestational sac. When she is done, she gives me a tissue to clean up with, says I can get dressed and leaves the room for us to wait on Dr. Davis.

A few minutes pass after I'm dressed and there's a knock on the door then Dr. Davis walks in. "Good to see you two ladies. I know the ultrasound wasn't much to look at today but I wanted to check and make sure the gestational sac was forming. This is where the embryo will develop and the good news is that the yolk sac inside the gestational sac is visible. The yolk sac forms before the embryo which means you are about five and a half weeks right now. You will come back when you are eight weeks for another ultrasound and we will measure the embryo and should hear the first signs of a heartbeat. Do either of you have any questions?"

Kyler and I both answer "no" so Dr. Davis informs us we are done and to stop by the front desk to get our appointment. I have to go back January 24th for the next ultrasound and I swear the two and a half weeks of waiting seems like it will take forever. Kyler was bummed we didn't get to actually see our baby but she is happy that everything looked good and there were no concerns. All the way home we discussed baby names that we didn't like and color schemes we didn't like for the nursery. We just have to narrow down what we do like which should be fun.

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