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    I take Lauren's face in both my hands so I can keep her looking at me. I want to look into her eyes and her look into mine to know that I'm being completely honest with her. "Lauren, I'm not mad or upset that we haven't had sex since you were cleared by the doctor. Do I miss the intimacy with you? Of course I do but I'm not going to rush you. Baby, you have nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to be worried about."

   "You haven't undressed or been completely naked in front of me since before Taytum was born but just know that you don't have to hide your body from me. You literally had a baby two months ago and even if that wasn't the case, you are still absolutely beautiful, that hasn't changed at all and never will. You honestly do not need to lose any weight, you are perfect the way you are and who cares about stretch marks or a scar. I sure as hell don't because those are a reminder of the greatest gift you gave us to make us a complete family. Those stretch marks and the scar only adds to your overall beauty."

   Lauren closes her eyes and her voice breaks as she speaks. "I-I'm just scared... I'm scared you will take one look at me and...." A tear rolls down her cheek and before she can say anything else, I quieten her with a kiss.

   As I pull away from the kiss, Lauren's eyes are still closed and a light blush covers her cheeks. "Baby, I will always and I mean always love you, no matter what. As I have told you before, I don't care what you look like because I fell in love with you as a person."

   I take one of Lauren's hands and hold it against my chest over my heart. "Do you feel this? This is what you do to me. You make my heart race, you give me butterflies and you do that because it's you. The sound of your voice alone makes my heart race and your laugh, god your laugh makes my heart race faster. The way you look at me and love me makes my heart race. I love every single inch of you and everything about you and that will never ever change. I don't care about any baby weight, scar or stretch marks you might possibly have because you look amazing regardless."

   I look at Lauren and smile at the pink tint on her cheeks. I release her hand and slowly reach for her unbuttoned shirt. "Can I, please?" She looks at me kind of unsure but nods her head yes anyway. I carefully pull her shirt free from her other hand and gently slide it off her shoulders. My eyes travel shamelessly over her shoulders, large breasts and stomach before I lean down and place featherlight kisses on her shoulders and collarbones. I squat down in front of Lauren and kiss her stomach including the part of the c-section scar that's visible. I kiss over to her side where some stretch marks are now visible and place kisses on them. "So beautiful and sexy." When I stand back up her breathing has picked up and her face is flushed. I gently cup each big breast "don't even get me started on these."

   Lauren swats my shoulder and laughs. "You always do this." She says as she looks at me with tears in her eyes but a smile on her face. "You always make me feel better especially when I feel so insecure. I love you Kyler and you never fail to tell me how beautiful you think I am and how much you love me. I know I'm not easy to love but you do it so effortlessly it seems. I know without a doubt that you love me and will always be there for me. I just get in my head sometimes and think the worst."

   I caress Lauren's cheek and brush my lips over her enticing ones. "I love you too Lauren, so much. I love you for carrying our daughter and I love your body the way it is because it's perfect to me. You are beautiful and so damn sexy to me no matter what you look like and if you need to hear that every single day for the rest of our lives to believe me then so be it.  You deserve to be told everyday and so much more."

   "As for loving you, well it's easy to love you Lauren because I am so madly in love with you. You went through a few years of emotional abuse with that asshole and it caused a lot of self doubt for you but I am here to always reassure you that my love for you will never change and never falter."

   My absolutely beautiful wife looks at me for a second as she opens and closes her mouth a few times. "W-Would you want to... s-shower with me?" She finally hesitantly asks.

   I smile at Lauren and lick my lips as she is still standing in front of me without her shirt on. "Yes, definitely baby. Let me grab the baby monitor." She walks into our en-suite while I grab the baby monitor from the night stand. When I get to our en-suite, she has the water on in the shower and steam is already filling the bathroom as she is taking the rest of her clothes off. Even though it's really hard not to, I make sure I don't look down at her beautiful naked body because I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or insecure even though she has nothing to worry about.

   I quickly follow Lauren's lead and get undressed but she watches me with a fire burning in her eyes and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. I watch as her eyes travel my up and down body and I notice her shiver either from standing naked or from being aroused. I open the shower door so we both walk into the steamy shower. Lauren moves over enough that we can both stand beside each other under the hot water together but I move and stand behind her instead.

   I move Lauren's dirty blonde hair over her left shoulder so I can place a kiss on her right one. I skim the back of my fingers down her arms and connect our hands. I watch as goosebumps cover her skin from my lips gently touching her. I pepper her shoulder and neck with loving kisses and she moves her head to the side, exposing more of her neck. Her grasp on my hands tighten as a kiss and nip her neck and all the way below her ear. I place an open mouth kiss behind her ear just above her earlobe and her sexy moan fills the shower.

   "Kyler," leaves Lauren's mouth as her head falls back against me. She releases my right hand, brings her arm up and reaches back grabbing my hair and the back of my neck to hold my lips against her as I devour her neck. It's been a little over three months since we've been intimate and the tension in this shower is growing more and more. I want my wife so bad but I will not rush her. Everything is at her pace and when she is comfortable with it.

  Lauren turns her head to the side and the words "kiss me" leave her mouth in nearly a moan. She quickly turns around towards me and crashes her lips against mine in a desperate kiss. She presses her body against mine as she pins my body between hers and the shower wall. I hold her face, passionately kiss her and she presses herself harder against me. Lauren breaks the kiss and her pleading dilated eyes find mine. "Please... take me to bed."

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