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   Taytum was released from the hospital when she was 3 weeks old. Lauren and I were both extremely happy to finally be able to take our little girl home and be with her all the time. After living out of a hotel room again, we were both relieved to be in the comfort of our home.

   Our family decided collectively that they would wait on holding Taytum until she was released from the hospital because they all wanted us to have bonding time with her, especially with the visiting time limit in the NICU. We were both grateful for them allowing us the time with our daughter even though they wanted a chance to hold her and bond with her too.

   Today is the third day of us being home with our daughter. Today is also the day everyone is coming over to officially meet our beautiful little Taytum Elizabeth. Watching Lauren with our daughter is the highlight of my day. She is such a perfect mommy and even though I didn't think it was possible with how much I already loved her, I fall more in love with her everyday as I watch her being a mommy to our little girl.

   The way Taytum watches Lauren and I literally melts my heart. She definitely knows we are her mommies and she is always happy and smiling. She is such a good baby and usually sleeps through the night. She normally wakes up around four in the morning though for a diaper change and to be fed. Lauren and I both take turns getting up with her but even when it's Lauren's turn, I sometimes get up too because I love to watch my two favorite people together.

   Mom and dad arrive first and the first thing out of moms mouth is "where is my granddaughter?" Lauren takes her parents to the nursery and I follow because I just have to see my daughter again. As mom and dad are looking in the crib, Taytum starts to squirm around. Lauren asks mom if she wants to hold Taytum and she happily says "yes."

   Mom and dad are just as smitten with Taytum as Lauren and I are. Mom cried while holding her and dad had the biggest grin on his face when he held her and told us we "did good" numerous times. They did inform us what they would like to be called as grandparents. Mom wants to be called Nana and dad... well for some reason he wants to just be called Pop.

   Blakley, Grayson and Tylisha all arrive and they are just as excited to see Taytum. Grayson was so excited he quickly asked to hold her. Lauren and I were in a panic over that and explained that she wasn't quite old enough for him to hold yet. Yes, we are very protective over our little peanut. Of course he got upset but that soon changed when we turned the tv on Peppa Pig for him.

   While Blakley was holding Taytum, Lauren noticed a diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand and immediately had a fit and wanted to know when that happened and why it had not been announced. Blakley's reasoning for not announcing it was because this was about our daughter and that was where everyone's attention should be, not on her and her engagement ring. Lauren wasn't having that excuse and pressed on until Blakley finally gave in and spilled the beans.

   Apparently two days ago, while at the park with Grayson, Tylisha proposed to Blakley and of course she said yes. I am glad everything worked out for them after they reconnected. It's sweet and they make such a cute couple. Lauren and I knew it was just a matter of time before one of them popped the question. They have been in love with each other since Tylisha used to babysit Blakley and even after years apart their love for one another never stopped. Tylisha has helped raise Grayson since birth and is even listed on his birth certificate as his other parent.

   As soon as Aunt Mary got here, she hugged me and Lauren then wanted to see Taytum. In her opinion, Taytum resembles my mom but I don't see it. I'm guessing it may be the hair and dimples because my mom also had black hair and dimples. That definitely seems to be a strong genetic trait on my side. To me though, our little girl is a carbon copy of Lauren.

   Aunt Mary congratulated us and told me how proud of me she was and how proud mom would be of me. Of course that made me emotional because I wish my mom was actually here to meet her granddaughter. She would be head over heels for our little girl. My mom might not be physically here but I know she is watching over Taytum this very minute and I couldn't ask for a better guardian angel.

   Kyle couldn't be here and had not been to the hospital at all because he flew to New York to meet his boyfriend in person finally. Apparently they had met online six months ago and decided that it was time to meet in person.

   Taytum is currently sleeping and we are all sitting around the living room talking when I hear a vehicle pull into the driveway. I know it has to be either Julia or Katie that's finally made it. While everyone is in the living room talking, I make my way to the front door to see which one it is.

   When I open the front door, I am met with a sight I didn't think I would ever see. Katie has Julia pressed against the car kissing her while one of Julia's hands is in Katie's curly hair and her other hand is on Katie's ass. I step outside, closing the door behind me. "What the hell are you two doing?" I question with a laugh which causes both of them to freeze like a deer caught in headlights.

   "Shit!" Katie says as she tries to step away from a very flushed red face Julia who had already dropped her hand from Katie's ass. If it wasn't for Katie's carmel skin tone, I know her face would be just as red as Julia's instead of a barely visible pink shade. My best friend doesn't move far away from Julia though because Julia's hand is still in Katie's curls.

   "I-I think my ring is stuck." Julia says in a panic and Katie's reaches for Julia's hand that is indeed stuck in her hair to try and help get it loose.

   I laugh as I walk towards my best friend and sister-in-law. "Shut your cake hole Kyler and please help." Katie says. I continue laughing as I help get Katie's hair from around Julia's ring.

   "There, it's free. Now, care to explain what's going on with you two?" I ask while still laughing at the two of them. "Julia, I knew you acted weird around Katie the last time we were all together and you would get nervous when you knew she would be around. So?"

   Katie and Julia both look at each other then back at me. "We... We are dating.?" Julia says in a high pitched voice that's sounds more like a question.

   Katie says "we are taking this slow. Obviously we like each other as you could see but this is all new for the both of us. We were going to tell everyone today but got carried away before going inside."

   I nod in understanding "as long as you both are happy that's all that matters. I'm really happy for y'all and you two are cute together. Juila, please don't hurt my best friend. Guess you both were not as straight as you thought after all."

   Julia smiles as she looks at Katie, "I don't plan on it. This is all new and different but I really, really like Katie. I started developing feelings for her when we started talking on the phone planning the wedding shower for you and Lauren. Then when we actually met in person, that was all it took for me. I-I can't explain how I feel. When I first saw her I-I was instantly attracted to her. Please keep your big mouth shut though Kyler when we get inside. Go suck Lauren's face if you have to, so you will stay quiet. We all know you probably want to anyway."

   Katie nods her head in agreement with Julia. "Well can you blame me." I say with a shrug of my shoulders and we all three laugh.

   I smile at the new couple and motion for them to follow me inside. This was definitely a surprise I never expected but I'm happy for them. My best friend deserves happiness because growing up life wasn't always easy for her. Kids were mean to her for being mixed and her mom struggled sometimes being a single mom but in the end everything worked out and I'm glad Katie and I became friends in kindergarten.

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