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As soon as I turn around from putting my stuff up I am met by my beautiful wife standing behind me and smiling. "You're sneaky." I state as I pull Kyler to me for a kiss. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer. She cups my face with one hand and wraps her other arm around my lower back holding me to her. I melt into her and as my lips part she pushes her tongue into my mouth.

Once we part from the kiss Kyler grins "you're home early but I'm not complaining because that's more time I have with you. I missed you baby." She pecks my lips again then takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. She watches me for a couple seconds after I sit at the island then she asks, "are you okay?"

I sigh "I got sick at the beginning of seventh period. Tylisha told me I should come home and she offered to watch my class and let the principal know. I hated to leave but I took her up on her offer anyway." I glance away from Kyler because I don't know if I should tell her about the feeling of being watched or not. It's probably just me overreacting anyway.

Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts when Kyler says "oh yeah, I was reading an article between my classes this morning about a pregnancy smoothie that will also help with morning sickness. If you want to try it, I will run to the grocery store before we eat dinner and get everything to make it." I smile as I look at my wife. God I'm so lucky to have her.

"That might not hurt to try. If it will help then I'm all for it but... umm... I want to go with you."

Kyler looks at me "baby, is something wrong? You seem a little off and I know you're not telling me something. So what is it? Are you and the baby okay?"

I know I have to tell her, she knows me too well and we don't keep things from each other. "When I left school this afternoon I... I had a weird feeling that I was being watched. I checked my surroundings and didn't notice anybody or anything different and I guess it just freaked me out."

Kyler pulls me into a hug, "baby, you should have called me. How about I take you to work tomorrow and pick you up? I want to make sure you're safe and that our little bean is safe. I only have a 10 a.m. class so it's no problem." I nod my head against her shoulder and mutter "thank you." She kisses the side of my head and whispers "of course baby."

Kyler pulls away enough to look at me and pecks my lips. "Why don't we go ahead and go get the stuff for the smoothie and I can finish dinner when we get back." I nod in agreement and she switches the oven to keep warm and turns the burners off. I walk over to the oven and notice she is cooking lemon pepper chicken, lemon potatoes and asparagus. It all smells so good and I can't wait to eat.

We get in her car and head to the grocery store to get everything needed for the smoothie. Kyler hands me her phone with the recipe for me to call out the ingredients we need. It's pretty simple and it is definitely healthy. Plus it will give me extra nutrients and hopefully help with morning sickness. We get kale, avocados, coconut milk, Greek yogurt, mangos, oranges, lemons, mint and ginger. Once we get checked out we head back home to finish dinner and make the smoothie.

While dinner is finishing, Kyler makes the smoothie for me to start drinking. Once dinner is ready, we sit down together and eat like we always do. After we finish eating and I drank the rest of my smoothie, we clean the kitchen up together then we relax in the living room while watching a few episodes of Nailed It. That is one of our favorite shows and I really wish there were a lot more episodes per season. I'm glad I'm not bad at baking like some of those people are.

Once 10 p.m. hits, Kyler notices I'm tired and about to doze off while snuggled against her so she suggests we switch the tv off and get ready for bed. We normally don't go to bed this early but as tired as I am tonight, I'm all for it.

I get my shower first and already laying in bed as Kyler is finishing her shower. As I'm laying here my hand gravitates to my flat stomach and I rub my hand over it. As I'm rubbing my stomach I'm imagining what it will feel like once it's stretched tight with our baby moving around inside.

I feel the bed dip as Kyler crawls into bed laying on her side facing me. "What are you doing baby?" She asks as she rests her hand on top of mine that's on my stomach.

I turn my head and my eyes meet Kyler's. "I'm just thinking about our baby." We both smile and she gently kisses me then moves down so she is eye level with my stomach. She lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach. My heart races and I swear I fall in love with her more and more. "Hey little bean, your mommy and I love you very much and we can't wait to meet you. You are making mommy sick so try to ease up a bit but we love you anyway, goodnight little one."

Kyler kisses my stomach again then moves back up to rest beside me. She lays on her side and lays her head on my chest as her hand slips under my shirt and lays against my stomach. "Goodnight Lauren, I love you so much."

I swear my heart flutters every time she says those three words to me. I kiss her head, "I love you too, so very much and goodnight my love."

Kyler took me to work the next day and I had no weird feelings of being watched. I chalked it up to my hormones especially even two days later when I drove myself there were no weird feelings of being watched. Apparently it was just me and my pregnancy hormones.

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