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I can't believe Lauren and I forgot to set an alarm last night. I really hate that I wasn't able to take her to work this morning. Unfortunately, I had classes and of course Lauren makes sure that I go to my classes. The only way she agreed for me to ever miss a class was if she had a doctor's appointment but she always makes sure her appointments are not scheduled at the same time as any of my classes. I love taking her to and from work because that's extra time I get to spend with my wife.

I'm sitting in my first class of the day and we have about 20 minutes left when I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. It's a continuous vibration so I know it's a phone call. I quickly silence it without checking to see who was calling because Lauren knows I'm in class so I know it's probably not her. My professor is lecturing and I know the vibration sound can probably be heard especially since I sit close to the front. Not even two minutes later it starts vibrating again. As I silence it again, my professor looks around and says "I don't want to hear that phone again. Everyone of you know one of my main rules is that all cell phones are turned off or put on silent without vibration while in my class. Fix it now or get out."

I glance around and reach in my pocket for my phone so I can just turn it off. Before I can even get it out of my pocket, it starts vibrating again with another phone call. I silence it as I glance and see Tylisha is calling me. That's weird for her to be calling. I sent the call to voicemail but noticed she was the one that called the other two times too. Maybe Lauren is sick and that's why she's calling? I quickly gather my things and apologize as I stand up and make my way towards the door to return her call in case Lauren is sick.

As soon as I'm outside the classroom, Tylisha is calling again so I answer it. Before I can even say anything Tylisha asks "Kyler, is Lauren okay? Did she have an appointment this morning that she forgot about?" That's weird for her to be asking that when Lauren is at school.

"No, we didn't have an appointment and as far as I know she isn't sick. If she would have gotten sick on her way to school, she would have called or texted me."

Tylisha quickly says "well, she texted me this morning that she overslept and asked me to listen out for her class until she got here but she still hasn't shown up and...."

I cut her off "what do you mean Lauren isn't there? We left at the same time and she was heading to work. If she's not in her room have you checked the parking lot to make sure her car is out there?"

I hear Tylisha's heels against the floor as she is walking. "No, I haven't checked the parking lot but I'm heading there now." She says as I hear the door open and close. It's quiet for a couple minutes except for her walking then she says "umm, Kyler, I-I think you might want to get over here to Alamo Vista."

I start walking towards the parking lot where my car is but ask "what do you mean? Is she sick? Is she in the parking lot?"

The only thing Tylisha says is "just hurry here as quickly but safely as possible. Come to the teacher parking and I will be waiting for you. Third row from the building." She ends the call as I start running the rest of the way across the parking lot to my car. I don't know what the hell is going on but I'm about to find out and no damn cop better not pull me over for speeding. If they try then they will just have to chase me all the way to Alamo Vista because I'm not stopping until I get there.

Normally it's about a 20 minute drive from The Art Institute to Alamo Vista but I made it in 11 minutes. I get to the teacher parking at the back of the school and circle around to the third row from the building. I see Tylisha standing out there with Principal Williams and a school security guard. My heart is already racing and now it feels like it will burst out of my chest from how much harder it's beating. As I stop behind Lauren's Ford Edge, I quickly get out and I swear my heart stops beating and I can't breathe as I see her purse and laptop case on the ground and the back door of her car open.

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