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Lauren and I both wake up to her alarm going off. She quickly shuts it off and cuddles back up against me and I really don't want to get out of bed. We were still cuddled together when the alarm went off and I wish I could spend all day in bed with my wife. Of course that can't happen since our families are here. We are supposed to take them to Riverwalk today and take them sightseeing around San Antonio. Our families decided to stay a little longer than originally planned after our pregnancy announcement. I'm glad it went well and there were no issues, especially with Aunt Mary.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as Lauren groans and stretches. She slides her hand up my naked chest and grazes the side of my breast. "We have to get up." She says as she opens her beautiful blue eyes and looks at me.

"Do we really have to?" I ask as I pull the covers tightly around us. "Fifteen more minutes or... we spend the whole day in bed."

Lauren laughs as she works the covers loose enough she can sit up. The sheet falls from her chest and I have the perfect view of her swollen, growing breasts. She looks at me and says "really?" When she sees where my gaze was. "We have to get up baby, so come on." She says as she looks at me.

I groan as I push the covers off of me "fine" I huff as I sit up. "Let's go jump in the shower first so we can clean up." Lauren gets out of bed and grabs my hand, pulling me behind her to the bathroom and says "come on then."

Lauren turns the shower on then steps in and I follow her and I have a perfect view of her ass. As she steps under the water I step forward and place one hand on her hip and with my other hand, I move her hair away from her neck. I press my front to her back and kiss her neck.

"B-Baby, don't start that right now. We don't have time plus we already made enough noise last night and still have to face our families." Lauren says as she turns around to face me.

"Umm no, I'm not facing them. All your mom will do is probably stare at me again. I say let's just hide out in the bed all day and let them fend for themselves."

Lauren playfully pinches my nipple and starts shaking her head as she laughs. "We have to face them at some point so don't get all shy now."

I grab the shampoo and start washing Lauren's hair. "I'm not being shy, you know that I don't care if they heard us. We're married, you were horny... we both were and I was definitely going to please my wifey." After rinsing the shampoo from her hair, she grabs the shampoo and we switch places so she can wash my hair. After rinsing my hair, we both stand under the water content in the moment and just stare at each other.

Lauren finally breaks eye contact as she looks me up and down and bites her lip. She snakes one arm around my waist and before I can react, she kisses me deeply as her other hand goes to my neck. Both of my hands rest on her hips and she shocks me as she pushes me against the cold shower wall. She pulls back "maybe we have a little time to spare and I really need you... to fuck me." She says as she grabs my ass with both hands and pulls my body flush against hers. She grinds her hips against mine "please baby."

I push Lauren against the shower wall and she sucks in a breath "fuck that's cold." I kiss her neck and slowly trail kisses down to her breast. A moan escapes my wife's lips and I smirk against her skin as I place more kisses to her chest. "Kyler..." she moans as she pushes my head down to her breasts.

"Thought you said we didn't have time." I say as I kiss and suck on her nipples making sure to give both the attention she is wanting.

Lauren moans and says "I guess I can just take care of myself if I need to." I stopped completely because I was not expecting that from her since she has said that she has never pleased herself.

"I don't think so, beautiful." I say as I kiss back up to Lauren's neck and move my hand down over her stomach and keep going until I reach my destination between her legs.

Lauren pulls my face to hers and pushes her tongue into my mouth in a hungry kiss and I let her take control of the kiss. I slip two fingers between her folds into her pussy and she breaks the kiss as she leans her head back against the shower wall. "Yes baby, that feels good." She manages to mumble as she grinds her hips in rhythm with the thrust of my fingers.

I push my body against Lauren and lift her head forward to mine and kiss her to keep her moans as quiet as possible. As I'm fingering her, I use my thumb and slowly rub her clit adding a little pressure. She wraps her arms around my neck to hold on but takes me by surprise as she wedges her thigh between my legs and slowly starts moving it against my pussy.

I grind against Lauren's thigh and she pulls away from my lips and leans her head back. I take this opportunity and kiss and suck on her neck working my way to her soft spot below her ear. "D-Don't stop." She moans as she grabs a fist full of my hair and I grind faster against her thigh. "Fuck... Kyler..." she moans as she grinds harder against my hand and I increase the speed of my fingers and push them deeper inside her.

Lauren tightens her arms around my neck and moans as I feel her walls tighten around my fingers. "Kyler." She moans as her orgasm takes over and she drags her nails down my back. I moan as my orgasm hits and we hold each other tight as we ride our orgasms out. "I love you." Lauren whispers as she holds me tight against her.

I tighten my arms around Lauren "I love you more" and peck her neck up to her lips. Once we get out of the shower and start getting dressed, Lauren says "I'm sorry..." I look over my shoulder at her because I have no idea what she is apologizing for. Before I can ask though she says, "I noticed the soft bruising on your shoulders in the shower." I realize she is talking about where her heels were digging into my shoulders last night

"It's fine baby, it's not too bad. Come on." I grab Lauren's hand and we walk out of our bedroom hand in hand, down the hall to the kitchen only to be greeted by the sight of her parents.

"Morning," Mr. David greets but does not look at us. Mrs. Jessica is looking everywhere but at us and mumbles "good morning." I smirk as I look at Lauren and wink at her.

"They obviously heard us." Lauren whispers to me and her cheeks take on a lovely shade of pink.

All of a sudden we hear Julia "if we are spending the holidays here then y'all need to soundproof your bedroom. Don't think I didn't hear y'all last night, hell I think they probably heard you all the way to Dallas."

I roll my eyes at Julia's exaggeration but Lauren quickly says "shut it Jules" as she fixes both of us a cup of coffee. We cook breakfast as everyone finally wakes up then we all eat and leave to spend our day out and about.

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