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Kyler and I both forgot to set an alarm last night so we both overslept. Luckily she will still make it to her morning class on time. Me on the other hand, I will be late to work. As I'm getting ready, I text Tylisha and ask her to listen out for my class since I'm running a few minutes late. Kyler and I leave about the same time going our separate ways. She hated not being able to take me to school today and was going to skip her class just so she could take me. I definitely was not having her miss class just to take me to school though.

I arrive at Alamo Vista and make my way through the parking lot and around back to the teacher's parking. I park beside an older black suv then get out of my Ford Edge. I put my purse on my shoulder and opened the back door to get my laptop case and some work folders. As I'm putting the strap for the laptop case on my shoulder, I'm pushed against my car and a body presses against me. My heart starts racing and before I can say anything or question who it is, I feel lips graze against my ear as I hear "hello again Lauren. Did you miss me?"

My eyes widened in panic and my heart starts racing because I did not want to hear Mike's voice again and I'm truly scared. I start to yell for help but I'm cut off as one hand clasps over my mouth and muffles my scream as his other hand grabs one of my sensitive breasts and squeezes hard enough I cry out in pain against his hand.

"I wouldn't do that Lauren. Not if you know what's good for you. You look good by the way, really good. You feel good too and I bet you will feel even better when I'm fucking you." Mike growls next to my ear, then he licks my ear. I try to push against him to get him away from me but he presses me against my car even harder. "I have a gun so I would advise you to stop. Now do not make a sound because I would hate to have to kill you." He hisses at me as he removes his hand from my mouth and my breast. He yanks my laptop case and purse off of my shoulder and they both hit the ground. I turn my body enough in hopes I can get away from him but he grabs my arm and spins me around, pushing me against the black suv. A mischievous smile creeps upon his lips as he pushes my back harder against the suv and he leans in trying to kiss my lips. I jerk my head away just in time, only to be slapped across the face. A few tears escape my eyes and I feel my cheek throbbing.

"You fucking bitch" Mike growls as he presses against me, holding me in place and quickly opens the back door of the black suv. He grabs a roll of duct tape off of the back seat and tapes my hands together in front of me. Once my hands are taped he quickly pushes me into the suv and down on the backseat. I start kicking my feet at him, hoping my heels will make contact and get him away from me but he moves out of the way. I start to kick at him again as he steps closer but he pulls a gun out from the waistband of his jeans and points it at me. I stop moving and stare at him in shock as I start crying. "That's what I thought." He says as he keeps the gun pointed at me. He climbs into the back with me and slams the door shut. He hovers over me and rubs the barrel of the gun up my thigh, between my legs and up to my breasts as I start crying.

I want to scream for help even though we're inside the suv but I'm scared he might actually kill me. Mike places the gun back in the waistband of his jeans and tears off a piece of duct tape and places it over my mouth. Once the tape is over my mouth, he grabs my chin and leans in placing a rough kiss against the tape. I try to scream even though I know it's no use. He slaps me across the face again and yells "shut the fuck up. Nobody is going to hear you."

I continue crying because I do not know what Mike plans on doing and I'm scared for my life and my baby's life. My cell phone was in my purse so I can't call for help and can't get ahold of Kyler, which is the one person I want and need right now. As I continue crying, he laughs and climbs up front into the driver's seat. He starts the suv and speeds out of the teacher parking lot and away from the school.

I try moving my wrists in hopes of possibly loosening the duct tape enough to get it off but it's no use. He has the tape so tight it feels like it's cutting off the circulation to my hands. As I'm laying on the backseat, I try to lean up enough to look out the window in hopes of figuring out where he is taking me. He drives a little longer then I catch a glimpse of an all too familiar tree line. We make a left turn and I think I know where we are heading. I'm proved right when we slow down and I hear a garage door opening. As he pulls into the garage, I realize he brought us to mine and Kyler's house. I know Kyler is not here because she had classes today. How the hell did he know where I lived? Does he know Kyler and I are married and how the hell did he get into the garage?

Mike shuts the suv off and quickly gets out. He opens the back door with the gun in one hand, a backpack on one shoulder and grabs me, pulling me out of the suv. He shoots the door knob on the door that leads into the kitchen from the garage and I scream against the tape. He kicks the door open and pushes me inside. As we walk into the kitchen he looks around then pushes me towards the dining table.

Mike grabs a dining chair and takes it to the living room, placing it in the middle of the room. "You try anything and I will kill you." He says as he cuts the duct tape around my wrists. "Sit in the chair." He says as he points the gun at me. I do as I'm told because I don't want to do anything to piss him off more than he seems. As soon as I sit in the chair, he opens the backpack and pulls out some rope. He pulls my arms around the back of the chair then ties my hands together and my arms to the chair. He walks back to the garage and I hear a car door shut. When he comes back inside the house, he is carrying a metal baseball bat.

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