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Lauren and I went to the police station this morning to get a restraining order against Mike. Unfortunately though, they couldn't issue a restraining order even though I had taken a picture of Lauren's arm and gave them his full name and cell phone number. Since we didn't have an address for him they said there was nothing they could do because that was needed also. Mike's last known address is in San Francisco and his cell phone number is different too.

That's the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. We were doing this to keep him from trying something else. Lauren needs to feel safe, I need to know she is safe since I can't be with her 24/7. She deserves to be safe but the damn cop said it would be our word against his and we had no concrete proof he did anything. Also before a restraining order is issued, it has to go to court for a judge to approve and issue the order and proof would be needed for that. More than just the one picture I had of Lauren's arm.

After we left the police station, I took Lauren to work. It was now second period which is her off period so I walked her inside to her classroom. She thought I was being a little extreme but like I told her, her and our baby are my number one priority. I want to know they are safe. Before she unpacks her bag I pull her to me for a hug since I have to leave and get to The Art Institute. "I love you, baby. You better call me if anything happens or you feel like you're being watched or feel anything is off. I don't care if I'm in class or not, you better call me. Okay?" I really don't want to leave. I would rather stay here with my wife and miss my classes.

Lauren nods her head that's resting against my shoulder and it seems like she doesn't want me to go either because she tightens her hold on me. "Okay Kyler. I will call if I need you. I suppose I better let you go so you can get to your class. I don't want you to be late."

We both pull away from the hug "I could just miss my classes today. Just this once?" I'm hoping Lauren will agree but she shakes her head no as she slowly backs me up towards the door. I knew she wouldn't agree.

"Kyler, I wish you could but I refuse to be the reason you miss your classes. Especially when I'm okay. Your education is very important and you know that." Lauren says as we stop in the doorway of her classroom. She pecks my lips "now go, so you're not late. I promise I'm fine."

I sigh but I haven't missed any of my classes and don't need to start now but I really don't want to leave. I would gladly miss every class and lab for my wife. "Yes, you are fine... very fine." I say as I wink at my wife, trying to lighten the mood. Lauren's cheeks turn red at my comment and she blushes even more when she sees there were kids in the hallway that overheard me and were watching us. She swats my arm playfully.

I step directly in front of Lauren "by the way, you're more important than my education." She glares at me and shakes her head. I know that disapproving look and take that as my cue to leave. "Okay, I'm going. Bye, love you."

I struggled to pay attention throughout my classes. My mind was elsewhere and by elsewhere I mean my mind was on my wife. I was currently sitting in my last class where we were doing review work, I think. I finally snapped out of my wandering thoughts and decided to focus on what my professor was saying for the last 20 minutes of class.

Once class was 10 minutes away from being over, he let everyone leave but told me to stay behind. When everyone is gone, I make my way to his desk. "You wanted to see me?"

Professor Walters looks at me and says "I'm just going to be blunt with you Kyler. You need to pay attention and stop daydreaming. We are covering important information and this is not like you. You are top of this class and I would hate to see you drop because you're not paying attention."

I nod my head "yes sir, I understand and I apologize. It will not happen again." He motions for me to leave and I quickly walk out of the lecture hall. I have just enough time to get to Alamo Vista by the time teachers can leave so I head that direction to pick up my wife. Once I get to the school, I see teachers leaving already so I walk inside to Lauren's classroom but she is not in there.

I step back out into the hallway and pull out my cell phone then dial her number because I'm worried. It rang once, twice then a third time and I finally heard a vibration of her phone against her desk in her classroom and ended the call. Suddenly the bathroom door opens and my wife walks out "Kyler?" She asks as she walks over to me with her face full of concern. "Are you okay?" She asks as she grabs my hand.

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, "I am now. You had me worried when I didn't find you in your classroom then I called your phone and you didn't answer. Finally I heard it vibrating on your desk."

Lauren slightly smiles and pecks my lips. "Sorry for worrying you but as you can see I'm fine. I just had to go to the restroom."

I sigh "I know but please just... take your phone with you wherever you go. Please." Lauren nods her head and agrees. We walk into her classroom and she gathers up her belongings so we can leave. We walk out of the school hand in hand to my car so we can head home.

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