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   The principal excuses himself and closes the door behind him as he leaves as I sit here looking at my wife. My very sexy wife in her light khaki dress pants, brown loafers and white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up making her forearm tattoo visible. She has her hair pulled up into a messy bun and she looks so damn sexy.

   Kyler clears her throat as she walks towards me and says "who's the one staring now?"

   I stand up from my desk "what.... What are you doing here? I ask because this just doesn't seem... I can't seem to form any clear thoughts or words. I walk around to the front of my desk and lean against it. "What is happening? Is this for real?" Kyler stands a couple feet in front of me with that sexy smirk on her face again. She makes me feel so many things with that smirk.

   "Yes, baby it's real. I applied for the new Graphic Design position that was added and actually got a job offer which obviously, I accepted. Please don't be mad that I didn't tell you. Trust me, it was so hard keeping this from you. I just thought this would be a nice welcome back surprise for you for your first day back."

   I cross my arms which causes Kyler's eyes to drift down to my raised chest since my arms are pushing my breasts up. I clear my throat and her eyes shoot back up to mine and she bites her bottom lip. "I want to be mad that you kept this from me because we could have celebrated this and because I'm not big on secrecy... but I'm not mad. This is a very, very nice surprise and I'm so extremely happy for you and proud of you. I'm guessing mom knew about this and that's why she tried rushing me out of the house this morning."

   Kyler and I hold eye contact for a few seconds then my eyes travel down to her lips as she smiles and nods her head. I lean off of my desk enough to reach my wife and loop two of my fingers through the belt loops of her khakis and tug her to me. I quickly close the distance and capture her lips with mine. I close my eyes as I deepen the kiss and her hands grab my hips, pulling me flush against her. I feel the hunger and want take over me but I pull back before I get carried away.

   "Sorry, you just look so good right now. You always do but seeing you dressed like this... it is so sexy." I place my hands behind me and hold onto the edge of my desk before I take my wife right here in my room. Suddenly I remember I'm supposed to show her around even though she knows where most everything is at.

   "Come on baby and I will show you around so I can keep my mind occupied with something other than wanting to rip your clothes off."

   Kyler laughs at my admission and says "that's how I feel every single day around you. You could just show me around later, I would much rather take a tour of you." I playfully roll my eyes at my wife and head towards my classroom door. Of course as soon as I walked past her, I could already feel her eyes on me. Before I can open the door, Kyler spins me around by my wrist, pins me against my classroom door with my arms above my head and passionately kisses me.

   I respond eagerly with a soft moan as I arch my body against Kyler's. I feel a rush of arousal as she moves down, kissing along my jawline and neck. She releases my wrists and her hands do straight to my ass and she grabs it, squeezing it hard causing me to moan again.

   "Kyler." I moan as I grab ahold of her hips. Suddenly my wife stops and backs away from me a little, putting space between us.

  "I'm sorry Lauren... shit... I got carried away." Kyler says as she releases a deep breath.

   I laugh at my wife's flustered face and partially untucked shirt. "It's okay... we just... we both got carried away." I smooth out my clothes as I get my breathing under control and open my classroom door so I can actually give her the tour for any areas she doesn't already know. I glance over my shoulder "don't worry Kyler, I will definitely make up for last night when we get home, now come on" I say with a wink.

   The rest of the day passed by smoothly even though I was constantly asked to see pictures of Taytum which I honestly didn't mind. I love showing off my beautiful baby girl. There were also questions from other teachers about Kyler working here now and how I felt about that. People are just so damn nosy. I also learned that troublemaker Stephanie was let go at the end of last school year which I'm happy about.

   It was a good first day back and rather productive even with all the interruptions. I was happy to be back at work until I received an email that the English department needed to meet. I knew we would have to meet but that doesn't mean I was looking forward to it. Kyler was able to go home but I had to finish my meeting before I could leave. I still can't believe my wife is working here too. It was a big surprise but I am so proud of her. I'm excited that I get to see her even when at work plus it's great that we will have the same work schedule, especially with us having Taytum.

   As soon as I get home from work, after my meeting, I head straight to the living room to see if my two favorite people are in there. When I walk into the living room, Kyler is sitting on the couch with her legs stretched out to the coffee table and her laptop in her lap. She has changed into black Under Armour running shorts and a white tank top.

   My eyes travel from Kyler's bare feet up her toned legs to her breast pushing against her tank top. She looks up from her laptop "hey baby. I just put Taytum down for a nap after feeding her. How was your meeting?"

   I walk towards Kyler with my eyes fixed on her, take her laptop off her lap and place it on the coffee table. She watches me as I push her legs down and I straddle her lap. "My meeting was good but boring. We just had to go over everything with me being back and catch up on what was done while I was out. Is mom still here?"

   Kyler rubs her hands up my thighs and around to my butt where she rests her hands. "You look so good in these black dress pants. They make your ass look even more amazing. And no, mom is gone. You should have seen how happy Taytum was when I got home. She is going to be so happy to see you when she wakes up. She kept looking around like she was trying to find you. It was so cute."

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