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   The day after I officially saw the house for the first time, the movers got all of our belongings delivered and unpacked everything except for mine and Lauren's bedroom. We made sure they brought the furniture and boxes to our bedroom, set the furniture up but no unpacking. Once the movers had left, we unpacked our stuff in the bedroom so we could settle in. Of course she hovered to make sure I didn't over do it and I watched her to make sure she wasn't doing to much either. Luckily all the heavy stuff was the furniture that the movers had taken care of.

   I know we didn't have to actually do the moving ourselves or unpacking of everything except our bedroom but I am so over moving. It's tedious, time consuming and plain boring as hell. I'm definitely glad it is over. We have been in our new house for four days and I absolutely love it. During those four days, everyone was at our new house and I was so happy Katie and Aunt Mary were there. Come to find out, Lauren paid to fly them out here since they were not able to come while I was in the hospital. They apparently were hesitant to accept but my wife can be pretty damn convincing and they finally gave in. At least I got to spend some time with them.

   We are trying to get back to some sort of normalcy after everything so Lauren decided to plan a date night for us tonight. Especially since her leave from work is over after this week and I will also return to campus for my classes. So while Lauren is at her therapy appointment, I'm here at home finishing up school work. Before leaving for her appointment, she informed me that we were going out for a nice dinner and that she had bought a new dress for me and her. When she gets home, we are both supposed to get ready... separately might I add, her decision, then leave for our date.

   I'm in the kitchen when Lauren gets home and walks into the house, I automatically know something is wrong. She doesn't say a word and doesn't look directly at me but I can see her red eyes and I know she has been crying. I quickly walk towards her "hey baby. What's wrong?" She doesn't say anything and just shakes her head then walks to the bedroom. I stand there for a second and it dawns on me that she must be upset from her therapy session. I walk into our bedroom and hear water running in the bathroom and see Lauren splashing water on her face. "Are you okay, baby?" I ask as I walk towards her. She wipes her eyes and turns, giving me a slight smile.

   "I'm okay. Therapy was just a little hard today." Lauren says as she walks back into our bedroom and sits on the edge of our bed.

   "Talk to me baby. What's wrong?" I ask as I sit down beside Lauren. She doesn't say anything so I lay down on the bed and pull her down with me. As I lay behind her, I snake my arms around her waist then slip one hand under her shirt, resting it on her bare stomach.

   Lauren turns over facing me and buries her face in my chest and sighs. "Therapy was just hard and made me feel... stupid. I should have rescheduled it because... because I didn't want anything to hinder our date night so I don't really want to talk about it right now. I just want to get ready for our date and not think about anything else so we can enjoy ourselves.

   I place a loving kiss on Lauren's head. "Baby, it's close to five o'clock. We have time to still have our date night and if you don't want to go tonight, then we go a different night. It's no big deal and just talk to me about what happened in therapy when you feel ready to and if you wan to. No pressure, I promise. Now if you still want date night tonight then let's go get a shower so we can get ready."

   Lauren snuggles in closer to me and laughs, "you know I told you we were getting ready separately." She pulls back enough to kiss me then moves to get off the bed. I stop her and hold her face as I kiss her a few more times, planting kisses on her forehead, cheeks, nose and finally those plump lips. "I love you." I whisper to which she kisses me and says "I love you."

   I smile as I look at my wife, "come shower with me" and I stick out my bottom lip in a pout.

   Lauren laughs and rolls her eyes, "fine." Damn that eye roll was so sexy. She kisses me one more time then gets off our bed and strips her shirt and jeans off then her bra and underwear follow. I watch as her gorgeous naked body moves with so much grace as she walks to our bathroom with a sway of her hips. I bite my lip as she  glances in my direction then disappears into the huge double shower and turns the water on.

  I quickly strip out of my clothes and make my way to our bathroom. I open one of the shower doors and step inside the shower where Lauren is already wet from head to toe. Even though we have two shower heads in this shower, she pulls me into the stream of water with her. I take her wet body in and notice she finally has a little baby bump. My hands automatically reach forward to Lauren's stomach. "You finally have a baby bump. I can't wait until you really pop." I say as I caress her stomach and bend down placing a kiss "hey little bean." Lauren starts laughing and I look up at her. "What?" I ask.

   Lauren laughs again, "I swear it seems you have a kinky fetish for pregnant women or at least seeing me really pregnant."

   I smile as I stand back up and look at Lauren. "I don't have a kinky fetish for pregnant women, just for you in general. I just think you're going to be so hot. You're already hot, so damn beautiful and so happy being pregnant but you're only going to get even more beautiful as you carry our baby. The look of pregnancy just suits you and you have a permanent glow that I love.

   Lauren stares at me and has the biggest smile on her face. We lock eyes and just smile at each other as we both start to shower. We touch and caress each other and just have a soft sensual shower together. There's no sex, just kissing, hugging and caressing and I feel so complete, happy and so loved.

   Once we both are out of the shower and dried, Lauren pulls a dress out of the closet, hands it to me then rushes me out of our bedroom to go get ready in the guest bedroom while she does the same in ours. As I'm walking out of our bedroom she says "do not come out of the room, I will come and get you." I don't know why we can't see each other get dressed or why I have to wait on her to come get me. I might not know her reasoning behind this but it's sweet and seems important to her so I just go with it.

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