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A muffled cry wakes me from my not very long sleep. I quickly sit up in bed and rub my eyes. We have been asleep maybe two or three hours and Tristan is already crying. I feel the covers move and look over as Lauren sits up beside me. "I wonder what he needs?" She sleepily questions.

As I get out of bed I glance at my wife "probably just attention. He is an attention whore after all."

Lauren throws a bed pillow at me as she laughs. "Don't call our son a whore. Maybe he has a dirty diaper since he just ate nearly two hours ago."

I put my robe on and before I can respond to Lauren our bedroom door swings open with Taytum rushing into our bedroom. "Mommyyy... can you or momma pwease get Twistan to stop cryin. I tryin to sleep."

I laugh at our grumpy little three year old which causes her to huff in annoyance at me. Suddenly I get hit with the other bed pillow as I'm heading towards our open bedroom door and Lauren says "stop laughing at our little girl."

"Sorry angel," I say to Taytum as I pass by her and run my fingers through her hair. I hear Lauren getting out of bed as I leave our bedroom to go check on Tristan. I also hear Taytum say "mommy can you pwease tuck me back in if Twistan can keep his mouf quiet." I try to be quiet but fail as I start laughing at our little girl. Luckily I can't get hit with another pillow for laughing again.

I reach over into Tristan's crib and carefully pick him up. I place a soft kiss on his forehead and gently bounce him in my arms. I start swaying back and forth and his cries start fading. Two month old Tristan is nothing like Taytum was at two months that's for sure. She usually slept through the night but not Tristan. He is constantly up even when he is not hungry or needing a diaper change. I love holding him though, just like I did Taytum and enjoy the bonding time.

I hear bare feet against the floor and I already know it's Lauren. She walks up behind me and circles my waist with both of her arms. "What was wrong?" She whispers as she looks over my shoulder at our son.

"Attention, like I said." Lauren laughs and gently pinches my side. I look down at Tristan and his eyes are closed and he appears to be back asleep. "He just wanted his mommies I guess. Did Taytum go back to sleep?"

Lauren moves to my left side and she keeps her right hand on my back as she gently caresses Tristan's head full of hair with her left. "Yes baby, she did. I think she was back asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow." She says as she leans down and places a gentle kiss on Tristan's head.

I step forward towards Tristan's crib to lay him back down but I already know what's going to happen. As soon as I'm lifting him over the side of the crib he starts crying again. I groan as I bring him back to my chest. Lauren quietly chuckles beside me and whispers "let me see him. You know usually he will not stay unless we both hold him a little bit."

I passed our son to Lauren and as soon as he's in her arms I say, "yeah because like I said, he's an attention whore."

Lauren cuddles Tristan and sways back and forth with him then shakes her head and laughs at me. "I told you not to call our son that. If anything, you're the attention whore. You always want my attention on you 24/7. I think sometimes you're jealous of your own kids having my attention" She laughs as I look at her with my mouth open.

"You know," I mumble as I step closer to Lauren, "that's just rude."

Lauren shrugs as she turns her back to me and slowly lowers Tristan back into his crib. When she turns around, she nearly runs into me because I am so close to her now. She smiles "you know it's true baby. You always want my attention." She caresses my face with her hand and skims her thumb across my bottom lip.

Lauren grips my chin and quickly kisses my lips making sure to pull my bottom lip between her teeth as she pulls away. When she releases my lip, she winks at me and brushes against me as she heads towards the doorway. I shiver from her teasing and bite my lip as I watch her walk away with a little sway in her hips.

Lauren glances over her shoulder at me and winks. I just nod in agreement and follow behind her as she makes her way out of Tristan's bedroom. I mean she's not wrong about me wanting her attention. I'm not jealous of my kids though but I do love it when all of her attention is on me and only me. My body always feels so warm and tingly when her eyes are on me. "Your attention is all I ever wanted and all I will always want." I say as I reach out and smack her ass.

Lauren yelps and suddenly stops and turns towards me. "What was that for?" She questions with that sexy eyebrow raise.

"Just giving you my attention, baby." I say as I quickly step forward and quietly pin her against the wall so we don't wake either of our babies.

Lauren laughs "you have always given me your attention. Your attention was always on me even when it shouldn't have been." She bites her lips as she looks at me and I lick my lips as I lean in and place a soft kiss on her neck. I continue kissing Lauren's neck and she grabs ahold of my hips, pulling me flush against her. A loud moan escapes her and suddenly she leans her head back a little too hard, smacking the wall, which causes the pictures on the wall to rattle.

"Shhh" I whisper as I kiss up to Lauren's mouth and take her lips with mine. She deepens the kiss and moans into my mouth as I wedge my knee between her legs. Her hold on my hips tightens as her legs seem to get weak. She pushes me back a little, breaking away from our heated kiss. I move back so I can look at my wife and to put some space between us.

"Kyler... I have been waiting for you to touch me, to please me, to make love to me but are you sure you're ready? I know doctor Walsh cleared you for sexual activities last week but I want to make sure you're actually ready.

I smile and caress Lauren's face as I look into her eyes. "Yes, baby, I'm definitely ready."

I watch as Lauren's eyes darken with want and desire. She pushes herself away from the wall and before she knows what is even happening, I quickly lift her up and put her over my shoulder. "What are you doing?" Lauren whispers while laughing as I hurry back towards our bedroom.

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