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Lauren had her doctor's appointment at the fertility clinic on the 22nd and the new blood test definitely confirmed that she is pregnant. The HCG levels had nearly tripled and Dr. Davis said that was a great sign of a successful insemination. We were both so excited when we left the clinic. Lauren has an appointment to go back January 5th and have the first ultrasound done. I didn't care if I had classes that day because I was not missing the appointment. I did not plan on missing any of her doctors appointments.

I was so excited I wanted to call and tell everyone but Lauren wanted to wait until Christmas and luckily the past two days passed by quickly. It is Christmas morning and I am so excited because we are telling our family today about our little bean. I wanted to go ahead and tell everyone last night for Christmas Eve but my wife said no, again. Who am I to argue with my pregnant wife?

Lauren had already showered this morning and was in the kitchen to start preparing everything for our Christmas dinner while I showered. I wanted to shower together but she informed me that we couldn't because she knew we would get side tracked and she was not having Christmas dinner run late because we couldn't contain ourselves.

Lauren and I both enjoy shower sex and she was definitely right because we can't seem to keep our hands off of each other especially when we are naked and so close to one another. Just thinking about it makes me throb but I shower quickly and dismiss my arousal so I can help my wife.

I walk into the kitchen and stop in my tracks as I take Lauren in as she is standing at the island pressing out dumpling dough. God she is so damn sexy. My eyes travel from her bare feet, up to her legs that are covered by a pair of tight black skinny jeans that fit her just right. My eyes trail on up to the red button up blouse with three buttons open, showing the top of her breasts and on up to her kissable neck and plump lips.

"You're staring" I hear, causing me to smile. I lock eyes with Lauren, "you're so beautiful, I can't help it" and her eyebrows raise in amusement. I walk towards my wife and stop behind her. I slip my arms around her waist and press my body against hers. I rub her flat stomach "Merry Christmas beautiful." She replies with a Merry Christmas as I kiss on her neck up to her ear then nibble on her earlobe. As I release her earlobe I say "you just had to taunt me with the tight jeans and those three buttons being undone." I kiss below Lauren's ear hitting her sweet spot "I will be ripping your clothes off of you later tonight" I say then I suck on her neck. Her hands drop the dumpling dough and she grips the edge of the countertop as she moans.

I kiss Lauren's neck and suck on a different spot, this time hard enough to leave a mark. She moans again and pushes her ass against me. With a flour covered hand, she grabs my right hand from around her waist and places it at the top of her jeans. I bring my other hand down to unbutton and unzip her jeans but never go any further. Lauren grabs my right hand again and just as she is trying to push my hand into her jeans the doorbell rings. She leans her head back against my shoulder and groans as the doorbell rings again.

I kiss Lauren's cheek and head out of the kitchen to the front door. "You just had to get me worked up didn't you?" She yells as the doorbell rings again. I laugh as I open the door and see Julia standing there. Of course it had to be the pussy blocker arriving early. "Merry Christmas" we exchange as I let her in the door with her two bags full of presents.

I head back to the kitchen so I can help Lauren and I notice her jeans buttoned and zipped back up. I smirk as I look at her and she just sticks her tongue out at me. "I have some where you can stick that tongue." Just as my wife is about to reply, Julia exclaims "Merry Christmas" as she walks into the kitchen and sees Lauren finishing the dumplings.

Lauren responds with a "Merry Christmas" and hugs Julia. As Julia pulls away she says "let me guess, I interrupted y'all's fuck fest? That is definitely a fresh hickey." I glance in her direction and see her eyeing her sister's neck. Lauren glances at me then shrugs her shoulders as she finishes her task.

I walk over to Julia "you know, you always seem to be really invested in mine and Lauren's sex life." She slaps my arm and pushes me away from her. I laugh and go back to helping prep Christmas dinner.

"What are you doing here so early?" Lauren questions as she gracefully moves on to another task for Christmas dinner. "I wasn't expecting anyone until after lunch."

Julia sighs as she sits down on a stool on the other side of the island. "I just wanted to visit y'all and talk with you Lauren. I'm about at my ropes end with dating. It seems like every guy I date is just a jerk. I'm thinking of trying online dating." I can't help but snicker at her complaining.

"Maybe you're dating the wrong sex." I say as I put my two cents in. Lauren looks at me shaking her head then turns to her sister "maybe you're just looking in all the wrong places Jules. Or maybe it's because you always want to go after the ones with the bad boy look." Julia just sighs as she props her head in her hands.

Lauren and Julia continue talking about her dating problems and my mind wanders off about telling everybody our wonderful news. After discussing it with my wife, we decided to announce it during Christmas dinner. To be honest, I'm a little nervous for some reason because I don't know how Lauren's parents or my Aunt Mary will react to the news. Aunt Mary is always so hot and cold it seems, especially concerning mine and Lauren's relationship and us getting married. I want her in my life and our baby's life since her and Kyle are the only family I have left from moms side. Her support would mean a lot but if she starts any shit then I'm done and she will have to leave. Family or not, I will not put up with her disrespecting my wife or our marriage.

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