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The she devil finally leaves, after glancing at me then back to Lauren. I really don't like her, especially the way she looks at my wife and how long she looks at her. As soon as the she devil leaves, I quickly go shut the classroom door. I don't want her back in here while Lauren and I enjoy the rest of our lunch together.

"I really don't like her." I admit to Lauren as I sit back down beside her.

Lauren looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You're not jealous, huh?" She laughs and pecks my lips then finishes the last couple bites of my sandwich. I roll my eyes and laugh as I gather up the McAlisters trash and throw it all away.

I glance at the time and realize Lauren's lunch break is almost over. "I guess I will be heading home since your next class starts in a few minutes."

Lauren stands up and grabs a belt loop on my jeans, pulling me to her. "I love you baby and thank you for lunch." She says as she kisses me. We get a little caught up with the kiss until we hear the bell ring.

"I love you more." I peck Lauren's lips one more time.

Before I can get out of the door, she grabs my hand stopping me. "I love you the most." She says as she kisses me again.

I shake my head "not likely" and leave her classroom with a smile on my face as I make my way out of the school to head home. I have work for my online classes so I know I will be busy the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have double majored but I did and I know it will all be worth it in the end.

Once I finished my last online assignment, I went to the living room to watch a little TV while waiting for Lauren to get home. We had decided this morning to cook dinner together so I'm just waiting for my wifey. Before I can even turn the TV on though, my phone starts ringing and it's a number I do not know.

After finishing the unexpected phone call, I just sit here on the couch staring off into space as my mind swarms with different thoughts and scenarios. I replay the phone call over in my head and I'm so lost in thought that I didn't even hear Lauren come in. "Hey baby," she says as she walks towards me and leans down kissing me.

"Hey beautiful." Lauren starts to walk away but I grab her hand stopping her. When she looks at me, I make grabby hands at her which causes her to shake her head and laugh but she sits on my lap and drapes an arm over my shoulder. I immediately wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her hair, taking a deep breath as her scent invades my nose. "I missed you." I mumble into her hair as I tighten my hold a little around her.

Lauren laughs "it hasn't been that long since you saw me but I missed you too baby." I take a deep breath and breathe her scent in again. She pulls away enough to look at me and lifts my chin to see my face. "Baby, are you okay?" She asks. I lock eyes with my wife and suddenly I'm flooded with all kinds of emotions. I just can't help but to look at my beautiful pregnant wife and admire her. Everything about her is just... perfect. She is my forever and I never want to be away from her.

"I got a phone call before you got home." I look down because I'm still not sure how I feel about the call.

Lauren stays quiet for a moment then finally speaks again.. "Okay, you're starting to worry me. What was the phone call about?"

I look back at Lauren, "It was concerning the internships I applied for." She is looking at me as I'm talking and she starts smiling, waiting for me to continue. "I was selected for the paid internship."

Lauren quickly wraps her arms around me in a hug "baby that's great. I'm so proud of you. I knew you would be selected. They would have been stupid not to pick you because your talent and work is phenomenal." She pulls away from the hug and notices me not smiling about my news. "Why aren't you happy Kyler? This is big for your education and career and was what you were wanting."

I shake my head and take a deep breath. "Because the internship is in May and June which is the last two months of school. I know that's not too bad but... the internship is in Houston. I would have to go to the Houston office then I would be able to work out of the San Antonio office once I graduate and finish my internship. I have to let them know in a couple days. If I accept it then that only leaves me four days before starting the internship and that's not a lot of time." I lean my head back against the couch and close my eyes. I know it is a great opportunity for me but....

Lauren caresses my cheek. "Kyler, it's still a great opportunity. It's just two months and Houston is only a little over two hours away. You would be able to come home on the weekends right?" I nod my head as I look at my smiling wife.

"I just... I know it's a great opportunity but... I don't want to be away from you. I will miss you too much and...." I swallow before I continue to speak my thoughts. "What if something happens to you? I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here to help you with everyday things also. I don't want you doing everything around the house. We are married and it's a shared responsibility, not just yours. That's not fair to you, especially with you being pregnant."

Lauren grabs my hands and holds them in hers. "Baby, it means so much to me that you are worried about not being here to help and leaving me alone but my parents are only 30 minutes away now. If I need anything, all I have to do is call them and you know that. You promised to not let anything hinder your education. I'm not trying to force you or convince you to take the internship if it's absolutely something you do not want anymore. Just don't make that decision because of the fact you will be away from me and miss me. I promise you that I will miss you too, very much but you can come home on the weekends or I will come to Houston."

I start shaking my head no as soon as those words are out of Lauren's mouth. "I would rather drive home on the weekends. I don't really want you traveling to me, especially with you being pregnant. I need to know you're safe and not traveling by yourself for a little over two hours. Just the thought of something happening to you scares the hell out of me. I just... my heart aches when I'm away from you too long. I know I'm being dramatic but I just have all these feelings and it's overwhelming. D-Does that make sense?"

Lauren pecks my lips. "Of course it does, Kyler. Trust me, I get it because my feelings are all over the place too but I know this is a great opportunity for you. Since we have been together, we haven't been away from each other like that. I miss you when I'm at work and I know it would definitely be an adjustment but it's not permanent. I just don't want you to pass up an opportunity like this that you wanted. You applied for the internships to finish school early and land a job in advertising design. You've been given that chance and two months will fly by before you know it. We will be together on the weekends and I know that's not a lot of time but we will make it work. The decision is yours though and I will support you in whatever you choose."

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