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   I groan and lean my head back against the back of the couch again. Lauren turns and straddles me then starts running her fingers through my hair. "I would miss you so much," I whine to my wife as I hold onto her.

   "Let's not worry about that right at this minute since we still have a couple days for you to make your decision." Lauren says as she runs her fingers through my hair again and down to the back of my neck. She pulls me into her and captures my lips. I tenderly kiss her back as we get lost in the delicate kiss. A kiss full of gratitude, devotion and love.

   I cup Lauren's face, needing to feel more of her. My heart is beating wildly in my chest and I feel her smile against my lips as she breaks away from our sweet kiss. Her ocean blue eyes open and she smiles at me with so much love and I swear my insides melt all over again for her.

   Lauren smirks at me, "you know, there is always FaceTime." She kisses me and bites at my bottom lip as she slowly grinds her hips against me. "And I mean FaceTime... naked. Lots of naked FaceTime." She whispers as she breaks the kiss and straddles just one of my thighs then slips one of her legs between mine suggestively. "I have some ideas in mind for those FaceTime calls too." Lauren says as she ghosts her lips on mine while she firmly presses her knee into me, sending a wave of pleasure through my body.

   "Oh really, baby? Are you trying to bribe me into taking the internship?" I playfully question Lauren as my hands roam up her thighs to her ass and I give it a good squeeze. "Tell me your ideas."

   Lauren softly moans as I squeeze her ass again. "Of course I'm not trying to bride you baby and my ideas would be a surprise so you would have to just wait and see." She taunts as she presses into me again and I see the mischievous, sexy glimmer in her eyes. She kisses me to keep me from questioning her further and it definitely works. Our little make out session is cut short when Lauren's stomach growls really loud, causing us both to laugh uncontrollably.

   Once our laughter dies down, Lauren and I head to the kitchen and make some chicken quesadillas real quick using leftover fajita chicken strips. As we are eating, Lauren looks at me off and on but never says anything. "Baby, is something wrong?" I finally asked her.

   "I... I want to talk to you about something after we finish eating and clean the kitchen up. It's nothing bad before you ask, just something I thought about today after you left from our lunch together." I don't reply, I just nod my head as I rack my brain trying to figure out what she wants to talk about. I know there's no point in asking because she will not budge and tell me right now.

   After eating and cleaning the kitchen up we make our way to the living room. I fight the urge to not let my eyes wander to Lauren's ass as she walks in front of me with her hips swaying from side to side. Of course I don't succeed because my eyes are glued to her gorgeous ass. "I can feel your eyes burning a hole in my ass Kyler." Lauren says with a chuckle as she glances over her shoulder at me. I just laugh and reach out and squeeze her ass. I am an ass woman, especially for hers.

   We settle in on the couch and Lauren eyes me for a moment then looks away. She seems nervous for some reason but before I can ask anything, she starts talking. "I... sorry, I'm just a little nervous about this." She takes a deep breath then exhales slowly. "I got to thinking after lunch today about baby names since we still needed to come up with some. While writing down different names, I thought about... you."

   I quirk an eyebrow at Lauren because I don't quite understand. "What do you mean you thought about me? It's okay if you came up with baby names. I'm not going to be mad about it."

   Lauren sighs, "Well, I got to thinking about how I would like our babies names to have some sort of significance and that's what made me think of you."

   "Me?" I ask Lauren because I still don't quite follow where she's going with this.

   "I did... well I thought about you which caused me to think about your mom. I know how much you loved her, what she meant to you and how unfair it is that she's not here to meet her grandbabies." Lauren's voice gets softer as she talks and she seems even more nervous now.

   "What do you mean baby?" I ask as I wrap an arm around Lauren and pull her against me. She rests her head against my shoulder and snuggles into me.

   "I-I was thinking... maybe... Taylor Eli for our son and Taytum Elizabeth for our daughter. Since your mom's name was Sara Elizabeth, I loved the idea of giving the twins something of hers and what better way to honor her than maybe using her middle name for both of theirs. I-If you don't like it that's okay. We don't have to use those names, it was just an idea and I wasn't sure if you would like them or not. I thought maybe we could call them by their first names but only if...."

   Lauren stops talking as a sob escapes me and she quickly pulls away from me and pulls me into her arms instead. She holds me as tightly as she can as I cry. After a few minutes I stop crying and look at my wife. My heart is racing as Lauren's words sink in. "A-Are you sure about using my mom's middle name? You never even got to meet her? Are you sure you want to do that?"

   Lauren caresses my face after wiping any remaining tears away. "I know I didn't get to meet her and I hate that I didn't have that chance but I know she is the reason for your big heart. Your loving, carefree, fun side and selflessness is all from her. She raised you well and I would love for our babies to have that connection with her and I want them to know all about her."

   Tears of joy fill my eyes and an overwhelming amount of joy spreads through my body. "Thank you baby, thank you so much! I love both names and you don't know how much this means to me. Mom would love you so much and I know she would love us using her middle name for both of our babies. I slide a hand across Lauren's stomach and whisper "hey there Taytum Elizabeth and Taylor Eli. We love both of you so much." A swift movement presses against my hand and I fight back tears again because it seems like our babies like their names just as much as I do.

   I continue to move my hand around, caressing Lauren's stomach and watch as the babies continue moving against my hand. Lauren places her hand on top of mine and I glance up at her and she is looking at me with nothing but adoration and love. I lean forward to gently kiss her but she cups my cheek with her other hand and pulls my face closer and passionately kisses me.

   Once we pull away from the kiss, I look at Lauren and smile as I caress her stomach again. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She questions as I smile lovingly at her.

   "Pregnancy just suits you. You make me so happy and you are so damn beautiful, so perfect and you're going to be such a great mother to Taytum and Taylor."

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