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   As soon as Kyler gets inside our bedroom she places me down on my feet and hurries back to our bedroom door to close it. My heart is already racing as I watch her quietly close our bedroom door and lock it. She turns around to find me watching her and her sexy smirk, that I love, appears as she steps back to me, grabbing me around the waist. Kyler pulls me into her until our bodies are pressed against one another.

   "Hi beautiful," Kyler whispers as she leans in and kisses me slowly. I kiss her back just as slow but this is definitely not the pace I was expecting after a nearly three of months of no sex. I had turned down every offer for her to pleasure me after Tristan was born because she had to heal and I couldn't return the favor and pleasure her. I was expecting more urgency and want, not her looking at me so adoringly and being so gentle and slow.

   Kyler leans back from the kiss and I catch her off guard as I push her against the door and slam my lips against hers. I groan as I glide my fingertips along her face and grip her chin in a desperate need for her delicious mouth. I press my body flush against Kyler's making my clit throb with need even more as her covered breast are pressed against mine. One of her legs slips between mine and I take the opportunity to straddle her leg and grind my pussy against her thigh as our tongues slide together in a hungry kiss.

   Kyler wraps one arm around my back, letting her hand settle on my ass and her other hand makes its way into my hair. Once we break our hungry kiss, I look at Kyler and whisper "take me, please."

   Kyler steps away from the wall and grips my hips, quickly lifting me up. I wrap my legs around her waist as her arms settle below my ass to hold me up. She walks us to our bed and I giggle as my back hits the mattress when she carefully drops me onto our bed. I nibble on my bottom lip as I watch Kyler undo her robe and slowly let it slide off her gorgeous body, puddling around her feet.

   Kyler climbs onto our bed on her knees, watching me as she does so and straddles my body. My eyes travel down her gorgeous body admiring everything about my wife. As soon as my eyes land between her open legs, I can see how wet she already is. My pussy throbs from the sight of her arousal and I lick my lips as I move my eyes back to hers.

   Kyler glides both hands up my legs, over my robe and stops when she reaches the tie of my robe. She unties the knot and slowly pushes my robe open, exposing my naked body to her. I lean up enough for Kyler to push my robe off of my shoulders and I quickly take my arms out then lay back down ready for her to devour me.

   Kyler's lips trail kisses down my neck to my rapidly rising chest. She places wet kisses between my breasts then licks a trail down my body, stopping to kiss and nibble occasionally. I don't even care if she marks me right now as long as she just takes me. Kyler stops at my C-section scar, placing a few kisses there then moves and nips at my pelvis causing me to try and squeeze my thighs together in hopes to relieve some of the building pressure but she stops me.

   Kyler looks me up and down with hungry eyes then moves to be level with my face and devours my lips. She kisses my chin and kisses another trail down my chest. This time, she leans down, capturing my left nipple in her mouth. She palms my right breast as she swirls her tongue around my already hard nipple, making it even harder to the point it aches but it's a good ache. She switches to my right nipple and does the same and palms my left breast as the throbbing between my legs literally makes me ready to beg for my release already.

   I know that if she stays on my breasts much longer I will cum before I even get the chance to feel her wonderful mouth on my pussy. I push on her shoulders hoping she will finally give my pussy the attention it needs. She moves and  settles between my legs on her stomach, spreading my legs wider, eyeing how wet I already am.

   Kyler glances up at me with eager eyes, basically begging for my permission. After a quick nod to my wife, she blows a breath over my pussy causing me to squirm and moan. "Baby," I say, which causes Kyles to look back up at me. "No teasing, just fuck me... please."

   Kyler does as I ask and forcefully licks from the bottom of my slit up to my clit. I buck my hips desperate for more and she quickly licks two fingers then thrust them inside me giving me what I desperately want. She thrusts her fingers deep inside my pussy as she wraps her wonderful lips around my clit and starts sucking. "Oh yes, baby! Don't stop... yes! Faster... harder... please!"

   Kyler continues pumping her fingers in and out of my pussy as I start thrusting my hips to meet her rhythm. "Fuck... yes, Kyler...! You feel so good inside me. More... please!" I moan as I already feel my body tensing by the second. She adds a third finger and leans in thrusting her fingers harder. I grab Kyler's hair trying to pull her mouth closer to devour my greedy clit.

   Kyler bites down on my clit causing a powerful orgasm to instantly wash over me. She continues thrusting her fingers in and out of my drenched pussy as she helps me ride my orgasm out until I finally moan "no more" or I will end up screaming and waking our babies up.

   Kyler locks eyes with me as she slowly pulls her fingers out of me and I watch as she brings her glistening fingers to her mouth. She slowly slides each finger into her mouth individually and licks them clean. "Mmmmm..." Kyler moans "you taste so damn good." As my body is still trembling, Kyler suddenly dives back in and thrust her tongue inside my quivering pussy. She licks every inch of my silky, slick walls as she takes in all of my cum that she can and moans in appreciation as she moves away.

   Kyler kisses all the way back up my body and finally settles on the bed beside me. I take this opportunity to roll over onto my wife and pin her arms above her head, completely catching her off guard. "Now it's my turn." I nearly moan as I grind my body against Kyler's. "I've been dying to taste you on my lips."

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