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Kyler delicately cups my cheek and tenderly kisses my lips. She carefully reaches for the hem of my shirt and whispers "may I?" I nod my head for her to continue even though I'm still worried about her seeing my body now since I have put on weight rather quickly for some reason. She slowly pulls my shirt up and her fingers skim my sides causing goosebumps to cover my skin. She pulls my shirt over my expanded belly and smiles as her hand skims over the top of my stomach while she is holding the shirt. Her eyes lock with mine and she bites her lip as she pulls my shirt up to reveal my swollen, enlarged breasts that are barely in my bra. I automatically lift my arms and let her pull my shirt all the way off and she tosses it to the floor. She softly places a kiss on my lips and whispers "you are so beautiful."

Kyler places her hands on my hips which for some reason causes me to swallow hard from the feeling and I feel my breathing pick up. She looks into my eyes and wastes no time as her fingers reach for the band of my maternity pants I had to go buy since nothing else would fit. She slips her fingers in the elastic waistband of my pants and with her eyes still locked with mine, "may I?" She asks again and I nod my head yes as I watch my wife. With her fingers still in the waistband on my pants, she squats in front of me and pulls them down. I step out of my pants and she tosses them to the side out of the way. Not once did she make a remark about my maternity pants which I'm grateful for.

Kyler skims her hands up my bare legs and places a kiss on both of my thighs causing me to shiver. "Absolutely beautiful." She says then stands back up.

Kylers eyes lock with mine again and she softly says, "you are so perfect." She lightly runs her hands up my arms to my shoulders then reaches around my back and unhooks my bra. As she slides my bra straps down my arms, her fingers skim the sides of each breasts causing my breathing to hitch in my throat. As my bra falls to the floor, Kyler gently palms each enlarged breast and says "these definitely caught my attention when we first met. The way they were straining against your tank top, the way they have always filled out your bras. I have always enjoyed them and I always will."

Kyler leans down and places a kiss on each pert, tight nipple, causing a rapid throbbing between my legs and my breathing to increase. It has been nearly three weeks since my wife has touched me and I am turning into a withering mess just from her words and feather light kisses on my skin. When she stands back up, I stretch my neck forward and claim her lips with mine, desperate for her mouth which she eagerly accepts and cups my face with her warm, soft hands.

Kyler pulls away from the kiss and licks her lips as she looks back into my eyes. She smirks as she moves behind me and squats down. She reaches up for my underwear, hooks a finger inside both sides of the waistband and slowly pulls them down. She helps me step out of my underwear and moves them out of the way. I feel both of her hands softly caress each butt cheek as she moves her hands to the curve of my butt with each thumb in the crease under each cheek. She squeezes my ass which causes me to moan and my pussy to throb even more. "Don't even get me started on your ass." She places a kiss on one of my butt cheeks and says "absolutely beautiful." I slightly chuckle at her as she stands back up and she smiles that knee weakening smile at me that shows her dimples because she knows what her squeezing my ass does to me.

"Lauren, I fell in love with you as a person, not your body no matter how beautiful it is. My love for you will not change even if your body does. It doesn't matter if you have gained weight, if you lose weight or don't lose the weight after our babies are born. There is no one else I would rather spend my life with than you. My love for you only intensifies each day and I will spend the rest of my life loving you for you. I will also spend the rest of my life trying to erase those hateful words from your mind that you have heard. I love you, always."

A tear slides down my cheek from Kyler's admission and she quickly wipes it away. "I-I love you too Kyler, always. Thank you for loving me and all my insecurities. I love you so much." I manage to say it without breaking down crying. She has a way of always making me fall in love with her all over again. When I think it's not possible to love her more than I already do, she proves me wrong.

Kyler smiles at me and asks "always my love. Can we shower now?" I nod my head yes and Kyler walks to the shower and turns it on so the water can heat up which will not take long. She checks to make sure it's hot and guides me to the steamy shower. Even though we have two shower heads in this big walk in shower, she stands directly behind me at the same shower head.

Kyler skims her fingertips up my arms until she reaches my shoulders. She moves my hair to the side and gently places loving kisses on my neck and shoulders. She turns us so the hot water reaches my back better and she starts to massage my back, paying close attention to my lower back which hurts really bad from carrying around the twins.

After the amazing back massage, Kyler grabs my loofah and proceeds to bathe me but never tries to make it sexual which I was kind of disappointed in but I figure she has her reasons so I don't question her. If only she knew how bad I wanted her to just... ravish me. I offer to wash my own hair so she can shower which she reluctantly agrees to. As soon as we finish bathing and washing our hair, she steps out of the shower and dries herself off. "Can I?" She asks as she stands there naked and holds a towel up wanting to dry me off as well. I nod my head yes as she holds her hand out to help me step out of the shower so she can dry me off.

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