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I wake up to the pattering sound of rain against the hospital window. I look to the left towards the window and realize I'm not alone. Mrs. Jessica is sitting on the sofa with a magazine in her hand reading. I glance around the room and don't see Lauren anywhere. Maybe she realized I was right and decided to leave. I shift a little to get semi comfortable and groan from the pain in my ribs.

"Are you looking for Lauren?" I suddenly hear and turn my head back to the left. Mrs. Jessica is looking at me and my eyes lock with hers but I don't say anything. "I made her go get something to drink and eat. She loves you more than anything. She is so worried about you and has been crying non stop but she needs to take care of herself and the baby." I nod my head in understanding.

"I know you love her too. Just like with Lauren, I can see the love for each other is in everything y'all do. It's in the eyes, the body language and the voice. You love her very much too and you have to stop blaming yourself for what happened. Don't push my daughter away because of the hateful things Mike said to you. You know he was a liar and manipulator so do not believe a word that... asshole sad. You are so much better than that. He might have been your father and I know I shouldn't say this but I'm glad he's dead."

With a dry mouth I mumble "w-what?"

Mrs. Jessica stands up and steps towards my bed. She pours me a cup of water, puts a straw in the cup then hands it to me. She leans down and kisses my head then says "sweetie, Mike is gone. The police shot him after he shot you. You and Lauren are safe and never have to worry about him again. I know I should be sorry that he's dead but I'm not, not when he hurt two of my babies. Now you better listen to me and stop blaming yourself for what happened. Be thankful to still be alive and to have Lauren and the baby. I'm thankful for you Kyler. You are my daughter too, not just my daughter in law and I love you. I'm so very thankful because you saved my daughter and grandbaby. You risked your life for theirs and as a mother, to know you would do that for Lauren means the world to me. To know that Lauren and y'all's baby are your number one priority means more to me than you will ever realize."

I furrow my brows as I look at Mrs. Jessica. "Of course Lauren and the baby are my number one priority. I love Lauren with all my heart and our baby too. Did you doubt my love for her?" We share a look and I see nothing but truth in Mrs. Jessica's eyes as she shakes her head no.

"No sweetie, I don't doubt your love for her, not anymore. As I said before, I know you love her too. I can never repay you for protecting Lauren with your own life. You two are truly meant to be together no matter how wrong it seemed to me at first or how unethical it was with the way the two of you started your relationship. Y'all are soul mates and it's so obvious. We all see it and we all know it."

I blink at Mrs. Jessica in shock because she has never been like this with me. She has never been so honest and open with me. "It breaks Laurens heart to hear you blame yourself for what happened and for you to believe those hateful things he said to you. Mike would have done this to Lauren whether she was married to you or not. Nobody blames you for his actions so stop blaming yourself. Maybe... maybe it might be a good idea to see a therapist. I have already suggested the same thing to Lauren as well. You both went through something terrible and it might help the both of you to talk with a therapist."

The door opens and Lauren walks in. My eyes watch her every move as she walks towards me. For some reason or another, I'm nervous right now as her gaze is locked on me. I hear movement to my left and Mrs. Jessica says "sweetie, Julia called Katie and Mary to let them know. Mary was supposed to call your brother. I don't know if they will make it here or not but they were notified. Now, I'm going to go and leave you two alone."

I turn my head as she is gathering her purse and magazine in her hands. I reach out and touch her arm "thank you... m-mom."

Tears fill Mrs. Jessica's eyes and she leans down and kisses my forehead. "No need to thank me sweetie." She walks to the other side of my bed where Lauren is, hugs and kisses her then walks out of the room as both Lauren and I watch her leave.

Once Mrs. Jessica is gone, Lauren focuses her attention back on me. Her eyes lock with mine and I watch them get watery. "C-Can I kiss you?" She asks hesitantly.

I smile at Lauren "yes, please." She smiles as she leans down and connects our lips in a soft, slow but loving kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap my free arm around her waist. My shoulder and ribs have me silently screaming from the pain but I don't want this moment to end. I feel a few tears on my neck and I tighten my arm around her waist not wanting to let her go just yet. My heart is beating like crazy like it did the first time I ever met her. I know she probably feels my hammering heart because I can definitely feel hers. Having Lauren in my arms and her lips on mine is the best feeling. I don't know why she is still here but I want to enjoy the time I have with her before she finally realizes she is better off without me.

Lauren breaks the kiss and quickly stands up straight as our eyes meet. We both stay silent for a few seconds just looking at each other. She clears her throat and says "I'm sorry. I know that was probably too much for your shoulder and ribs." She looks away from me to sit down in the chair beside my bed. My eyes are on her the entire time and I watch as she subtly grazes her fingers over her lips as she smiles. Once she sits down, she looks at me only to realize I am already looking at her. She knew I saw her and a slight blush paints her cheeks and it's the cutest thing ever.

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