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   We ended up stopping by the grocery store on our way home because Lauren said she had the taste for Chicken Parmesan so we got everything we needed for that and decided to get the stuff for potatoes and steamed broccoli also. When we get home, I offer to cook dinner while she relaxes or takes care of stuff for school if she needs to.

   Lauren of course declines as she takes a seat on a stool at the kitchen island. She of course says numerous times that she will help but I just shake my head no. I place the chicken in the oven and double check the temperature then set my timer. I turn around and see my beautiful wife watching me. I walk around the island to where she is sitting, cup her face with both hands and softly kiss her lips. I just can't get enough of her.

   "Now, you go take care of any school stuff woman or relax while dinner is cooking. That way after dinner and when the kitchen is cleaned, we can get a shower and head to bed early. Really early." Lauren laughs and gives me a questioning look but agrees and goes to our home office to grade tests and lay out her next lesson plan.

   Once all of dinner is finished and I'm taking the chicken out of the oven, Lauren walks back into the kitchen. "Perfect timing baby." I say as I'm closing the oven door. She helps set the table and we fix our plates then sit down to eat. We talk about random things and my classes while we eat, just enjoying our time with each other. Once I finish eating I just sit here looking at my wife. She is so damn gorgeous and glowing and just... perfect. Pregnancy really suits her because she is just... wow. She is alway wow but now... damn.

   Lauren finally looks at me with a raised eyebrow and asks "how long are you just going to stare at me?"

   I smile at my wife "I can't help it. You are so damn beautiful and you're just glowing." Lauren shakes her head and laughs as she grabs our dirty plates and silverware and slowly walks to the kitchen with her hips swaying the whole time. She glances over her shoulder before turning the corner and sees me staring at her again and rolls her eyes. I swear I probably look like one of the cartoon characters with their eyes popping out of their head and their heart pounding out of their chest. Don't forget the drool because I'm probably drooling too.

   I tiptoe to the kitchen and sneak up on Lauren as she is rinsing the plates in the sink. I wrap both arms around her waist and a cute squeak escapes her lips. I run my hands up and down her sides then over her stomach and kiss her cheek. "God you are so perfect."

   I release Lauren and she looks at me smiling. I start filling up the dishwasher and together we get the entire kitchen cleaned up. Once the dining table is cleaned, I grab my wife's hand and pull her to me and slowly start dancing across the floor. She smiles at me and her eyes twinkle as we sway together even though there's no music playing. I spin her and she laughs right before I slowly dip her to kiss her sweet lips.

   "Let's go take that shower then I want you on the bed." She starts to speak but I place a finger on her lips to stop her. "Please, just let me take care of you and... do not get dressed or under the covers after showering."

   Lauren grabs my hand and pulls me with her to our en-suite bathroom. "What are you planning?" She asks me once we make it to our bathroom. I start the shower for the water to heat up and I start taking my clothes off. She follows suit even though she still has the questioning look on her face.

   I smile at Lauren and finally answer her. "Just a massage to help you relax and not be stressed. After all, stress is not good for our little bean or for you." She pecks my lips and smiles lovingly at me. I enter the shower first then hold my hand out for her. She gladly accepts and steps into the shower with me with a smile still on her face. I let her shower first as I shamelessly watch and take in her and all her beauty. We switch places when she is done and I quickly shower while she gets out and dries off. As soon as I am finished I get out, dry off too and walk into our bedroom and see Lauren is laying on the bed. "Ok beautiful, you get comfortable and I will give you that massage." She smiles and gladly turns over on her stomach.

   Once I finish Lauren's massage, she turns onto her side facing me and I lay down beside her on my back. She moves and lays in the bend of my arm and places a kiss on my bare chest. We lay in silence as my fingertips dance along her bare shoulder. I kiss her head as her fingertips trace my feather tattoo on my collarbone. I break the silence when I say, "I can't wait for you to finally start showing. I can see us having more beautiful babies together."

   Lauren freezes her actions and I swear she is holding her breath since I don't feel her breathing against me. Finally she asks "you actually want more kids with me?" and she looks at me with questioning eyes. I move my head back to see her face better. I smile as I look into her beautiful blue eyes and nod my head.

   "Yes, I want more than one. Preferably with you carrying them and using Kyle as the donor again. Only if you want more too but yeah, I want more babies with you and only you. Did you think I would only want one?"

   Lauren looks down then back at me and says "well, umm... I... for some reason at first mention of us having a baby, I had in my head that maybe you only wanted this one... just to make me happy. I don't think that now because I realized you are extremely happy with us having a baby and it was also what you wanted. Maybe deep down, I was scared you only wanted to have a baby because you felt sorry for me because of how long I had been wanting one. I don't know, maybe... maybe I guess I thought with you being so young, you wouldn't want to start a family now. I feel kind of bad because I feel like I'm taking away from you living your life."

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