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I wrap an arm around Kyler's waist as I claim her lips again then push her onto her back. She gladly accepts being on her back and grinds up against me. I quickly remove her sports bra and boxers leaving her completely naked for me. I squeeze both of her breasts and tease her hard nipples. I slip one hand away and slide it between our bodies.

"Please, Lauren..." Kyler begs as she places a kiss on my neck. I move my hand between her thighs and smirk when I find how wet she already is and easily slide a finger into her pussy. She arches her back and grinds against my hand as I slowly thrust my finger in and out of her.

"You claim I'm the impatient one but look at you. I like when you beg for my touch." I say as I smirk at my wife.

"Oh yeah?" Kyler breathes out as she tries to grind against my hand again.

"Yeah." I chuckle softly as I lean down and claim her lips with mine. Kyler slides one hand onto my shoulder and with her other hand she reaches for my free hand, lacing our fingers together. I slide a second finger into her wet pussy and quicken my thrusts. Her fingers dig into my shoulder and she squeezes my other hand she is holding. I lean down and kiss Kyler's swollen lips and bite on her bottom lip as I pull away.

I slide down Kyler's body placing kisses as I go. "You are so beautiful" I say between kisses as I settle between her legs while slowly pulling my finger out of her and rub slow circles on her clit.

Kyler moans "Lauren, please..." as I pull my fingers away and replace them with my mouth. We both moan together but for completely different reasons. She moans from pleasure while I moan from her heavenly taste as I greedily lick her pussy. Her moans of pleasure urge me on as I want to please her like she did me.

I plunge two fingers carefully into Kyler's pussy as my tongue teases her clit. As soon as I suck really hard on her clit she topples over the edge as her orgasm washes over her. She moans in pleasure into our dark bedroom and her inner walls squeeze my fingers as I help her ride her orgasm out. "Fuck!" She moans as the waves of pleasure fade away. I slowly pull my fingers out and place an open mouth kiss to her pussy which causes her to tremble. I lick my fingers clean as she watches me.

I move back up and lay beside Kyler as we release our hands and I lay my head on her chest as she wraps an arm around me. "We weren't very quiet" she mumbles as she kisses my head. I can't help but laugh at her tired voice and because we definitely were not quiet. "We will probably catch hell in the morning." She laughs softly not at all caring about the problem. We both laugh at the situation because that's really all we can do. Seriously, I'm a hormonal pregnant woman that has an increased sex drive.

After our laughter dies down and a couple seconds of silence, Kyler pulls away from me. Just as I'm about to question her, she moves down so she is level with my stomach and I automatically know what she is doing. I watch in awe as she places kisses to my stomach and says "Merry Christmas little bean. Mommy and I love you so much and can't wait to meet you. You are already loved more than you will ever know. Just wait till next Christmas when you're able to celebrate with us. We are going to be such a happy family, little one."

My eyes tear up as I listen to Kyler talk to our baby. I run a hand through her hair as she lays her head on my stomach and places gentle kisses. I know that she will be the best mama to our bundle of joy and I couldn't have a better partner in life than her.

Kyler moves back up and lays back down beside me. She props herself up on her elbow and cups my face with her other hand. Her thumb caresses my cheek as we stare into each other's eyes. Kyler smiles as she leans down and sweetly kisses my lips. I reach for her hand and lace our fingers together as we lay here enjoying the warmth of each other's body. I squeeze her hand "we should sleep" I whisper as I look at my wife.

"Yeah" Kyler says as we both lean in for a one more kiss. We both pull away with a smile on both of our faces. She leans back in and kisses the end of my nose. As she pulls away she says "good night wifey, I love you." She pecks my lips again then settles back down and pulls me against her so we can cuddle.

I tangle my legs with Kylers and tighten my hold on her hand as I feel my eyes grow heavy. "Good night baby and I love you too." We both relax from the warmth of each other's body and from a tiring day as we fall asleep cuddled together.

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