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I look at my wife for a few seconds and let what she just said run through my head again. I don't think I ever gave her the impression that I felt sorry for her or that I never wanted a baby. Finally I say "Lauren, I will admit I was skeptical about the idea of us starting a family, even if you were the one carrying our baby. I was worried that the process might not even work. I did not want to see you go through pain and heartache when it was something you had wanted for so long. When I told you I wanted us to start a family it was because I truly wanted that. I wanted us to have kids and have a family of our own. I wanted the opportunity to love a kid the way my mom loved me. I know this probably sounds stupid but the feeling I always got knowing she was my mom and she loved me unconditionally was something I wanted to share with kids of my own. It's the greatest feeling to have a parent that loves you unconditionally and it's even better when you have two parents that love you and that's something I never got but I definitely want us to give that to our kids."

It's silent for a few seconds but I'm the first to break the silence. "I promise you, it's not taking away from me living my life. Having a baby with you is only adding to living and fulfilling my life. Now, like you have said before, we need to think of names for this little bean. After all, you don't want me to continue calling our baby little bean especially once we find out what we are having. So what are some names you like?"

Lauren laughs and says "ok, well, umm... I was thinking about names the other day during my planning period. Don't laugh but I only came up with two that I really liked. For a boy I like the name Jace and for a girl I like the name Makena. I don't think I want matching names but would like them to sound good together. What about you?"

I kiss Lauren's head "I like both of those names too. I really like Jett for a boy and Maverick for a girl. Maverick could also be for a boy too. I like those four names as first names though not as middle names. We will have to think of good middle names to go with all four first names so we can narrow it down unless we think of others we like better." She kisses my chest and I suddenly have an idea. I move her off my arm and turn over towards my nightstand and grab my phone.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asks as she settles on her back as I open the camera on my phone and take a picture of us laying here in bed discussing baby names.
After a couple quick pics, I open the notes app and smile at Lauren. "We need to save these names my love. We have four good ones so far. Oh, and I have an idea in mind of a middle name for Makena and for Jett."

Lauren giggles and says "you must have been thinking about names a good bit and never said anything? I admit I thought of a few more but the two I mentioned just stuck with me for some reason. I do like Jett and Maverick though. It's definitely going to be a hard decision. I can't believe you already thought of a name to put with Makena. So what two middle names did you think of?"

I smile as I type in the four names we have so far. I lay my phone on the bed and turn over on my side facing Lauren. I can't help but smile as I rub on her stomach. "So I think Jett Davis sounds good and Makena Grace. Of course we can think of more names and over time we will delete the ones we don't like."

I stop rubbing Lauren's stomach and just skim my fingertips up and down her stomach and watch goosebumps cover her soft skin. I skim my fingers up from her stomach between the valley of her breasts and up her neck. She sucks in a breath and closes her eyes. I cup her face and trace her soft, plump lips with my thumb then lean in and softly kiss her. I slowly pull away from her lips and whisper "god I love you."

Lauren opens her eyes and looks at me with dilated pupils. "I love you too," she says in a husky breath as she turns on her side and captures my lips. She presses her lips hungrily against mine and drapes one leg over mine, pushing closer so her pussy is against my thigh. She hums at the contact and slowly starts grinding against my thigh as she pushes her tongue between my lips and devours my mouth.

Before I knew it, I was on my back and both of Lauren's glorious thighs were on either side of my head. She gripped the headboard and lowered herself to my awaiting tongue. I can feel her arousal on her thighs which coats my cheeks. I lick between her folds and a sexy deep moan leaves her mouth. I lick every sensitive spot and continue working my tongue between her drenched folds and find her sweet spot.

"Oh, fuck! R-Right there! Lauren moans and I moan into her pussy as I thrust my tongue inside her pussy which causes her hips to grind harder and faster against my mouth. "Fuck Kyler, I-I'm so close..." she moans as I grip her hips and move her up and down in time with the thrust of my tongue. I watch my beautiful wife as her own movements slow to a stop as her walls tighten around my tongue. Her breathing turns to more of a panting as she rides her orgasm out. I close my lips around her clit and start sucking which causes her thighs to tighten hard around my head and she grips the headboard so hard her knuckles turn white.

"Oh fuck, Kyler... y-you're going t-to kill me..." Lauren pants as her body finally relaxes from what seemed like an endless orgasm. She moves off of me and crashes against the bed beside me, laying her head against mine. "God... I swear I will never get tired of the way you make me feel. I never knew sex could feel as good as it does with you and when you... umm... go down on me and the way it makes me feel.... I never knew I could feel like that. I had never done anything like that or had that done to me but it's something I never want to stop doing."

I don't quite know how to respond to what Lauren just said because... well I damn sure don't want to know about her and Mike's sex life or lack of so for once, I keep my mouth shut. I glance at Lauren and smile as I see her tired eyes already looking at me. "Why don't you get some sleep baby."

I think it dawns on Lauren what she said and she gives me an apologetic look realizing that it's weird for her to mention anything like that with my sperm donor. She tiredly says "I'm sorry and I haven't taken care of you yet so... but I stop her as I shake my head.

"Baby, it's okay really. It's safe to say you needed that release and now you need to rest. That took a lot out of you, quite literally. Her cheeks turn red but she laughs and kisses me then turns on her side with her back to my front. "I can't even... take another shower right now. I'm too tired. I love you Kyler." She mumbles as she tangles our legs together and pulls my arm around her waist.

"I love you too Lauren." I say and kiss her bare shoulder as she grabs my hand and laces our fingers together as she drifts off to sleep. I hold my wife and just listen to her breathing as she peacefully sleeps. I don't know what I ever did to deserve her love but... I never want to let her go. Finally I drift off to sleep too as I'm thinking about our growing family.

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