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I open my eyes and stare up at Lauren. I reach out and caress her face "I love you, Lauren" and a soft smile graces her face.

Lauren lays down beside me and for some reason my admission seems to have caught her off guard. Not because I don't say it very often, because we constantly say those three words to each other. I guess maybe in the moment, it was just the way I said it. "I love you too, baby" she replies with a smile as she caresses my cheek.

"Now it's my turn to show you how much I love you." I say with a smile still on my face. "I mean it's only right after what you just did..."

Lauren pulls my face to hers "shut the hell up and just kiss me already." She hisses as she straddles me and claims my lips to make me be quiet. I have no problem kissing her back with just as much passion. She digs her nails into my hip bones as she grinds her hips against mine seeking the pleasure she desperately needs. I hook my fingers under the lace material of her panties and tug them down as far as they will go. She takes her bra off then quickly moves and slips her panties off as my eyes are glued to her already wet pussy.

Instead of straddling me again, Lauren lays down on top of me. I look at her with a smirk as I skim my fingers down her back until I reach the top of her butt. I grab her hips and slowly grind us together. "Kyler!" she gasps "fuck, touch me, please baby!" My hand slides between our bodies and makes a beeline to her wet pussy. I slide my finger through Lauren's folds and spread her arousal as I wrap my other arm around her back and flip us over. As soon as she is on her back underneath me, I thrust two fingers into her needy pussy.

I thrust my fingers in and out of Lauren and apply pressure to her clit with my thumb. I lower my mouth and latch onto her right nipple and her body starts to helplessly quiver as she tightens around my fingers. I remove my thumb from her clit and start kissing down her body. "Oh, god, Kyler..." she moans as she watches my head disappear between her thighs.

I teasingly licks around Lauren's clit as I pull my fingers out of her pussy. "B-Baby, I-I was so close," she complains as I blow air against her. She moans as my tongue slips between her wet folds and I lick up to her throbbing clit. "Oh shittt..." Lauren moans as I thrust my fingers back inside her as I use my fingers on my other hand to rub against her clit. Her back arches off the bed and she tries to find something to grab ahold of.

I curl my fingers and hit Lauren's g-spot and that pushes her over the edge. "F-Fuck..." she moans loudly as her orgasm hits. I steady the pace of my fingers as she rides her orgasm out. Once Lauren's body stops trembling, I pull my fingers out and slowly start to put them into my mouth as she watches. I moan at the taste and say, "you taste so fucking good."

I crawl back up Lauren's body and kiss along the way. I kiss from her neck up to her ear, "I would be in heaven if I could taste you everyday. Actually I'm in heaven just being with you." She wraps her arms tightly around me as she continues to catch her breath. Her face is buried in the crook of my neck as we are laying here and her breathing finally returns to normal.

For some reason, as I am rubbing one hand up and down Lauren's back and planting gentle kisses to her shoulder, I hear what sounds like a muffled cry. She squeezes me and whispers "I love you."

I squeeze my wife back and kiss the side of her head "I love you too." Lauren buries her face more in the crook of my neck and I feel a dampness against my skin. I know she is trying to hide her silent tears, hoping I will not realize it. As always though, I am so in tune with everything about her so I pull away to look at her. I cup my wife's face in my hands and whisper "baby, what's wrong?"

Lauren looks at me and gives me a slight smile and says "I-I'm just an emotional wreck all of a sudden." She tries to laugh it off but ends up crying. I wrap my arms tight around her and give her a few seconds of me just holding her in the comfort she needs.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask again because I do not know what's going on in her beautiful head.

Lauren nuzzles her nose against my neck as she rests her head back in the crook of my neck and starts talking. "The chemistry that we have is so undeniable and at times overwhelms me. Even when we first met and all the times I tried to deny how I felt, the chemistry was there. When we met, our relationship became a little flirty at times and too friendly. We would hold each other's gaze a little too long, or stare. There were often touches that were a little too personal and hugs that lingered too long."

For once I stay quiet and just let my wife talk so she can get everything out that she apparently needs to say. Lauren continues to softly speak. "I know we have talked about this before but for some reason I was hit with all these feelings. I'm sorry."

I kiss Lauren's hair "you have nothing to apologize for my love. Go ahead and say whatever you feel you need to say. She sniffles and continues. "I realized I loved you Kyler before you ever said those three words to me. I thought I was crazy for loving you. I wasn't supposed to love you like I did and honestly, I didn't want to but I did. I realized you were the love of my life and I was definitely in too deep but I wasn't going to admit it and definitely wasn't going to act upon it. At least I never planned to act upon it."

Lauren takes a deep breath "I never knew that I could be this happy and loved by one person. I definitely didn't know what love was when I got married the first time and then a year after being married, I was miserable but just accepted that's how marriage was. I refused to give up on my marriage because I thought I was in love with him and that he was in love with me. I was definitely wrong. I know that no marriage is perfect but you make out marriage perfect for me."

"Kyler, you showed me a whole other side to myself and what true love actually is. I am astonished with the amount of love you have for me and that I have for you. The physical and emotional attraction was there from the beginning and I don't see it ever going away. I don't ever want it to ever go away."

I move so I can look into Lauren's eyes but before I can say anything she adds, "I'm just so happy Kyler and I love you so much." She caresses my face and softly kisses my lips. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me as close as possible to her. I run my fingers through her hair "I love you too, my love and I'm glad you're happy because I am so very happy."

"Lauren, you are my world and everything I need. I know our relationship was hard for you considering everything but I am forever grateful that you took a chance on me. I'm going to spend every day for the rest of my life making sure you know how much I love you."

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