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I hum in response to Kyler as I lean forward and place a kiss on the side of her neck. I feel the goosebumps on her skin against my lips and I smile against her neck as I place another kiss right below her ear. "I can't wait to see Taytum when she wakes up but first..."

I kiss and nip up Kyler's neck to her jaw. She watches me as I pull back then lean in and presses my lips to hers. I tilt my head slightly to the side, deepening the kiss. She squeezes my ass and I wrap my arms around her neck, kissing her harder. I pull away from the kiss just enough to tease her as my lips ghost hers. She leans forward to reconnect our lips but I move back just enough that she can't.

I smirk at Kyler as I push myself off of her lap and she has a questioning look on her face. I stand up and push her legs apart then settle on the floor between her legs and on my knees in front of her. Her eyes are glued to my every move and her breathing has picked up. Lust overtakes her expression as I lick my lips and smirk at her again.

"I can't wait to taste you. You've been on my mind all day." I say as I slide my hands up Kyler's legs to the top of her shorts. "I think these need to come off." I dip my thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and underwear and she lifts her hips so I can pull them down. I slide them down her legs and drop them to the floor as her eyes are still on me.

My heart is beating so fast right now and my mouth is watering with anticipation as I roughly grab Kyler's hips and jerk her forward on the couch. I skim my hands lightly down her legs then place both of them on my shoulders so my face is between her thighs. The sight of her glistening wetness and the smell of her arousal turns me on more than I already am.

As soon as I moved my head forward, I heard Kyler suck in a sharp breath and I haven't even touched her yet. Her desire for me excites me more and I slowly brush my tongue against her clit causing her to moan louder than I expected. "Shhh..." I whisper as I part her folds with my tongue and make a long lick up to her clit. I set a slow pace as I continue licking up towards her clit making sure to graze it with my tongue every other lick. I want to build her up for a really good orgasm.

I move my tongue to Kyler's clit and repeatedly flick my tongue across it causing her body to wither on the couch and beautiful moans to escape her mouth. Our eyes are glued to one another as she watches with hooded eyes as I lick, kiss and suck on her. She bites her lip trying desperately to not get too loud with her moans and wake up Taytum.

Kyler fails at being quiet as I wrap my lips around her clit and suck hard. Her eyes widen as she moans "fuckkk." I wrap my arms around her thighs and continue devouring her pussy. "Oh fuck, Lauren," she gasps as she grabs my hair holding me tight against her pussy. "R-Right there baby, please... d-don't stop."

Hearing Kyler beg me like that makes me suck harder and keep flicking her clit with my tongue as her thighs clench around my head. I am so turned on I want to touch myself but instead I let her left thigh go and bring two fingers to her entrance. I thrust both fingers into her pussy and her head fell back against the couch. "Yes, baby, god yes," she desperately moans.

I thrust my fingers faster and harder in Kyler's pussy while I continue to work her clit with my tongue. Her whole upper body arches off the couch, she lets go of my head and quickly grabs the throw pillow, putting it over her mouth to muffle the scream as her walls tighten around my fingers and her orgasm hits. I replace my fingers with my tongue and thrust my tongue inside as much as I can, desperate to taste her and lick up all she releases. She jerks and bucks her hips as her cum coats my chin.

I keep working my tongue on Kyler's pussy, licking up as much of her cum as I can and keeping her orgasm going. Finally she falls back against the couch and brings one hand down to my head to push my head away. I take her thighs off of my shoulders and hear her erratic breathing as she is trying to catch her breath.

Kyler's eyes are closed as I get up, wipe my chin off and straddle her lap. Her messy bun from today is nearly completely down and her face is damp with sweat as is her tank top. She finally opens her eyes to look at me "holy shit" she says and grabs my face pulling me to her for a kiss.

Our kiss is interrupted by the crying heard from the baby monitor. I peck Kyler's lips and whisper "I've got her baby."

Kyler chuckles "good, because my legs have to start working again before I can get up." I roll my eyes at her comment then she adds "I'm serious baby, I swear you just ate me for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

"Kyler!" I gasp as my eyes widen at her comment. I slap her arm before I walk out of the living room towards the nursery and hear my wife laughing behind me. I lean over the side of the crib and take my crying daughter in my arms. Her cries turn to soft whimpers as I gently bounce her in my arms. I hear soft footsteps behind me and I turn around to look at my disheveled wife and I quietly laugh at her appearance.

"Hush, you did this." Kyler says as she walks towards me and Taytum. "She ate right before you got home so she can't be hungry. I guess she just wanted your attention." I smile at my wife as I sit down in the rocking chair with our daughter. Kyler follows me and hovers right in front of me as I'm trying to rock.

I raise an eyebrow in questioning then whisper "what are you doing?"

Kyler leans down placing a kiss on Taytum's head, kisses my forehead then sits down in the other rocking chair beside me. I look at her waiting for her answer as to why she is hovering. "I love watching you with our daughter. I love watching you in general but there's just something about you with Taytum. I can't explain how it makes me feel."

I grin at Kyler because I definitely know what she means. It's the same way with me when I see her with Taytum. "You do a wonderful job with Taytum." I state as I glance down at our sleeping daughter in my arms then back at my wife.

"Really?" Kyler quietly asks like she's unsure. "I didn't really think I...."

I cut Kyler off with the shake of my head. "You are a natural baby. You automatically know what to do when it comes to taking care of Taytum. I told you, you would be a good mommy." I glance back down at our sleeping daughter and can't help but smile. "She is adorable and so beautiful." I whisper as I slowly stand up and walk towards the crib. Kyler is right beside me as I lay Taytum back down and she quickly grabs the blanket to cover our daughter up.

Kyler wraps her arm around my waist as we stand her looking at our precious daughter. "I am so happy to have a family with you Kyler. Meeting you, marrying you and having our daughter are the best things to ever happen to me."

Kyler lets go of my waist and cups my face in both of her hands and closes the distance between us as she softly connects our lips. "I love you" she whispers as she pulls away.

I reconnect our lips for another kiss and whisper "I love you more."

Kyler smiles lovingly at me, "I love you the most" and pecks my lips once more. "Lauren, you and Taytum are the best things to ever happen to me. Nothing could make my life better except... another baby when the time is right."

~Author's Note~

I hope everyone is enjoying this story as much as I have in writing it. Thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and sharing. This story is coming to an end  so there's only a few chapters left. Hope you all enjoy and again, thank you and happy reading.
~Eden Shay~

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