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Time seems to be flying by after our date night that Lauren had planned for us. It feels like we have grown even closer to one another than we already were. I'm definitely not complaining about that because I can't get enough of my wife anyway but I just feel like we connect on an even deeper level than before. The Monday after our date, she returned to work and I returned to classes on campus. We fell back into our regular routines and everything was feeling normal again which I am so thankful for.

Lauren and I are both still going to therapy and it has really helped both of us and has helped us both process everything that happened. I have cut back to one therapy session a week but Lauren has kept hers at two times a week. She also wanted to work through stuff from her relationship with Mike which I understand. I will support her in whatever she needs to do so if she needs to go to therapy twice a week then I'm 100 percent okay with that.

Lauren's 12 week appointment was great and our little bean was healthy and growing. That was our first appointment with Lauren's obgyn Dr. Walsh and she's nice, super informative and really down to earth. She did an ultrasound to get measurements and to check our baby's progress and we got to hear the heartbeat again. Since there were no issues, the appointments became monthly instead of every two weeks like we had with the fertility doctor. When we go for the 20 week appointment, we will hopefully find out what we're having. That's the appointment I am ready for because I want to see our baby again.

Lauren's birthday was March 3rd and mine was March 22nd. We had already decided together, before either of our birthdays, that we did not want to do anything except stay home and just enjoy each other's company. We explained to our families that we didn't want to do anything for our birthdays except spend time with each other and they actually understood and seemed okay with it. Mrs. Jessica was the first to say "my babies have been through a lot so if y'all just want time with just each other then that's what you can have." She still insists on me calling her and Mr. David mom and dad and made it clear that was in no way her trying to replace my parents. I only had one parent anyway which was my mom and it seems a little weird calling Mrs. Jessica mom but I understand where she's coming from.

A couple days after Laurens birthday, her pregnancy cravings really kicked in. She has been craving mint chocolate chip ice cream, pickle spears and peanut butter. She usually wants all three around the same time and even spreads peanut butter on the pickle spears. Seeing her do that the first time was enough to make me want to puke but of course I never mentioned to Lauren how gross that was.

I have been making numerous trips to the grocery store which causes Lauren to constantly apologize because of that. It's okay though and I told her it was fine as long as she gets what she wanted. Her exact words were "good that also includes you whenever I want." Of course I'm not going to deny her sex even if I'm tired, especially when she is pregnant and lets just say she wants to have sex a lot. We have always had a very active sex life but pregnant Lauren is an extremely horny Lauren and lets just say I think she may wear me out.

Since I only had one class first thing this morning, I stopped and picked up Chinese food and I'm heading to Alamo Vista to surprise Lauren with lunch. I also ordered a bouquet of flowers and picked them up. The bouquet is beautiful and is in a red vase. I had the bouquet made with most of Lauren's favorite flowers. Red roses are the center and surrounded by pink Stargazer Lilies, white Alstroemerias and purple Limonium.

I get out of my car and head to the school entrance. There's five minutes left until the bell rings and Lauren has her lunch break. I quickly stop by the front office and before I can even ask Mrs. Scott about going to Lauren's room, she is already smiling and telling me to go see my woman. Lauren's classroom door is open so I quickly knock on the door before the bell rings. She motions for me to come in as the bell is ringing and I hear some of the girls say "awe that's so sweet." I laugh and walk straight to my wife, sit the bag of food on her desk and hold the bouquet of flowers out to her. She stands up from her chair and walks around the desk to me with a big smile on her face.

Lauren looks at the flowers then looks back at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "Thank you so much baby, they are beautiful." She says with delight as she takes the vase from me. Her fingers brush against mine causing that all too familiar electric feeling from just her touch. She smells of the flowers and smiles even more. "They are so beautiful baby but you didn't have to get me any flowers."

I smile and peck Lauren's lips then take the food out of the bag. "I didn't have to get you flowers but I wanted to. Just a little something to brighten your day plus you deserve them and more. I also brought lunch so we can eat together."

Lauren looks me up and down then bites her lip and I can tell something is running through that beautiful head of hers. As my attention goes back to our lunch, she swiftly slaps my ass as she walks back around her desk to sit down. "Well thank you again for the flowers and I'm glad you brought food because I am so hungry. I need to start bringing more for lunch or bring a snack and lunch." I place her Broccoli and chicken with chicken fried rice in front of her and she does a little happy dance in her chair. I start laughing at her and get my Orange chicken with chicken fried rice out so we can eat together. Lauren looks at me as I'm still laughing "you hush, I'm feeding for two and you know I like Chinese food. But if I wasn't so hungry for food, I could fuck you senseless on my desk right about now because I'm hungry for you as well."

I look at Lauren with wide eyes because I actually don't know what to say to her. "Cat got your tongue?" She asks with a smirk. Before I answer she adds "no it doesn't yet but it will when I get home." She is being really bold which is so hot. I think I could cum just from her talking like that but I just wasn't expecting... that from her especially not here.

"Wow" is all I manage to say which causes Lauren to laugh and we both just start eating. It's silent for a couple minutes then we start talking about tomorrow's doctors appointment which is the week 20 appointment. I'm so excited to hopefully see our little bean again and wish the appointment would have been today so I didn't have to wait another day.

After lunch with Lauren, I head home to finish up my online work, take care of anything around the house that needs to be done while she is at work and work on dinner. After work she has her 2 hour therapy appointment today which sucks because she will get stuck in 5 o'clock traffic on the way home and that will cause her to be even later. Getting stuck in 5:00 traffic is always bad but San Antonio 5 o'clock traffic is absolutely terrible.

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