2. Act The Part, Then Be Shameless.

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I was almost ready to walk out the door of our flat and head to the underground when my phone vibrated against the sink and I saw Paige's face on my screen. It was just after 10pm so I wondered if maybe the awards show had ended early or if she was going to be delayed. I hit the speaker button and said 'Hi' as I flattened my hair down one final time.
"Giiiiiiirl! You're not going to believe this, but I got us invites to the official Brit Awards after party!" she whispered in a way that told me she was 1. trying to be inconspicuous, and 2. struggling to hold in her excitement.
"What?! Are you kidding!? How the fuck did you manage that?" I asked in surprise.
"I'll tell you everything when we meet. See you at 10:30!" she said before hanging up on me. I hurried myself, pulling on my heeled Burberry boots - Thank you staff discount! - and checking myself in the mirror about 20 more times, making sure my skin-tight black dress looked just right. I had to be sure since I was now going to be amongst actual celebrities, hot musicians and famous people! I grabbed my bag, headed to the tube and travelled to Piccadilly Circus; our usual stop when heading out for a night on the town.

I arrived at our usual meeting place and waited for about 10 minutes before Paige arrived. God she looked so perfect as always, practically running toward me in her sky-high heels and curled, blonde hair bouncing with every step.
"OK, what the fuck? Are you joking about the after party?" I asked before she was even in front of me. She hugged me and squealed then whipped the invitation from her clutch. It wasn't addressed to anyone specific but had the words 'ARTIST' and 'ADMIT TWO' embossed in gold. "Where the fuck did you get this?!" I asked as I ran my fingers over the lush printing. 
"Well, I was at the bar and this hot guy started hitting on me..." she said. I laughed internally. Of course he did. "He asked who I was there with and I said the label and anyway, turns out he's in a band and then he asked if I was going to be at the after party, so of course I said no because I'm only an assistant but that I had always wanted to go. Then he pulled the invitation from his jacket pocket and told me to find him when I got there." she explained. See what I mean about people falling at her feet? "And then I asked if it was OK for me to bring my friend and he asked if you were as gorgeous as me and I obviously said yes! So yeah, now we're invited." she said. I just laughed. The things Paige could get just by being beautiful and the world's greatest flirt...
"What band was he from?!" I questioned way too excitedly.
"Geez, I don't know!" she replied with an eye roll. "He had loads of tattoos and he was hot though." she laughed. Gosh she was hilarious. That literally ruled out nobody since pretty much every English guy in a band is hot and has tattoos.
"Anyway, let's go! I don't want to waste another minute out here when we could be mingling with celebbbbs!" she sung as she grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the river. 

As we arrived outside the 5-star Corinthia hotel, the buzz and energy was crazy, but so was the security. There were cars arriving one after another, flashes from photographers going off in every direction... it was amazing!
"Summer, I don't think this is going to work. They're not going to let us in there... we're not artists." Paige suddenly said with doubt. Her excitement from 10 minutes ago was now drowned out by fear. Was she joking? I wasn't not going in.
"Sure they will, just wave to the cameras and act like we belong." I said as I dragged her up the street and through a line of cars, almost as if to make it look as though we just stepped out of one. Cameras flashed as we approached the entrance, so we stopped, then Paige smiled at the man at the door as she handed him her ticket. I didn't though. People who were actually invited were probably assholes who wouldn't smile at some peasant at the door. Paige started rambling to me about things that had happened during the awards ceremony and the doorman ushered us through to security. We had done it. We were in.

A quick bag check and we were escorted to the massive room that had been turned into a posh nightclub for the event. It was glamorous, sexy and moody and we immediately headed to the bar. Free expensive wine, free gin and tonics? Yes please. It was already busy but I couldn't really recognise any famous faces, not that I really cared, I was just excited to be there. The atmosphere was like nothing I'd ever experienced in a normal London nightclub. There was a DJ spinning tunes, artistic appetisers being whisked around on silver platters, roaming photographers and all kinds of lavish things around the place – including a massive tower of champagne bottles; clearly the drinks sponsor for the night. "This is SO cool!" I said out loud as we stood there at the bar just taking everything in. It was absolutely amazing.

We shamelessly snapped photos of the place and took selfies for social media then hung out by the bar for a while, drinking multiple G&T's as we people watched and quietly rated their outfits. We grabbed each others' hands every time we recognised someone famous arrive, but as yet, there was no sign of Paige's mystery band man. 

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