30. Pure, Raw, Unfiltered Lust.

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Oli followed me back to the club and my friends beckoned me over like they had actually missed me once I'd arrived. How sweet. I saw Oli's ex lover loitering by the bar and just laughed as he walked in behind me and her eyes caught him again.
"Have fun with your girlfriend." I chuckled, looking back at him. He just groaned as I made my move to my friends, leaving him vulnerable to the obsessed fan.

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Christ... I need to avoid her, she's like a fucking stage five clinger at this point.

"Do you like her?" I heard from beside me out of absolutely nowhere. I looked over to see Matt, alone, without Paige who these days seemed to be pretty much glued to him. "What?" I questioned. "As if I fucking like her, she's just an easy fuck." I stated, assuming he was referring to the fan girl who was no doubt going to be all over me again as soon as he left.
"I meant Summer. You've been watching her all night." he chuckled.
"Fuck off. I have not!" I scoffed.
"Yeah you have and you just followed her out the club." Matt replied with a laugh. I just frowned at him. "She's really having an effect on you, isn't she mate?" he asked with a laugh.
"I wish she'd just fuck off." I replied.
"No you don't." he replied with a laugh. "You just wish she'd let you sleep with her. I think secretly you enjoy the way she's so un-phased by you though... I think you like it that she doesn't throw herself at you what so ever." Matt said. Motherfucker. Damn him for knowing me so fucking well.
"Well yeah, you might be right." I laughed.
"I figured." he chuckled.
"I only want to fuck her because I can't though." I admitted.
"Yeah, you have zero chance in hell of that happening. You do know that, right?" he laughed. Asshole. He was right though. Hell would freeze over before Summer let me anywhere near her. "Oh, I know. She fucking hates me." I laughed.

I decided to stop paying any attention to Summer and just take what was being offered in the form of this fangirl who was still trying it on with me. She was persistent, I'll say that much. I did a few shots and let her dance all over me, and she kept wanting to go to the hotel, but the night was young, we were in no rush. I noticed Summer snort a line of cocaine between multiple shots of what looked like absinthe... God, she was going to be an absolute nightmare with all of that shit in her system, but I probably wasn't a whole lot better. I was tipsy and feeling pretty damn ready to fuck this girl... though also kind of tired. We were making out and she was rubbing her knee against me to get me going and it was fucking working, but I noticed Summer storming out of the club with her bag and I couldn't focus on getting aroused anymore. I didn't really care why she was pissed off, but I wondered where she was going... surely not back to McDonalds?
"I'll be back." I said to my back up option as I went out to see where Summer had gone. 

I saw her straight away, her exposed back and painfully short dress like some kind of beacon for my womaniser radar. She was walking down the street, already past the take away options, wobbly on her sky-high shoes. I wasn't sober, nowhere near it, but I was clearly a lot better off than she was because she almost fell over at least twice. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I went after her and I caught up quickly, getting myself in front of her so she'd actually stop.
"What are you doing?" I asked when she looked at me. She looked absolutely out of it. "Walking home. What does it look like, idiot?" she asked. God she was unpredictable. Last night when she was high she was all happy, tonight she was quick-witted and sassy as shit. "Don't be daft, you're absolutely fucked. Take a taxi." I stated. 
"Get out of my way." she said, completely ignoring me. Ugh, she was so fucking stubborn. I just stood there as she wandered past me, rolling my eyes to myself as she veered left and right and almost tripped again. Jesus. I don't know why I cared or why I was going to leave a guaranteed night of sex for someone who fucking hated me, especially when I was fucking horny as shit, but I followed her. She was in absolutely no state to be left alone to stumble the streets blindly.

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