39. Teddy Bears And Tomorrowland Tickets.

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After agreeing to stay on the tour for another day, to try and deal with all the stuff going on in my head, the last thing I wanted was to be stuck on a bus with everyone, but that was the plan for the first half of the day; a 4 hour bus trip to Antwerp. I felt like shit, I felt 'off' mentally, but my headphones were fully charged so I planned on putting them on and ignoring everyone. Maybe the scenery out the window would be nice to look at anyway.

Paige waved me down as I climbed on board and I can't deny I was surprised to see her alone, not sitting next to Matt. I wondered if she'd survive being away from him for the entire trip if I went and sat next to her. I headed toward her and she patted the empty seat next to her, telling me to sit. I kind of wanted to be alone, but... I sat. Most of the guys paid no attention to me arriving at all, but Matt and Oli both looked at me from the back seat of the bus. I guess Oli was probably wondering why I was still there, wishing I wasn't.

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Summer looked at me with a blank expression as she boarded the bus and caught my gaze. It was weird seeing her in a state other than outspoken and unbearable. She was definitely still pissed off though. I don't think that would ever change. 

Matt was on the opposite side of the back seat with me, but slid over as the others boarded, clearly having forgotten about the concept of personal space.
"You fucking right there mate?" I questioned.
"Yup." he replied. I just looked at him, waiting for him to leave.
"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" I asked, kind of hoping he'd fuck off.
"She wanted to sit with Summer. Apparently she almost left this morning..." Matt said. "Yeah, she was fucking triggered by that prank for some stupid reason." I replied with an eye roll. 
"Well maybe you should lay off being such a dick to her, at least for today." he suggested.
"You just don't want Paige to leave." I scoffed.
"You're damn right I don't!" he chuckled. "Anyway, just give Summer a break, will you?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah." I replied. 
"I mean it... play nice." he demanded.
"You do realise she pranked me first, right?" I questioned.
"You did brag about fucking her in front of everyone though..." he stated. "I know she's not shy but, girls are are sensitive, you know that." he said as he moved away. He was definitely right in saying that!

I had told Summer herself that I'd try to be nicer, but it's not like I was ever that mean. I was just fucking with her and she was just as bad, trying to annoy me just as much. 


I put my headphones on and watched Netflix for a while, trying to disconnect from the world for a bit like everyone else.

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Paige showed me photos on her phone and we talked about the cities we were still yet to visit, googling the best things to do there and discussing things we might want to see. She was definitely putting in a lot of effort to keep me happy and entertained, giving me things to look forward to so that I wouldn't leave the tour. Matt had sat in the seat behind us and was looking over and listening in every now and again, but I didn't even mind. He was usually on my little outings with Paige anyway. Besides, I didn't have the energy to be annoyed about anything anymore. 

"Oh my God! Tomorrowland is on when we're in Amsterdam!" Paige squealed as she googled the most famous things to do in Holland.
"That would have been so cool." I said, thinking out loud.
"Why don't we go?" Matt asked from behind us. I turned in my seat and looked at him with a frown.
"Because it's in less than a week. It would have sold out months ago. It usually sells out within minutes of going on sale." I stated.
"Uh, do you forget who we are?" he laughed.
"No fucking way you could get us tickets, nobody could." I quipped.
"That sounds like a challenge." he laughed.
"Nope. No way. Not even you could pull that off!" I chuckled.

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