46. Not The Way I Would Choose To Relax.

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I headed to the bar and ordered three drinks for myself, Paige and Matt, and after ruining his chances of a hook up, Oli had followed me.
"You seem tense, Sunshine." he said with a smirk. "You should let me help you relax." he added while looking at me with his best sex eyes. God dammit. Why did he have to be so hot and sexual and confident?
"I'm perfectly relaxed already, but thanks anyway." I replied.
"Well I'm not." he replied.
"That seems like a you problem..." I replied. He smirked like he was amused.
"It's a big fucking problem." he sniggered. "Tell me, Sunshine... what would I have to do to get you to come to the bathroom and suck my dick?" he whispered jokingly, yet probably not kidding at all. Gross. I would usually bite his head off and call him an asshole, tell him he was vile and whatever else, but instead I decided to have some fun. He fucking annoyed me all the time just to get a rise out of me, so I was going to take the opportunity that had presented itself and annoy the living shit out of him by playing along, letting him get all excited and then dropping his ass once he was horny as fuck. 
"What are you offering?" I asked playfully. He stopped and looked at me with a frown, before his eyes went wide, realising what I'd just said. I mean, he probably expected me to tell him to go fuck himself.
"What do you want?" he asked with a smirk. I really didn't want anything, I just wanted to wind him up a bit.
"You know, I actually love giving blowjobs, guys always tell me I'm fucking good at it too." I said nonchalantly, knowing it would drive him crazy. I saw him fidget, like he was antsy.
"I bet you fucking are..." he replied. 
"Good with my tongue apparently." I added.
"You should definitely show me." he said with so much pent up sexual energy.
"Mmm... I'm not really in the mood, Sorry." I replied with a smile.
"Ugh! You're a fucking dick tease." he said with so much annoyance. Oh God it was so satisfying.

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She's going to kill me. Jesus Christ. 

If I don't fuck her, or someone at least, I'm probably going to implode.

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I went back to the dance floor where Paige and Matt were still all over each other, and with them showing no signs of leaving any time soon, I decided to take myself home. It was 2am anyway and I had been dancing and drinking since 11pm or so... I was ready for some peace and quiet. That usually wasn't like me, I was usually the last one partying, but I went out the front of the club and bummed a cigarette, then just stood there as I smoked it. The air felt damp and the sky was covered by clouds... it was kind of cold and windy too, but I liked that kind of weather at night time. Maybe that was subconsciously why I wanted to be at the hotel? 

Once I was done with the cigarette I would walk back to the hotel seeing as it was only a couple of blocks away... I would take a long, hot shower, wash my hair and then just relax in peace before my zen was disrupted by my painful room mate. Speaking of... I saw Oli emerge from the entrance and I rolled my eyes to myself wishing I'd finished my cigarette a minute earlier and already left.

"Where are you going?" Oli asked, having followed me outside. Christ, I swear I couldn't go anywhere without him turning up. He was like a lost puppy or something. I don't know why he insisted on annoying me because it's not like he didn't have the guys to hang out with, or fan girls to keep him company! 
"To the hotel. Where do you think?" I questioned.
"I'll come with you." he replied.
"No you won't." I laughed.
"Why not?" he questioned. Fucking hell... why couldn't he just give me a break?
"Because I want to relax. I just want to take a long shower and get into bed and chill." I replied.
"I'd be happy to join you in either, or both." he sniggered.
"You're insufferable." I said with an eye roll as I put out my cigarette butt and turned to leave.
"Yeah, but we both know you love my dick, Sunshine." he said . Ugh. He was such an idiot. I walked away shaking my head.

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