51. If Only You Could See Things From My Perspective.

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After what felt like the longest flight ever, I arrived into Leeds too late to visit my sister in hospital because visiting hours ended at 9pm. My mum came to pick me up at the airport right around 10pm and I cried as soon as I saw her at the pick up area. Of course that set her off, and we ended up hugging in plain view of everyone, doing that annoying thing people always do at airports where they cry when they reunite with a loved one. I hated those people being overly  emotional in public, but here I was now, looking just like them.

I messaged Paige to let her know I had arrived and then I switched off my phone. I needed to disconnect from everything in the world and try to get a good night's sleep, though I wasn't really sure how I would manage that with so much going on.

It was strange to be back in Leeds, in my home town, in the house I grew up in... my room, still a bedroom, minus the 90's bed spread and band posters I used to have on my wall as a teenager. My mum offered to do my washing for me so that I had clothes to wear for as long as I would stay with her, and of course she wanted to feed me as well. I wasn't really in the mood, but I knew she was right when she said I needed to eat. I'd barely eaten anything all day. I think maybe she just wanted something to do to distract herself too, so as she cooked me some pasta, I showed her some photos from the trip. I guess I wanted to try and take her mind off everything.

"Is that Oli?" she asked, taking my phone from me as I flicked through pictures, past one of Paige, Matt and Oli. It looked like it was in a nightclub booth, not that I could even remember taking it.
"How do you know about him?" I asked curiously as she zoomed in on him in the photo. Seeing as I hadn't really spoken to her about the tour at all - certainly nothing about him, I didn't know how she knew anything. 
"Holly was keeping me updated. She told me you liked him." my mum chuckled. What the fuck? 

I was about to go ape shit, to get defensive and start ranting about how wrong she was, but when I looked at my mum, I decided to just let it go. The fact that my mum had just laughed given the horrific day she'd had, well... if her thinking I liked Oli made her forget about all of that for a few minutes, that was fine.
"What else did she tell you?" I questioned.
"Oh, she told me everything." she chuckled again. I really hoped she hadn't told her everything...
"And you guessed that he was the guy, how?" I questioned. My mother handed my phone back and raised her eyebrows at me.
"Look at him, Sum. It doesn't exactly take a genius to guess which one you'd be attracted to." she quipped. Now I was the one laughing. He really did look like my ex, especially in this particular photo... lol.

I was absolutely exhausted from the day I'd had but when I went to bed, I just laid there looking at the ceiling, thinking about Holly. I imagined she wouldn't be asleep either and I just wanted to hug her. I knew the next day was going to be awful, painful, upsetting and everything else, but I really wanted to be there for her, and for her husband. I hated what they were going through.

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[Meanwhile, in Europe... PAIGE]

The Tomorrowland launch party was amazing, just as you would imagine, but I would be lying if I said I was enjoying it as much as I should have been. I was trying, for everyone's sake, but my mind was with Summer as she travelled home. She was due to be landing at any minute. 

My heart hurt so much for her family, especially her sister, but just as much for my best friend. I had barely even seen her cry before, so to see her the way she was that morning... to see Summer in so much emotional pain like that almost killed me. I think that's what made the news so much worse. 

Oli was sitting with Matt and I, and to be honest, I think we were all feeling a bit flat after the day we'd been through, but we were trying to enjoy the free drinks and atmosphere around us. I was sitting with my head on Matt's shoulder, holding onto his arm and making Oli look like a massive third wheel when my phone buzzed against our little table. I picked it up straight away and unlocked it, hoping it would be Summer letting me know she had landed.

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