49. Waving A White Flag.

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I woke up excited on Thursday morning, the Tomorrowland VIP party was that night and it was only twenty-four hours until the festival itself. God I could not wait to experience it! Despite  struggling to wind down because of all the shit that happened with Oli, then being too excited  to doze off, once I had fallen asleep, I slept like a log and subsequently woke up late, at 10am. I don't know how I slept through Oli waking up, probably making as much noise as possible and no doubt slamming the door as he went down for breakfast, but... I guess I needed the rest. I had been pretty fucked up the night before. Oli wasn't in the room as I stretched under the blankets, but I doubted I'd get much alone time and quiet. He'd probably be back at any minute. 

I took my phone to the bathroom with me like I usually did when I first woke up, to check up on everything while I was on the toilet. I don't know why I did that, but I guess it was the only truly private place in a hotel room, the only place I could have a genuine moment to myself. I guess it was a habit too, one I had at home as well as when on holidays, lol. When I unlocked my phone there were the normal messages from my friends, emails, and social media notifications, but there was also two missed calls and a message from my Mum. That wasn't normal. Alarm bells started going off in my mind immediately because we talked, sure, but she didn't call me very often... especially not when I was on holidays. I opened her message as fast as possible with a sense of dread at my fingertips.

Sorry to do this to you on your holiday Sum, but I have bad news. Holly lost the baby... she was stillborn in hospital this morning. Holly is OK but devastated. Call me when you can x

As I read my mother's words, I felt numbness flood my body and tears creep into my eyes. It took a moment for the news to really sink in but when I blinked, tears escaped and rolled down my cheeks. My chest was tight and my heart physically hurt, my skin was cold and covered in goose bumps and it felt like the world stopped for a moment. As I sat on the toilet and re-read the message, the gravity of what had happened actually hit me and I started crying hysterically, trying to stay quiet as I sobbed into my hands. I hated crying, I could usually fend it off and control myself, but not this time, not over this. I had no control what so ever. Tears streamed down my face in a way they never had before and I couldn't even see because of the deep emotion pouring out of me and clouding my vision. I was fucking devastated. 

Oli's timing was always impeccable and of course, just a few minutes after I received the worst news ever, I heard the hotel room door slam shut out in the bedroom.
"Get out sunshine, I need to take a piss." Oli suddenly said from outside. For fucks sake. Why? Why did he have to come back now? I didn't bother replying because I was way too upset to fucking speak, literally wiping my eyes as tears flowed out like tidal waves, hunching over as my chest physically hurt. It felt like someone had my heart in a vice.
"Sunshine?" Oli asked after a pause, like maybe he'd heard me crying. I finished up, wiped my eyes, pushed the door open and stormed past him, clutching my phone and keeping my face down as much as possible.
"Hey, are you alright?" he asked as I headed straight for the door.
"Leave me alone!" I said through my tears. 

I needed air. I needed air because I felt like I was suffocating. I headed straight to the lifts and down to the pool area, trying to hold myself together, and I eventually sat against a wall by the garden feeling utterly helpless. I pulled my knees into my body and cried into them, my entire body aching with hurt, grief and agony for my sister. Holly had wanted this baby for so long and she was so happy when she finally fell pregnant... now it was taken from her, and so close to the end. I couldn't even begin to imagine how she was feeling, seeing her perfect, fully-formed baby lifeless... I couldn't even think about it. It was devastating.
"Sunshine?" I heard as I sat there sobbing. It was Oli, but I really couldn't deal with him.
"Just leave me alone. Please. I can't fight with you now." I pleaded through my tears.
"I'm not here to fight with you." he replied as he squatted down in front of me.
"What happened? Are you OK?" he asked. I hated him after last night, he was being an absolute jerk, but honestly, I needed someone, anyone... I felt like I was drowning. I wasn't OK. I looked at him and shook my head and he put his arms around me. Oli Sykes actually had some empathy in him I guess. I sobbed so hard as he hugged me and it only made my emotions worse.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head against him, I didn't. He wouldn't understand anyway.

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