48. Rock Stars And Their Lousy Off-Stage Performances.

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When my hot, new crush Caleb returned with our drinks we danced and drank, but once those drinks were done I dragged him off the dancefloor ready to turn things up a notch. He hadn't really made a move on me, only danced up against me and I was tired of things moving so slowly. I backed into the wall and pulled him against me to give him a very unsubtle hint. His hands landed on my waist and mine went up around his neck and he started kissing me, telling me I was 'fucking hot' and 'gorgeous' between our lips crashing together. Flattery would get him everywhere, including straight into my pants. I smiled and laughed as he wooed me, smothering me in compliments, sucking at my neck and drowning me in a sweet kind of affection that I usually didn't like. I guess I was pretty drunk. I wanted to drag him to the bathrooms to do whatever came naturally, but I had to be patient. It was way too early in the night for that.

I really did get myself into a state, a state where I was slurring and stumbling way earlier than I should have been. I was sitting in a booth, practically passed out on Caleb, but he had his arm around me, looking after me it would see.
"Let's go to your hotel room." I whispered in Caleb's ear.
"I think you're too drunk for that, love." he replied, his hand squeezing my thigh under the table.
"No I'm not." I stated. He leaned in and kissed my neck, still caressing my thigh, getting me a bit excited.
"How about you give me your number and when I'm back in the UK I'll take you out for dinner?" he suggested as he handed his phone to me. I didn't want to go for dinner! I wanted to have sex with him!
"But I want to fuck you." I said softly by his ear as I leaned right in.
"You're too drunk, love. It would be irresponsible of me to take you home." he explained. Ugghhhh. Damn his morals! "You'll still be in town tomorrow night, won't you?" he asked. I just nodded. "Then tomorrow night we'll meet up and we can do whatever you want." he said before pushing his phone toward me again. I took it and I think I entered my number correctly, before he put it back in his pocket. "You're fucking gorgeous." he said as he leaned in to kiss me once again. Ugh, I kissed him so hard. I wanted him so badly. I wasn't one to not get what I wanted, so I went for his pants thinking that if I got him excited he wouldn't be able to resist me, but he stopped me before I could do anything. I stared at him and slowly started to touch him through fabric and he didn't push me away, so I made another bold move and he let me do what I wanted to do without resisting anymore. I unzipped his pants, slipped my hand in and gave him a hand job under the table and he started making out with me, heavily. It was so reckless, so crazy and so ~unhygienic~ but I really wanted to go to the bathrooms and have him fuck me. If I got him hard and turned on, he wouldn't be able to turn me down, surely. 

I got to action and he moaned ever so quietly into my mouth as I took hold of his dick. My theory was making sense and he was hard after about ten seconds so I started really going for it. I was sure that I was going to get what I wanted, that he was going to end up turned on and unable to say no to fucking me, but my plans were foiled as he pushed my hand away after about a minute, grabbed napkins from the table faster than I'd ever seen anyone do anything and clearly came, in full view of everyone in the club. Jesus. What was it with rock stars being absolutely SHIT with their performances off stage?! Jesus Christ!

I just looked at him, sitting there in bliss for a split second before opening his eyes and looking completely freaked out. He frantically did something under the table which I can only imagine was cleaning up and rezipping, then he started shuffling around the seat.
"I've gotta go. I'll... call you." he said as he quickly removed himself from the booth, leaving me there awkwardly alone like something terrible had just happened. Christ. He came, it wasn't like he fucking killed someone. I was absolutely perplexed over his sudden departure, so I just sat there for a moment, realising I was not going to get any action at all, not even a reciprocal fingering under the table. How fucking shit. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, then to the bar to get some water, then back to the dance floor to find Paige. I couldn't see her anywhere, so I just went and sat with the guys who were still in our original spot. We talked for a while and I started to sober up a bit, but we made our exit right around 1am. I'd planned on having a big night, but it had ended in disappointment and heading home early and alone as it had done too many times on the tour. I was almost used to it.

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