25. Secret Piercings and Sexual Frustration.

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I wasn't about to go to bed at 11pm, I certainly wasn't about to let Oli find me alone in the room after I'd been rejected, so I messaged Paige to ask her where they were. She said they were on their way to a bar, so I got the name and told her I'd meet her there in a bit. She asked how the date had gone, but I didn't reply. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell the truth or lie about what had happened, even to her.

I arrived at the bar and saw the guys down the back, though Oli was by the bar with his posse of fan girls who were fawning over him as usual. Gross. I played down how my night had gone, tried to avoid talking about it as much as possible, but Paige wanted to know more so she took me to the bar to chat as we ordered drinks. I told her the truth, well, kind of. I decided to tell her that he just went home, not that we'd gone to the hotel and he'd left because he saw Oli's shit.
"I swear to God, I'm so fucking frustrated, Paige!" I said way too loudly.
"I don't know what's going on... you usually don't have any trouble with guys." she stated. Thanks for the ego boost there, love. "I know, I can't believe I got rejected again." I admitted. 

We sat around with the guys and talked about random stuff for a while, but things went to shit when people started harassing the guys for photos. Their cover was blown, so back to the hotel we went. There were a few fans waiting at the hotel so Paige and I just headed to the bar. After ditching them, some of the guys went to their rooms, but Matt, Oli and Jordan came to join us. I could have done without Oli near me, but at least he wasn't escorting one of the girls he'd just met up to the room and locking me out again. I honestly wouldn't have put it past him! I had sobered up quite a lot after going easy on the drinks since my date ended, but everyone else was either drunk or tipsy. I ordered a bowl of chips and a plate of mini donuts to snack on while we sat there just hanging out, but then Matt suggested we play truth or dare. I automatically thought back to their party where Oli had kissed me and I felt nauseous.
"I'm not playing, but you go right ahead." I stated immediately.
"What? Why?" Paige asked.
"I'm not subjecting myself to him kissing me again." I said in protest as I glared at Oli.
"Oh, way to break my heart, Sunshine." Oli laughed. Paige rolled her eyes at me.
"Fine, nobody dare Oli to kiss Summer." she said.
"As if I would fucking want to anyway." Oli scoffed. Asshole.

With that rule in place, I agreed to play and as always, people did stupid shit. For my first turn, I picked truth and was asked if I'd ever slept with more than one person in the same night and if so, how many. Naturally I had, so I said yes and Paige screwed her face up in disgust when I said I'd slept with three.
"What? Don't look at me like that! It's not like they didn't know, they were all at the same time." I said as she looked at me with the most judgemental expression ever.
"What?" she exclaimed.
"Yeah, what?" Matt questioned. "Can you please elaborate?" he chuckled.
"Elaborate how? There was me and three guys. What more do you need to know?" I asked. Everyone was just looking at me in shock, but I didn't see what the big deal was.
"How the fuck does that even work?" Jordan suddenly asked. How the fuck any story I had could surprise or shock a bunch of rock stars was absolutely beyond me, but here we were...
"Well there's three holes, work it out." I stated. Jordan actually choked, Paige hid her face in her hands like she was absolutely mortified and I honestly think Matt and Oli were just completely unsure what to do. Jesus, what were they? A bunch of prudes?
"OK, so Summer's into gang bangs, good to know." Matt chuckled awkwardly.
"Oh it was one time, many years ago." I explained with an eye roll. 

The questions and dares continued and I ended up being dared to go up to someone and ask if I could have their drink, which I did with ease. Guys didn't usually say no to me if I batted my eyelashes at them... when it came to my turn again, this time I went with truth again and before the word had barely even left my lips, Oli was throwing a question at me.
"How many piercings do you have... that people can't see?" he asked. God, what a fucking pervert. He'd quite likely noticed my nipple piercings seeing as you could sometimes see them though fabric and I'm sure he'd stared at my chest before... but to ask for confirmation?
"Three." I stated. I knew that would throw him off because everyone could see the ear, septum and tongue piercings I had, he'd possibly worked out I had two piercings in my nipples, but my other hidden one, the third unseen one, well... he would definitely never see that one.
"Can confirm, there's definitely three." Paige chuckled before moving the game along. Oli was just looking at me curiously and I was delighted with how much it would bother him to not know.

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