14. Crashing from a High.

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I woke up the following morning feeling like absolute shit. I was hungover and I think I was having a crash from whatever drug I'd taken, but I rolled out of bed and made myself a tea before taking a long, hot shower. I thought back to the night before and laughed about my experiences, though I deeply regretted kissing Oli. Lord only knew how many mouths and worse that tongue of his had been in. Gross.

Speaking of tongues... Paige arrived home mid-morning and immediately wanted to know where I'd gone with Lynsey, what we'd done. She was so shocked when I told her I'd let her go down on me and I just thought it was amusing how embarrassed it made her.
"So, was it good? Do you think you might be into girls?!" she asked. She almost sounded excited.
"No, I don't think so. It felt good and I don't regret it, but it definitely didn't feel the same as  with a guy. I really need the D to fulfil me!" I said.
"Oh my God..." Paige said as she laughed in embarrassment. It was hilarious how timid she got around sexual topics.
"I also need to ask about that kiss with Oli... I can't believe you actually kissed him." she said.
"Ugh, don't remind me. I should have pushed him away. Fucking dickhead." I replied. She kind of frowned at me.
"You're not flattered that he thought you were the hottest girl there, though?" she asked. I just scoffed.
"He didn't think that at all. He just did it because he knew it was the only opportunity he'd ever have to kiss me." I replied with an eye roll. Paige just laughed. "By the way, I was high and I'm crashing right now, so please use your inside voice." I pleaded. She just laughed.

We spent the afternoon picking outfits and packing our suitcases for our three-week trip around Europe with Bring Me The Horizon. We were flying to Madrid the following night with the band and their manager, Josh - then heading to Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, France... 10 countries all up. It was going to be an absolute whirlwind, just how I liked it. Paige was stupidly excited, but I felt a combination of that same excitement and dread. I really wasn't sure how things would be... I just hoped I wouldn't be stuck in Oli's company too much. As long as I could go out and explore places with Paige and avoid him when we went out partying at night it would be a great trip. 

"Jesus, I hope you're packing sexier lingerie than that." I said to Paige as I watched her pack plain, cotton underwear into her suitcase. I didn't even have a boyfriend to impress and I was packing the skimpiest, raunchiest shit I had - who knew who I'd meet on the trip!
"Yeah, I will." she said. I don't know why she was so embarrassed about it.
"Well, I'm planning on meeting some hot European guys and making the most of my break so I'm taking sexy sleepwear." I said. "I'm going to fuck so many people." I laughed.
"Eww, Summer..." Paige said as she scrunched up her face.
"I'm just kidding, I'll be selective. I always am." I replied. I wasn't joking though, holidays were the perfect times for casual hook ups and one-night-stands, especially on a trip where you're on the move all the time! I just wanted to enjoy myself, was that a crime?

When we finished packing, we went out for dinner together - without Matt and his friends. It was actually the first time we'd been out at night on our own since she'd begun dating him. We laughed about the previous night and reminisced about other times we'd travelled together, and we went home to get a good-nights sleep before our next few weeks of hotel beds, concerts and partying. We were going to need it.

Monday morning, 7am. Paige was a ball of energy and already had her suitcase by the door when I rolled out of bed. I'd recovered from Saturday night, but I needed caffeine before I could even begin to tolerate Paige's energy levels. "I can't believe we're going to Madrid tonight!" she squealed as she hugged me. "And we're going on tour. It's going to be so cool!" she added. Sure. I still had to get through an entire day at work. "What time did you wake up exactly?" I questioned as she presented me with a fully-cooked breakfast. "Five. I couldn't sleep because I was too excited!" she laughed as she put it in the microwave to reheat. Jesus...

I ate my breakfast and readied myself for work, then left her at 8:15. I was excited to be going on holidays, but not in the same way that Paige was. The holiday was going to be fun, but I still had my doubts about it. I just hoped I wouldn't end up alone and left out if she wanted to stay with Matt all day. The destinations sounded fun though and I cant lie, I researched the cities we were visiting and what to see in each place when I was supposed to be working. Sorry, Burberry. Despite the 'less excited than Paige' attitude, my day at work felt like it dragged on forever... I guess the idea of not working for three weeks was appealing. At least I was finishing up an hour early so I'd have time to make the flight! 

When I finally got home from work it was 4:25pm and we needed to leave for the airport at 5. I had the quickest shower and changed my clothes, ate a sandwich Paige had made me, and half an hour later, we were on our way. We took the airport train to Heathrow, checked in and cleared immigration and we met the guys at our boarding gate with an hour to spare. I was almost surprised that they were sitting there, exposed and visible to everyone in the terminal like us non-famous folk, but whatever. I guess they weren't that famous, though Oli's stupid pink hair didn't exactly help them blend in. I said 'Hi' to the group as Paige went to canoodle with Matt and at 8pm, we were on our way to Spain.

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