42. Hard(ish) For Me To Hate You.

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The festival was fun and we went out after it, but not until after we'd stuck around to see Disturbed. They played right after Bring Me The Horizon did, so I watched them from the side of the stage. Most of the guys joined me, though Paige and Matt stayed in the tent, but I couldn't have cared less. I wouldn't have cared if I was the only one there, dancing on my own. Oli laughed at me as I got extremely into 'Down with the sickness'; singing and headbanging like an absolutely crazy person, but he could laugh all he wanted, I was finally enjoying one of the perks of being on that tour and I was having fun. 

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She's fucking hilarious. 

She doesn't ever get into our music like she does this though... how rude.

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After the epic show Disturbed had put on, I decided to give my body a break from alcohol and drugs and just let it run on adrenaline. I'd had a fun time at the festival, so I had a chill night sitting with the guys while Paige and Matt obsessed over each other and Oli entertained his fan club, as usual. 

I slept like a baby that night and Oli kept his distance from me... well, not in the bed that we had to both sleep in, but he didn't stir me up or say anything to provoke me once we were in the room. He also didn't try to bring anyone back or go off with someone, so it was a very uneventful and quiet night. I don't think I'd had a night as peaceful across the entire time I'd been on the tour and I truly enjoyed it. 

We were back on the bus again the next morning, moving again; this time to Rotterdam which took just under 3 hours. I chilled out on my own, nobody bothered me and I just looked out the window as I listened to music. We were heading to the hotel to check in, then straight to the venue since the guys were playing early at that day's festival; right around 4pm. 

Once we were at the festival, we had an hour or so before the guys were due on stage so the band were just sitting around, seeming kind of bored. I mean, we had just sat on a bus for 3 hours so it's not like anyone was looking for time to check their phones or call home or anything. I decided to entertain myself by going for a wander around backstage, to see if I could find any adventure, fun or trouble, but despite what you would expect at a heavy music festival, everything was pretty chill. None of them had really been what I thought they'd be like... Oli hadn't even been running around like an entitled jackass, starting fights or causing trouble like I'd read he'd done at previous festivals.

I was almost back at Bring Me The Horizon's tent, wandering along and minding my own business when a hot, tattooed guy almost walked straight into me. I was startled but he immediately said hello with a grin... I wondered if he'd done it intentionally seeing as he seemed entirely un-phased by our near head-on collision.
"Joel." he said as he extended his heavily tattooed hand to me with a smile.
"Summer." I replied as he shook it.
"Hot name for a hot girl." he said with a wink. Gee, like I'd never heard that one before... Eye roll. Despite the cheesy and predictable pick up line, he had my attention because, well, he was hot, lol. I mean, he looked completely like my type and while I wasn't actually looking for it, I wouldn't ever say no to a hook up with a cute boy, especially not one in a band. With this in mind, I said hello and automatically turned my charm on. 

We made small talk about absolutely nothing of interest and I flirted shamelessly, finding reasons to touch him by asking about specific tattoos on his arms. Luckily for me, he was buying into it and to tell you the truth, I was getting kind of excited about the prospect of actually getting some action. I had all but given up on any kind of world-rocking sex, but I could only hope he'd be better than my disappointing experiences with other rock stars on the tour.
"What band are you here with?" he asked me curiously, noticing the band pass around my neck. I was standing right by Bring Me The Horizon's tent, so it wouldn't take a genius, but I told him anyway. He didn't really react, but there was a slight shift in his expression when I said their name.

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