47. I Hate To Break It To You, But...

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When I woke up, Oli was in the bed, but he wasn't near me. I remembered everything from the night before clearly; the sex, the talk, the realisation that I had slept with him that time I thought he was making it up... I was still confused as to why he was so desperate to fucking cuddle last night though. It was so fucking weird. 

I didn't call Paige to a breakfast meeting like I usually did after fucking Oli because, well, it was hardly that shocking that I'd had sex with him again anymore, but I would definitely tell her about his weird cuddling fetish later on when we were alone. Maybe she could shed some light on it, maybe Matt had told her something.

I grabbed a quick breakfast and we boarded the bus to our next destination at 9am as usual; this time to Amsterdam. It was one of the stops I was looking forward to the most, the stop we would probably all get high, the stop where there were tonnes of things to see and do, AND the stop we would go to Tomorrowland from in just a couple of days time. I was so excited for that! We had the day off too, so once we arrived in town I could go out exploring with whoever wanted to come, and I planned on having a pretty big night too, I mean, we didn't have to get up and get on a bus or a train the next day, so it felt like a great opportunity.

My sister had messaged to see how I was that morning, so once we were on the move, I replied asking the same thing of her and saying that I was OK. She said she'd been getting some pains, but was alright, and I told her I was looking forward to seeing her when I got back to the UK in a week; that I'd come up to visit on the weekend. She asked about Paige and Matt, so I told her they'd exchanged the big 'L' word... she asked about the tour in general, the places we'd been,  and then she asked me about Oli. Ugh. I didn't really want to admit it, but I told her I'd slept with him again, for a fucking third time, actually a fourth, and she just laughed.

"Sis, I hate to break it to you, but I think you like him." she sent after I told her everything. What the fuck? She was out of her mind.
"I do not like him. I think you have baby brain." I replied. She replied with laughing emojis.
"If you really hated him, it wouldn't have happened more than once, and definitely not SOBER two nights in a row." she sent. Ugh, she was wrong. I didn't like him. He was hot and good in bed, that was all. It actually annoyed me that she wouldn't believe me when I said it meant nothing.
"I don't think it's a bad thing, it actually makes me happy that you are interested in someone again." she said.
"I am NOT interested in him! OMG!!!" I sent back, starting to actually feel annoyed.
"OK, OK, chill. I'm just saying it's OK if you do, that's all." she replied. I told Holly that I had to go and she knew that I was annoyed, but I just wanted some peace. I didn't need to be TOLD how I felt, when I didn't feel any type of way. I put my headphones on and listened to music as I looked at the scenery out the windows; windmills coming into view once we had crossed into The Netherlands like some perfect scene from a tourist guide.

We arrived at the hotel and we immediately went out for lunch; somewhere close to the hotel that the guys had been to previously and wanted to re-visit. It was called 'the greenhouse' so it didn't take a genius to realise what they had on the menu, along with actual food, of course. Jordan ordered a plate of 'hash-brownies'; and once again, it didn't take a genius to know what they were, so I ate one. Paige only nibbled the corner of hers and I frowned at her for not getting involved.
"Come on girl, live a little." I said. She ended up eating about half of one, but that was clearly enough because she definitely loosened up pretty quickly. After eating, we decided to go exploring and the guys wanted to go to something called 'The Amsterdam Dungeon', so I went with them. It was a walk through attraction, based around scary and gruesome stories and while I fucking loved that kind of gory shit, Paige wasn't quite as thrilled. She squealed at every fucking thing, while I mostly laughed. There were several parts where we all screamed though and I latched onto Jordan who was in front of me so fucking hard at one point that he yelped. Oops. Sorry, Fish. The hash-brownie definitely made things more interesting, but it was intense and my poor heart had a workout, that's for sure. As we wandered around in the darkness, I felt arms go around my waist from behind and there was no doubt in my mind who it was given that nobody else would dare to fucking touch me and they certainly weren't Paige's arms. I don't know where Oli's sudden confidence came from or why he thought I would want him touching me. 
"Fuck off, Sykes." I said out loud, causing him to laugh under his breath right by my ear.
"I'm still waiting for you to show me your tongue skills. Name your price." he whispered by my ear. What did he think I was; a fucking prostitute!?
"You're an idiot." I said as I forcefully removed his arms from around me. 

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