19. You're So Full Of Yourself.

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I got up early and went to breakfast on my own, then headed to the pool to just chill out. Honestly, I didn't want to see fuck face Oli before I'd be stuck on a bus with him for four hours later in the day. I was still really fucking annoyed and somehow also upset about everything that had happened at the hotel the night before, I honestly started thinking about just going home again.

I was minding my own business, but Paige arrived not too long after me and claimed the sun-lounger beside mine. To be honest, I was not OK with what had happened last night, how she'd ignored me when I knocked. It felt like she kept doing things for herself and not giving a single shit about me. Honestly, she was being a selfish bitch and a horrible friend.
"I thought I might find you here!" she said happily as she laid down. I didn't respond. "Hey, did you come to my door last night? I swear I thought I heard you?" she said as if she wasn't sure that I did.
"Yeah I did. Matt told you to ignore me, remember yet?" I said sarcastically. I have never been one to dance around the truth and it annoyed me even more that she was playing games now, making shit up to try and make herself feel better. I wasn't afraid of confrontation though, or calling people out on their bullshit and Paige was no exception. She slumped in her chair and looked down. She knew she was busted and she clearly felt guilty - and she should, not even for ignoring me but for lying about it to my face right now.
"Ugh, I'm sorryyyyyy... we were naked and I was...  *giving him a blowjob*" she said, lowering her voice for the last part as if she didn't want anyone to hear.
"Well of course he's going to tell you to ignore me if you're sucking his dick!" I exclaimed loudly, not giving a shit about anyone hearing. "What if I was hurt or in trouble?!?!" I said dramatically.
"I know... I'm sorry. I swear next time I'll let you in, even if I'm face down on the bed about to orgasm!" she stated. I frowned at her.
"Eww. Please spare me the details." I stated. She just laughed.
"So why were you knocking anyway?" she asked. 'Oh, I don't know, only because I was banished to the lobby while Oli fucked some groupie in my room for half an hour and I was about to piss myself...' I thought.
"It doesn't even matter." I replied.

Paige said she needed to get breakfast before the buffet closed so she'd see me later, so I went back to peacefully laying there in the sun with my eyes closed. I was cranky but at least it was quiet seeing as I was pretty much the only one there, at least until my worst nightmare arrived.
"Really? Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck off." I said angrily with an eye roll as Oli walked in with a towel in his hands.
"Sorry, didn't know the pool was only for you..." he rebutted as he threw his things onto a lounger a couple down the row from mine before running and bomb diving into the pool. Mother fucker!!!!! The splash wet me, my towel and my phone and I squealed.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed at him as I wiped my phone dry. He just laughed as his head bobbed up from under the water and it infuriated me.
"I should get in there and fucking hold you under!" I squealed. He just laughed.
"I like making you wet, Sunshine." he winked as he spat water from his mouth like a fountain. I fucking hoped some kid had pissed in the pool water. I grumbled under my breath as I quickly packed up my things and stormed away, back up to the room. I fucking hated him. He was like a fucking immature child, a bully in a way and I felt like I couldn't escape him. It was like he took pleasure in making my life miserable.

When he came back to the room he was shirtless, dripping wet and the beads of water glistened on his tattooed abs as they rolled down his body. I hated that he looked good.
"So you think I'm hot, huh?" Oli asked with a sly smirk as he obviously noticed me looking. Fuck he was the most infuriating person on the planet. I swear he never knew how to shut up.
"You're so full of yourself." I stated with sass. He just laughed.
"I'd rather you were full of me, emphasis on the word full." he said with a wink. My God. Was he kidding?! I looked at him with a look of repulse. "How about it, Sunshine? We've got time before we have to go. I already know you're wet." he winked. Uggghhh. I seriously wanted to kick him in the nuts. He was really getting on my nerves and the sexual comments were becoming intolerable.
"Seriously, do you even realise how fucking inappropriate you are?! You are way too close to a fucking line, Sykes." I stated bluntly. He just laughed then disappeared to the bathroom.

I sat as far away from Oli as possible once we were on the tour bus, though it wasn't the kind of tour bus I'd seen in movies or whatever, more just like a coach with reclining chairs. I put my headphones on and stared out the window as we travelled and I was happy in my little bubble. Honestly, it seemed like everyone apart from Paige and Matt were just on their phones or catching some shut eye and I was relieved for the silence. 

My Sister messaged me while we were travelling, asking how the tour was going and I was happy for the distraction. I'd told her about going, obviously, but I hadn't been in contact with her since we'd arrived and all the shit had gone down with sleeping arrangements and Paige's betrayal. I told her everything and also complained about how Paige was always with Matt, always doing things for herself and not even considering me. 

"Sum, you know you kind of did the same thing when you were with Aaron. You stopped going out with your friends because you were with him all the time... you can't really be mad at her when you did the same thing..." she replied. 

Dammit, why was my sister always right? 

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I replied. Maybe I had been taking it too personally.

"Who cares anyway. What's so bad with the guy you're sharing a room with? Why don't you just hang out with him instead?" she asked. "Wait. You haven't had sex with him and made things awkward have you?! 🤨" she questioned. I practically vomited in my mouth.

"Eww. No. I can't stand him 🤮🤮🤮" I replied.

"Why? What has he done?" she asked. 

I proceeded to tell her all of the annoying things off the top of my head that Oli had done since arriving. I emphasised how much he deliberately got under my skin and taunted me, and about the never-ending sexual comments.

"You know, he only does those things to get a reaction from you. You know how bullies are, if you ignore them they'll go away." she wrote.

"Well it's a little hard to ignore him when I have to share a fucking room with him!" I stated. 

"😂😂😂 Well Sum, you always make the best of a bad situation... maybe you should just start annoying him back. If he makes sexual comments to you, start making them back to him... if he says things that make you uncomfortable, start talking about things that make him uncomfortable. You'll confuse the hell out of him and shut him up momentarily if nothing else. That or just walk around half naked to frustrate him. 😉" she suggested. 

That was actually a great idea. I could parade around in lingerie, I could talk about tampons and periods so he felt awkward. If he wanted to tease me and make me uncomfortable, he had picked the wrong opponent to go up against. 

"You're right. Thanks. I knew you would have a solution for me." I replied as I chuckled to myself.

"You're welcome. Also, are you sure your hate isn't just a mask because you actually have a massive crush on each other? 😏😏😏 You know how they say boys who tease you probably do it because they like you... 😜" she typed. 

"FUCK NO!! We definitely DO NOT like each other! I just vomited in my mouth 🤢" I replied. 

She had no idea.

I asked her how she was, how the baby was... you know, the general stuff. She had apparently just finished the nursery at their place and our Mum was buying so many baby clothes she didn't even have anywhere to put them all, lol. It sounded about right. My Mum was incredibly excited about her first grandchild. Despite not wanting the whole marriage, kids, white picket fence thing for myself, I was happy for my sister and I appreciated how, even when pregnant with a million other things to worry about, she was still always there for me and had time for my silly dramas. She was always honest, even if it was blunt and she gave the best advice. She always did. I guess I was even kind of excited to meet my niece or nephew, just don't tell anyone I admitted it.

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