22. Ridiculous, Obsessed Fangirl.

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The following day was different, it wasn't the usual 'concert day' seeing as the guys were playing a festival that night rather than their own show. The main difference in that was that they didn't need to attend soundcheck, nor be at the venue all afternoon in the lead up to their show... in fact they only had to leave the hotel an hour before their set time, which was just after 7pm. 

I woke up at a leisurely 10am seeing it was one of the most chill days we were going to have on the entire trip; no flights or buses, not even a new city I had to explore quickly. It maybe also had something to do with the fact that I'd drunk quite a lot the night before and not come home until 3am, lol. I was in a much better mood than I had been lately, made only better by the fact Oli wasn't there when I woke up. It was nice to have a moment to myself and not be insulted the second I was awake! 

I prepared to just spend my whole day relaxing and doing nothing much before attending the first festival show of the tour, so I messaged Paige to ask if she wanted to meet by the pool. Oli came back into the room as I was laying there messaging, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his torso; clearly trying to get back at me for the eyeful I'd given him the night before. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look good, but I would never, ever tell him, or anybody that. He didn't need any help with his ego. "Couldn't get lucky last night, huh Sunshine?" he stated with that irritating, smug look that he always had on his face.
"Oh I definitely could, I just chose not to because I'm not a slut like you." I replied without getting out of the bed. He just smirked.
"You must be frustrated. I actually feel bad for you. You know, I'm just about naked and you're already in bed..." he said trailing off. God he was vile. I could think of nothing worse than having him even remotely near me.
"In your fucking dreams, Sykes." I scorned as I got up and headed to the bathroom myself.
"You know it." he replied. Ugh. He was such an idiot.

I spent my day by the pool with Paige, lunching at a restaurant close by with the whole group and doing everything in my power to avoid Oli. I didn't need him killing my vibes and he fucking annoyed me just by breathing, I swear to God. We left the hotel at 6pm to go to the festival and I wore something less 'going out'; shorts, fishnets and a cropped shirt with military boots, something simple but sexy and very festival appropriate... Paige even kind of matched with me, so that was fun. I hadn't been backstage at a festival before, so my eyes were popping out of my head when we arrived. I spotted famous people everywhere from the moment we arrived; including one of my biggest celebrity crushes; Matt from Avenged Sevenfold. Believe me when I say I almost passed out when I saw him.

"Oh my God, Paige. Avenged Sevenfold is right there!" I squealed. Paige just laughed at me because she knew about my pathetic crush on Matt. I'd shown her pictures on Instagram before and told her I was going to masturbate to them, lol. Yes, I was that into him.
"Holy fuck. You reckon I can get near him? He's so fucking hot." I said as I stood staring in the band's direction. Right as I contemplated my next move and tried to figure out how to get his attention, he noticed me staring and kind of smiled. Holy fucking shit. I almost died.
"Paige. I know we just got here, but I'm about to ditch you because the hottest man alive just smiled at me." I stated.
"I would expect nothing less." she laughed. "Good luck!" she added as I walked away without saying anything else.

As soon as I was headed in the direction of my celebrity crush, I was a girl on a mission. I gathered all of my confidence, walked straight over and introduced myself to Matt, aka M Shadows, aka my crush, aka guy I was 1,000,000% going to try and fuck.
"Hi, I'm Summer. Is it hot over here or is it just us?" I stated directly at him. He gave me a look that made my knees weak. Holllllllly shit he was so hot in real life, even better than in my fantasies.
"To be honest, I think it's just you." he replied in a way that told me he appreciated my pick up line. Yessssss.
"I guess it comes with the name... it's definitely you though. I need a fan or something." I said as I dramatically fanned my face. His expression and body language told me that he was interested in me and I was literally dying inside. We chatted and flirted and I played it cool but the way he looked at me gave me butterflies. I know rock stars aren't known to be picky or hard to woo, just look at Oli! But I never thought I would actually be in the position where I had the chance to fuck my famous crush. I was so excited. I could pick up the vibes Matt was giving off and he wasn't trying to get rid of me; quite the opposite in fact. I couldn't believe it. I was pulling out every move in the book as I flirted; touching him and complimenting him like crazy to get him hooked, to make him want me. In all honesty, I was throwing myself at him like a desperate whore or a crazy, obsessed fangirl but he didn't seem to mind. Let's be honest, he was probably used to it.

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