5. Don't Call Me Sunshine.

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I spent the day on the couch and Paige waltzed in at about 2:30pm, still in her dress and heels but with a black men's t-shirt over the top, making her dress look like a skirt.
"Well look what the cat dragged in. You're such a fashion statement." I laughed when I saw her. She just giggled. 
"Matt lent it to me so we could go out for lunch." she gushed.
"He took you out for lunch?" I asked. That didn't sound like the usual thing that happened after a one-night stand, definitely not with someone famous.
"Yeah... we're going out for drinks tonight too. You have to come!" she said, her big eyes looking at me widely with hope.
"Oh yeah, because being a third wheel is really my thing..." I replied sarcastically.
"No, silly. There's a bunch of people coming. We're going to the opening of a cool, new bar and there will be free drinks... You have to come!" she stated. Cool new bar? Free drinks? Count me in.
"Alright, I'll come. As long as I don't have to watch you and Matt practically fornicating and sucking each other's faces off." I replied with an expression of disgust. She just laughed but I was serious. "You just need to find someone to do the same with." she winked.
"Well I tried for Calvin Harris last night, but I couldn't get near him. Too many goons that wouldn't fall for my sweet talk." I laughed. Paige laughed loudly and shook her head at me. "Your confidence never ceases to amaze me." she laughed. 

After showing her all the cool things we got in our after-party gift bags, we got ready to go out together with her new famous friend. We took the underground to Mayfair and met Matt and his friends at some crazy, new nightclub. There were acrobats in the room, burlesque girls and  contortionists... it was pretty weird, but frightfully entertaining. I rolled my eyes when I saw Oli in the group we were going to hang out with, but hey, it's not like I'd have to deal with him - he would be consumed with throwing himself at desperate and drunk women all night anyway.
"Couldn't get enough of me, huh Sunshine?" he asked with a wink as I approached the group. Ugh. I just rolled my eyes. He was so conceited.
"It's Summer, and trust me, I've already had enough of you to last me a lifetime." I snapped back. He just laughed.
"Whatever you say, Sunshine." he replied before walking off. Ugh, he made me so mad. He was so fucking smug!

Oli was acting like a total sleaze all night, ignoring his friends and chatting to only the pretty girls in the room, but the night out was fun and everyone else seemed really friendly, I even got to chat with Matt and figure out that he's actually a pretty funny guy. Maybe Paige's incessant laughing at him wasn't as pretend as I thought it was. The chemistry between them was undeniable and it actually seemed like he was really into her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous at how much attention he gave her, but I didn't want anything serious like that anyway. I hated the idea of a guy being sappy and clingy toward me. Oli left me alone for the most part but was an asshole as always later on; interrupting my conversations and annoying me just to get a reaction and generally trying to get under my skin for his own sick, twisted pleasure... I ended up just leaving the VIP area to avoid him and not feel suffocated by his ego.

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Hahaha, I think she actually despises me. This is hilarious.

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I went to sit at the bar, and as I downed my drink, I watched yet another group of girls approach Oli as he talked with a friend. They weren't slutty bimbos, but still all girls none the less. I watched him nodding as they chatted, I watched him pose for photos with them and I watched as he rolled his eyes when they weren't looking. I guess they weren't 'hot' enough for him... not fans he wanted to fuck around with. It didn't mean he had to treat them any less important though. Asshole. I couldn't help but think about how frustrating it would be to have no privacy though, and it must happen to him all the time; people, girls, going up to him out of nowhere, not even caring if he was in a conversation or something... just to throw themselves at him. No wonder he's so fucking cocky. 

I turned back to the bar and ordered another drink before picking it up, ready to venture outside and see if there was anyone interesting out in the smoking area.
"Did you enjoy gawking at me just now?" Oli asked as I turned to leave the bar. Ugh. Where the fuck did he even come from?
"I wasn't looking at you." I replied.
"You're a terrible liar." he chuckled.
"I guess I've got a lot to learn from you then, you know, since you're no doubt very good at it." I said sarcastically as I stood up from my bar stool. He just laughed.
"You've got one hell of a smart mouth, don't you?" he asked with a grin before stepping closer. "I bet you'd love me to show you what else I'm good at..." he said in a deep voice by my ear. God, he was such a player. I swear the only things he'd ever said to me had been sexual innuendos and pick up lines.
"Do you ever think about anything other than sex?" I questioned in disgust. The way he looked at me made me cringe; like he was already doing dirty, explicit things to me in his mind.
"Not when you're around, Sunshine." he winked. I rolled my eyes and he laughed as I walked away. God he was such a sleaze.

Later in the night, we were all in the booth chatting and Oli was still ignoring his friends to chat up girls in the room. The conversation happening at the table wasn't really my thing, so I was watching the dance floor and I got such a laugh when the girl Oli had been hitting on for ages went home without him. I guess his charm wasn't as good as he thought and I was definitely going to give him shit about it. He deserved it.
"Aww, did your little plaything reject you?" I questioned with a smirk as he came back to our table.
"No." he clapped back automatically. I just laughed. Seeing him get rejected was so satisfying.
"You know, if you weren't such a bitch you might actually be hot." he said to get under my skin.
"Yeah, well if you weren't such a whore you still wouldn't be." I replied. BAM! I was so happy I'd had an immediate comeback to his stupid insult. I was pissed off at his comment though and I knew I couldn't hide it in my expression. He called me a bitch just because I didn't fall at his feet? Said I'm not 'hot' because I wasn't a piece of putty in his hands? Fuck him. He laughed then stepped closer to me. "Come on Sunshine..." he said before leaning closer, much closer. "We both know you want me." he whispered right beside my ear. He then winked at me as he moved away. Ugh! He was delirious. "I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot fucking pole." I said. He just smirked at me with this irritating confidence. "You say that, but you'd be begging for it if you knew how good I'd make you feel." he replied with a wink. UGGGHHHH, he was sooooo frustrating and honestly, bordering on harassing me.

He sat down, so I got up and headed to the bar to get away from him. He made me so mad. I hated guys like him, with their cringe-worthy confidence and the arrogance that filled the air around them. I hated the way guys always thought girls had to fall at their feet and be incapacitated by their stupid fucking pick up lines too. I was disgusted, and even more disgusted by his stupid comment about 'how good he'd make me feel'. I hated so much that it kind of turned me on. For fucks sakes! 

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