27. Ain't No Party Like A Full Band Party.

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I felt a bit bad after not standing up for Summer in front of the guy we'd run into backstage, but it's not like I should have to. She's a grown up, I'm not responsible for her. She had no right to accuse me of being as bad as him either, because I wasn't. Not even close.

I used to party with him a lot when we were younger... not since we'd gotten way bigger than his band had, but I guess we had a pretty fucked up past. We used to hunt women like a fucking pack of wolves and well yeah, use them and treat them like shit - sometimes share them too. We'd definitely fucked girls in the same room at the same time, then swapped, so I knew where his comments about Summer had come from. He was much worse than me though, he'd get women so fucked up that they'd do anything, or at least be too out of it to say no. One time he had six girls backstage, had them fucking line up against the wall then fucked them one after another and humiliated them like it was some kind of sick and twisted fun. I was never involved in that kind of shit! 

Summer was not my problem and I certainly did not feel any responsibility to protect her - she could do that herself, but maybe I should have said something to back her up. He really was a creep.

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I was so fucking annoyed with Oli after he'd just thrown me to the wolves with his friend. I truly knew that he didn't give a fuck about me, but I would never associate with guys who wouldn't at least stand up for a girl who was basically being subjected to some kind of rape fantasy. He was gutless. He must have felt bad though, because he actually called me Summer for the first time ever, not Sunshine. I guess that meant something.

I told Paige about what had happened while the band were on stage and as always, she kind of calmed me down. I suppose at least Oli was there, God only knows what could have happened if that asshole had run into me when I was alone or somewhere entirely deserted... imagine if I was drunk or high! He gave off major predator vibes, that's for sure. Also, as much as Oli was a fucking asshole who sometimes crossed a line with what he said to me, and who treated women like pieces of meat... I don't think he'd ever be as bad as I imagined that guy was. I fucking hoped not since I was sharing a bed with him every god-damn night! Why the fuck would Oli even want to associate with someone like him though? Gross. I put it out of my mind before we went out drinking after the show, just somewhere close to the hotel since it was still raining.

We ended up in a small venue, it was kind of nice though and we all did a few shots once we'd found a booth. I downed three drinks and I danced with Paige for a while, before venturing outside for a cigarette. I hated smoking, but whenever I was drinking, I just craved it. I went outside and struck up a conversation with a guy - my usual tactic for scoring free smokes, but his friend joined us before I could ask and offered me a drag of his blunt. I never turned down offers like that, especially for weed, so I said yes. You only live once anyway, right? I smoked with them for a while and they invited me inside, but I said I'd join them after the cigarette which one of them lit for me. I was pretty happy out there, but I saw Oli arrive and light up not long after I did. I kind of hoped he wouldn't see me, but of course, he did and he came over. Ugh. I regretted my decision not to go inside with the guys.

Oli stood next to me and looked at me as he smoked, no greeting, no insult, no nothing. Was he feeling OK? I was happy to not hear his voice though, so I didn't say anything either.
"You know, I was feeling a bit off tonight, Sunshine." he eventually said as he blew smoke from his lips.
"Uhhh, OK." I replied. Why the fuck was he telling me this?
"Yeah... lucky you're here to turn me on again." he chuckled. What the fuck?
"Oh my God." I stated. His joke-slash-pick up line was the worst thing I had ever heard and I was actually embarrassed for him. Truly.
"Wow, you have truly sunken to a new low. That was pitiful." I said.
"You smiled though." he chuckled. Ugh. I probably had done... AT him though, not because it was funny.
"Yeah well I was just being polite so you didn't feel stupid." I replied as I took a massive hit of my cigarette.
"Since when do you care about how I feel?" he asked with a smirk.
"Oh, I don't." I stated as I put out my cigarette butt, then turned away to go inside.

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