10. Mind Games and Sexy Strangers.

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"You know, Sunshine... that little skirt you're wearing looks good on you. I bet you'd look even better without it though." Oli whispered from behind me as he followed me to the bar again. God, did he not have better things to do than annoy me, and also, did lines like that actually work for him? How fucking pathetic.
"Well keep imagining Sykes, because you won't ever be finding out." I replied without averting my gaze from the bar.
"Are you sure, Sunshine?" he asked in a low voice as he swept my hair away from my neck and over my shoulder. I hated how he played these mind games with me... saying things that would get a physical response from any female with hormones. I also hated how my body reacted to his touch, how his fingers grazing my skin felt like a surge of electricity coursing into my veins. "You should let me rip it off you... so I can see that tattoo you've been hiding." he whispered in my ear. UGH! Seriously?! He was such a creep.
"Don't fucking touch me! What the hell is your problem?!" I said as I moved my shoulder away from his touch and tried to tug my skirt down to cover the edge of my tattoo that was sticking out past the hemline.
"Is there a problem here?" I heard from beside me, a deep voice that I soon realised had come from the lips of a literal GOD of a man. He had short, brown hair and bright eyes, tattoos up his perfectly-toned arms, spacers in his ears and a lip piercing... he looked like all of my fantasies rolled into one. The only way I can describe him is to think of a gorgeous fashion model, then add in the perfect amount of sexy, alternative vibes. He was a solid 10 and even though they had similarities, he made Oli look like a fucking zero.

'Dear universe, please let this guy be single and interested in me' I thought to myself.

"I'm fine, he's just not handling my rejection too well..." I replied to the sexy stranger. He automatically looked at Oli with a frown.
"Come on mate, leave the girl alone." he said to him. My God. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to audibly laugh but I pressed my lips together to hold it in. Oli must have felt so stupid.
"She's all yours." Oli chuckled as he left the bar. I felt so fucking good, like I'd finally gotten one over him. He always got the better of me but now, I'd finally done it to him. But enough about that... I had other things to focus on; ie. the stunning man next to me that I was praying was single. "Thanks for that, I'm Summer." I said with a smile as I gazed at the painfully sexy man beside me.
"Dan." he said in response. "Do you, uh... do you know who that guy was?" he asked me with a grin as if he recognised Oli from the band.
"Yeah, nothing but a pain in my arse." I replied.
"Well, I guess that's good news for me then." he chuckled. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked. Yes. Yes! YES! Thank you universe!!!!

I sat and talked to Dan for a while and I flirted my arse off. I touched him at every chance and complimented him, gave him those coy little smiles and seductive eyes... God, I wanted him so badly. Between Oli talking about ripping my clothes off earlier and the eye candy now in front of me giving me all of his attention, I was hot, bothered and very horny. I asked if he was single, to which he grinned and said yes, so I asked him where he lived and he laughed at me.
"Wow, you're not wasting any time are you?" he questioned with a sexy smirk. 
"I'm not usually this forward, I swear! It's just that you're literally the most beautiful man I think I've ever seen in my entire life." I replied. No guy could be mad at such a compliment, and honestly, things like that usually made them into putty in my hands. As predicted, he smiled and he definitely liked that compliment because he put his hand on my thigh and leaned in to kiss me. Just once, softly and sweetly - enough to leave me practically salivating for more.
"That's funny, because you're the most beautiful woman I think I've ever seen too." he grinned. Lust took over me and I crashed my lips back into his, this time kissing him as passionately as was acceptable in a bar. I wanted him, I wanted all of him. I was so fucking turned on at that moment so I asked him again where he lived. This time he replied, saying he lived a couple of blocks away, so I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar.  

I didn't say goodbye to Paige or anyone else, I just left. I couldn't have cared less about any of them. Dan was so fucking sexy and exactly what I needed to lift my spirits after feeling so rejected and invisible the past couple of times I'd been out. I also loved that Oli had seen it all, that he'd seen how hot Dan was and how he wasn't the only one who could pick up and take someone home.

Dan and I walked quickly to his apartment and as soon as we were inside he pushed me into the wall. "My God, you're so fucking perfect." he said into my mouth as his hands explored my body. I loved the compliment, but I was too busy trying to get his jeans off to really care. He sucked at my nipple rings and pulled my skirt up around my waist and fucked me right there against the wall, just a few steps from the door... like we couldn't even wait a second longer to reach a bed or a couch, or even get fully undressed. Honestly, it was really fucking hot.

We fucked all over the apartment, in different places and positions, each as desperate and lust-filled as the last. He wasn't the best I'd ever had, but his body was stunning plus he was focused on what we were doing and I got off with a little help from myself. When we'd finally exhausted ourselves an hour or so later, I climbed off the bed, not knowing if he was asleep or not. I liked to get away, to avoid any chance of me liking being there, any chance of them wanting something more... that and I had to work in the morning! I needed to sleep in my own bed.
"Are you sneaking out on me?" he asked as I re-dressed quietly. Shit. "You're just going to use me then run away? I'm hurt." he said. What? Oh my fucking God, was he kidding? I did not expect that. "I'm just kidding." he laughed after a pause. OH, THANK FUCK! "Seriously though, can I get your number?" he asked as he continued just laying there. I usually gave a fake number, or offered my Instagram instead since I could block them... but he was gorgeous and had great banter, so I decided to be honest.
"Well, I'm not looking for a relationship or anything like that... but if you want to do this again, no strings attached..." I replied. He sat up and looked at me with so much fire in his eyes.
"You really are perfect aren't you?" he questioned as he handed me his phone. I laughed and put my number in it, my real number, and then I left.

I sat in an Uber back to my apartment feeling confident, fulfilled and all of the good things after a passion-filled night with a super attractive guy. I was happy and even happier knowing I would still get a decent amount of sleep before having to get up for work in the morning, lol. I'd finally broken my streak of hook up failure and made a new, incredibly hot, potential fuck buddy in the process too. I'd had a great night.

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