17. Hot & Bothered.

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It was about an hour later that Oli returned to the room and I was just laying on the bed. He just looked at me and walked past without even saying anything, then stopped in front of his suitcase by the window. He'd obviously been swimming because his hair was wet, creating a wet patch at the back of his shirt. He proceeded to pull the shirt over his head and wander to the mini bar shirtless like he was the only one in the room. He didn't even apologise for what had happened earlier. He was so arrogant. 

As much as I couldn't stand him, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. I mean, his body was wicked with the way tattoos covered pretty much every available inch of his skin. If I didn't know how much of an absolute douchebag he was, like if he was just some guy in a bar I'd never spoken to, he'd be on my radar for sure. He was definitely my type in the looks department, but his personality just ruined it for me. I hated that he was my type, and I hated it even more that I was checking him out as he downed a bottle of water. God it was such a shame that his personality didn't match his good looks. It's funny how the hottest people in the world can seem ugly if you hate them enough.

"You can stare as much as you want, Sunshine. Fantasise away." he chuckled out of nowhere. Ugh. How did he know I was even looking at him?!
"You wish, Sykes." I replied. He just laughed and he had every right to, I was checking him out and he knew it. I couldn't even come up with a decent comeback. "I wasn't even looking at you." I spat out. I was. I totally was. Ugh, whyyyyyyyy did I say that!? I should have just gone back to looking at my phone... all I was doing was giving him more opportunities to be a dickhead.
"Sure you weren't. Don't worry though, I like the way you look at me." he said with a wink.
"Oh yeah? And how exactly do you think I look at you?" I asked as I crossed my arms in front my chest defensively.
"Like you want to put your hands all over me..." he replied confidently. I chuckled to myself.
"Sounds like you're projecting your sexual urges onto me." I scoffed. He didn't even say anything, he just looked at me. Honestly, it was kind of nice to see him not have a quick-witted reply and actually shut his mouth for a moment.
"Stop looking at me like that." he suddenly said.
"Like what?" I questioned.
"Like you're some innocent little girl that ran into the big, bad wolf. We both know you're no angel." he replied. Haha, oh, he had no idea. I just smirked and went back to looking at my phone leaving him to think whatever the fuck he wanted.

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She didn't say anything, she didn't deny it, she just shot me a sly smile; a really fucking sexy sly smile that made every muscle in my body go tense. I hadn't even noticed until now how fucking good she looked until that moment.

I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra... I could also tell by how soft and perfectly shaped her tits were that they were real. I'd noticed them before, I mean, she had a great rack, but not like this. Girls always wear bras to push them up and make them practically fall out of their low-cut outfits, that or they have fake ones that don't move, but the way the fabric of her shirt hugged hers, the way it stretched over them and caressed the roundness of them... Not to mention how I could see the outline of her nipples pressed into the fabric and what looked like it might be a nipple piercing... I could feel my heart rate rising. 

"Hey Pervert, stop staring at my boobs!" she said. Fuck. She caught me. How would I even recover from this?
"Don't parade around without a bra on then if you don't want me to look." I replied. Yeah, not the greatest comeback...
"God, you are such a male!" she snapped. "Of course it's my fault that you're looking. Heaven forbid you have any self control." she said angrily with an eye roll before climbing off the bed and walking to the bathroom. She did have a point, but I wasn't used to having to hold myself back when it came to women, especially not any that were in my hotel room. 

Since we started 'making it' as a band, pretty much anyone I wanted had wanted me just as much, but Summer wasn't like those other girls. No. She was fiery and feisty, she was strong and opinionated... she didn't throw herself at me like all of the others, in fact, I'm pretty certain she hated me. I wasn't used to having to control my urges or keep my thoughts to myself, and I wasn't used to not getting what I wanted either.

The night had barely even begun and I'd already had twenty or so local girls DM me on Instagram about hooking up after the show, but none of them had my attention or caught my eye, not like Summer did every fucking time I saw her and she rolled her eyes at me or shot me a death glare. I don't know why her distain toward me got me so excited but God, it was so fucking frustrating not being able to have her. The more she rejected me the more I wanted her. Since when did any girl get me so fucking bothered anyway?! 

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I went to the bathroom to change into a new set of clothes for the show that night and of course Paige hadn't even messaged me to consult on what we'd wear. We always used to co-ordinate when we went to concerts or music festivals together, but she didn't care anymore. I felt neglected and alone now that she was interested only in her new boyfriend, but I didn't need her. Fuck her. If she was going to prioritise him, then I guess she wasn't as good of a friend as I thought she was. 

Everyone met in the lobby at 6pm to head to the venue and I deliberately sat in the front passenger seat beside the driver, away from everyone else. We ended up stuck in traffic with all of the concert-goers which was a massive pain in the arse. Thank God the windows were tinted and nobody could see in or the fan girls would have probably attacked the van, trying to roll it so they could get to Oli like blood-thirsty, rabid animals. Like he needed any more fucking help in inflating his ego.

When we entered the arena, the electric energy hit me immediately. The crowd was humming, eagerly awaiting the band's arrival, the thump of the bass in the music playing from the support act pumped straight into my veins... I couldn't deny how amazing it was being there. I fucking loved concerts... Maybe I was actually kind of excited for the show. I swallowed my anger and went with Paige up to a corporate box at the back of the venue to watch from there and I was happy with that, at least I wouldn't get shoved or have over zealous fans getting in my personal space. She asked how my day was but I wasn't in the mood, so I gave her short answers and once we were in our private area, I sat away from her. I wasn't ready to forgive her or pretend like nothing had happened. About twenty minutes passed before the lights went down and the crowd came to life, and just when I thought it couldn't get any louder, Oli waltzed onto the stage in the shadows and the stadium completely erupted. I wondered how he felt in that moment, it probably explained why his ego was so fucking massive - having thousands of people screaming just because you're in the same damn room would no doubt be enough to make anyone feel like a God.

Despite the fact that in real life Oli was a total fuckwit, he was actually quite the performer and the show was pretty good. All of the guys were full of energy and hearing thousands of people singing along to their songs was surreal, not to mention the people hurling themselves at each other in the crowd and practically looking like they were trying to break each others' bones. I actually enjoyed their show and although I would never admit it, as a performer and the main focus of their live show, Oli was pretty impressive.

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