3. Bad Boy. Rock Star. Asshole.

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Paige and I chatted and flirted with anyone who introduced themselves to us at the bar, but the few guys that I'd spotted around the room who caught my eye didn't approach. I guess famous people don't usually do the approaching and that would be up to me if I felt the urge later in the evening.
"Oh, I see the guy who gave me the ticket! Let's go over." she said impatiently. I looked over to see who she was looking at as she dragged me toward the entrance.
"Girl, hold up, which guy is it?" I asked. She pointed to a couple of guys who had arrived together and I knew exactly who they were. Well, I recognised one of them anyway. Paige didn't exactly listen to the heavy music I did, so I could understand why she didn't recognise them, but I certainly did.
"I know who they are. They're from Bring Me The Horizon; a metal band from Sheffield. Their music is pretty good but the lead singer is an absolute dickhead." I stated.
"Oh really?" she asked. I just nodded.

I had read all kinds of things about the band's lead singer Oli; he was married and since divorced because he apparently cheated on her with strippers, then he had a nasty, public argument with his wife online... He was always out partying since, hooking up with different girls in different cities, taking advantage of his fangirls, treating them like absolute shit, then throwing them off tour buses in the middle of nowhere... I had read some pretty fucked up accusations. He disrespected and ignored his fans, he was rude and arrogant in interviews and he was always stirring up shit and fighting with people for the sake of it on social media. He was a walking red flag - the perfect, stereotypical image of a cocky, bad boy, playboy rock-star. God I hoped he wasn't Paige's mystery man!
"Which one gave you the ticket? Please tell me it wasn't the one with pink hair..." I pleaded.
"No, it was the other one. Matt or Mike... or maybe it was Mitch?" she said thoughtfully. I just shook my head as she continued to drag me over to them.

She tapped Matt, or Mike or Mitch's shoulder and he actually looked excited to see her when he turned around. "Hey! You made it!" he said, going in for a quick hug as I stood there awkwardly. "This is Oli." he said introducing them. She said hello and he said 'Hi' but he was looking around the room, completely disinterested, like she wasn't even there. So fucking rude.
"Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Matt asked Paige without skipping a beat.
"Oh sorry, yeah this is Summer." she said as she threw me a huge smile.
"Hey." I said feeling kind of awkward. "Uhh, was it Matt?" I asked, to throw a lifeline to Paige - at least she would know his name if I asked, and he would never know she forgot.
"Yeah, nice to meet you." he said. Oli looked me up and down then rolled his eyes and wandered away without so much as a hello, a smile or anything. How rude. He was exactly the asshole that I expected.

I headed to the bar with Matt and Paige and we found a spot to sit by a window together. She was gushing and turning into goop like usual with the attention Matt was giving her, while I just sat there like an awkward third wheel. I should have been having the time of my life in that lavish room full of celebrities, but there I was, sitting un-noticed in a corner like a loser. The room was so packed and there were constant camera flashes going off as superstars arrived and mingled. I recognised a couple of singers from Little Mix and comedian Jack Whitehall, Paloma Faith, George Ezra and I almost spat out my drink when I spotted Calvin Harris across the room. He dated Taylor fucking Swift for crying out loud! He was music and tabloid royalty. I laughed to myself wondering if I would have the balls to go over and talk to him, or if I could even get near enough to talk to him seeing as he had obvious security... I would definitely need more liquid courage to even try it, that's for sure.

I decided to leave the lovebirds and go hang out on my own - anything would be more exciting than watching Paige fawn over her rock star boy toy. Who knows, maybe I'd find my own celebrity interest for the night if I was solo anyway... it wasn't like I usually had problems with getting male attention. I wandered around sipping my fourth G&T of the night, occasionally throwing a small bite of food into my mouth when someone passed with a platter, just minding my own business. It was amazing how everyone seemed to be in their little groups though, whether they were standing or sitting on plush lounges... I didn't really fit anywhere, and unlike in a normal club, guys weren't coming up and hitting on me. Not yet anyway. I was never awkward in social situations, I just needed to strike up a conversation with someone, so I complimented a girl on her dress. I don't even know who she was, but she was cold as ice; looking me up and down with a questioning look then saying 'thanks' like she didn't even mean it. Okkkkk then, guess we'll be moving on. Bitch.

I looked back at the bar and rolled my eyes as Paige sat practically on Matt with her hand on his knee, batting her eyelashes and laughing at what was probably some stupid joke that wasn't even funny. Ugh. As I took another step I bumped into someone and immediately looked around to see who it was. "Watch where you're fucking going." my victim said angrily. God these celebrities were assholes, it's not like I did it on purpose. I was about to apologise when he turned around, but instead I lost my voice. I was mortified. Of all the people I had to fucking bump into, it was Oli. Matt's friend Oli. Asshole Oli. The 'I'm not even going to acknowledge you exist', Oli. "You." he stated as he glared at me. I really didn't like him, he had this air of entitled asshole about him, like he thought the world revolved around him and he was better than everyone else.
"Sorry. I guess I didn't see your gawkish, bright pink hair." I said, taking a dig. He almost frowned at me like he was so taken back that I'd thrown shade at him, probably pissed off that a girl had said such a thing to him in front of his friends... but his expression changed after just a second.
"You know if you want to get close to me, all you have to do is ask." he laughed before his friends joined in. "What was your name again?" he asked with a smirk. Ugh, he was so annoying and such a man whore.
"It's Summer, and sorry to disappoint you, but I have no desire to be anywhere near you. I'm not one of your little groupies." I replied with a beaming smile before walking away before he could say anything else. He was such a dick.

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Wow, OK. Wasn't expecting that from her. Not like I haven't seen this tactic though... Pretend you hate me to catch my attention, lure me in, play the role, then as soon as you let me fuck you, get clingy and try to fucking tie me down or some bullshit... Women are so fucking predictable.

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